
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 24, 2016


Corruption is considered a heinous crime in human society. Islam condemns those who practise corruption. Their income from bribes are considered income that is illegal. Those who take bribes are actually consuming illicit things.
There is someone who considers himself an Islamic scholar (ulama) who said that corruption is not considered a crime under the hudud law. Recompense for this crime will only be received by the perpetrator in the hereafter. The opinion of this scholar will legitimise corruption in the world, even though corruption is forbidden by Islam and hell awaits in the afterlife.
Bribery or corruption or in bazaar language, “makan suap” (mouth-fed), occurs in all countries of the world. The difference lies in the degree of occurrence. There are countries that seemed clean but from time to time there are reported cases of corruption.
In most other countries corruption occurs in secrecy even though there is suspicion and is publicly known. The giver and the receiver knows that corruption is a criminal act. But the victims do not dare speak or expose for fear of reprisal in the future, not only by pressure groups but also by their partners.
But there are also countries where corruption is accepted as normal practice. Every business deal needs that much bribe to be given to officials involved in considering requests.
Corruption not only raise the cost of everything but also disrupt and delay administration. Countries where corruption is rampant are harder to develop. People will suffer as part of the cost of living is swallowed by bribery. Businesses face uncertain costs which can lead to losses. Investors from within and from outside are not interested in investing and this reduces employment opportunities and affect economic development.
High unemployment will press down wage rates. Poverty will befall the population because of low income and unemployment.
The national economy will continue to decline. Indeed, corruption is a misfortune that can befall a nation that is low in moral and shackled by greed.
In Malaysia, corruption was already there since the days of the Malay Rulers. It is better known as “makan suap”.
The British used this approach to colonise the Malay States. But after colonization, the British administration controlled corruption among members of the administration. The level of bribery was not that high to affect the administration of the territories that they occupied.
After independence control over corruption continued and its level is not very high. Furthermore, people and businessmen who were rich were not many and government contracts were very few and small.
The richer the country become the greater the number of license applications and also the contracts and so on. And the amount of bribes has increased. However, the corrupt are aware that corruption is against the law and is considered shameful by the public.
Therefore, this practice is concealed. Bribery is done under the table, that is, it is kept secret by the giver and the receiver.
The Government has established the Anti-Corruption Agency. To some extent this prevents and reduces corruption. Occasionally arrests were carried out by the Agency.
Focus was on politicians in the Government. There were also political bigwigs who were taken action against.
But their corruption is still under the table, concealed. Evidence obtained is by way of a luxurious lifestyle that exceeds their income significantly.
In the ruling party there arose the belief that positions can be an opportunity to enrich themselves. Thus there are many who use bribery to win posts. The quality of leadership goes down. Those who cannot afford to bribe lost. Leadership is dominated by the greedy and who no longer considers corruption as a contemptuous crime .
It is under this situation that come leaders who believe money can achieve everything. The slogan that is believed and practised is “Cash is King”. “Cash” which can act as a “King” would certainly be huge.
This is what we see today in the country’s politics. Money broadly used to gain public support. A variety of excuses were created to give government money for free to a large number of people in order to gain support.
But the amount of money for this purpose must be big and continue to be bigger all the time. The government itself does not have sufficient funds. When the need for corruption rises to millions then other financial sources must be sought.
Similarly, when corruption is practiced, other sources, whether lawful or not, no longer influences their action. Maybe donations or other illegitimate sources are created.
If those in power have no fear of being accused, investigated and prosecuted in court then control through process of law is no longer effective.
Corruption at the upper level becomes so huge that it is publicly known. If at the upper level it is widespread, then at the lower level it is also expanding and practised without fear.
As a democratic country, election is the way to choose representatives who will hold the highest office. According to an English saying “power corrupts”. Even though the people’s power is limited to selection of representatives it still is power.
With this power, people is also exposed to corruption. In a climate of “Cash is King” money can buy the power of people’s votes. So the giving openly of money, rice, electrical appliances to voters are seen where election is being held. And the corrupt secures a lot of votes.
Some people say just accept the bribe, but do not give the votes. But whether or not the votes are given, the act of receiving is still corruption and the money remains illegal. When you have promised to give the vote, illicit money and goods received remain illicit. And most likely the money given is also illegitimately obtained. Thus there is double sin in accepting the bribes.
All of these that happened are no doubt corruption. But because the Anti-Corruption Agency is dominated by the corrupt, therefore no actions are taken. Corruption in this beloved country is becoming widespread.
Now corruption has gone up onto the table.
It is now becoming common thing. Whenever power is given, then corruption will occur. In the general election and the by-elections voters will wait. The magnitude of bribes will determine who governs.
This will mean that the government set up following a General Election is a corrupt government.
Malaysia has been listed among the top ten countries with the highest level of corruption in the world. This is the legacy of a leader of Malaysia. - http://chedet.cc/?

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