
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 24, 2016

Non Scientific Truths Cannot Solve Real World Issues

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Non Scientific Truths Cannot Solve Real World Issues

All religions must believe in some kind of deity or god-hood. Mono-theist or poly-theist. Every religion believes itself to be true.  This means that all religions are exclusive.

You cannot be a Christian and a Hindu at the same time. Both religions do not allow such 'dual-citizenships'. Or a Muslim and a Taoist at the same time. It is always one religion at a time only. This simply means religions cannot tolerate other religions. Religions are  mutually exclusive clubs.

It is proven historically that religions have been violent, more often than not. If any peace prevails among religions in the modern world today it is because it is a 'modern' phenomenon. The human race is more civilised now, well some of us. The human race has crafted common sensical, secular laws which keep religion at bay.  Minus modern civilisation, minus common sensical and secular laws, it is back to the Stone Age of Religion. 

Every religion claims to be true. Every religion claims to possess the truth. But there is no religion on the surface of the earth that can provide scientific proofs to justify its "truths". The Jews say their "god" gave them the land of Palestine including Jerusalem. There is absolutely no scientific proof to back this up.  To others, like the Muslims, this is simply what the Jews say.

The Muslims say their prophet ascended to heaven on a pegassus (a magical four legged winged animal) from Jerusalem. Hence they claim Jerusalem as their holy site. There is absolutely no scientific proof to back this up.  To others, like the Jews, this is simply what the Muslims say.

And it goes on. What the Buddhists say, what the Hindus say and what the Christians say. Religion has absolutely no scientific proof for its beliefs. 

Yet all religions claim to be true. This therefore must necessarily create a special class of truth known as "religious truths". And of course these religious truths have to be 'non-scientific truths'. The  references to Jerusalem should suffice as examples.     You say it is true but you have absolutely no scientific proofs to back up your religious truths. 

Also, by the meaning or the definition of what we know to be  science and the scientific method, this phrase 'non scientific truth' has to be a classical oxymoron.  
Since science means knowledge (scientia = Latin for knowledge) and science is completely evidence based there cannot be any such thing called "non-scientific truths".  Yet that is exactly what each and every religion is made up of :  'non scientific truths' which are devoid of reason, logic and scientific evidence.

What does this mean in the real world? What does this mean to the human race? It means that whenever religion meets the real world, religion can and will create problems. And throughout history, until today, religion has caused problems. This has been historically proven.

The real world that we live in runs on things that we do with real objects around us.  Things that we can see, touch, count, hear, taste and so on.  If we wish, if we want to, scientific methods can be called upon to assist and resolve everything that we do in the real world.  Science can provide solutions, even in the realm of politics.

Religion cannot. It becomes really chronic when people propose to solve problems that have been created by "non-scientific  religion" by referring to the same "non-scientific religions" which created those "non-scientific problems" in the first place.  

The Jews insist their "god" gave them that piece of land and the hill. The Muslims insist there was a magical animal that took the prophet to heaven and back from the same spot.  These are 'non-scientific' arguments.

The entire progress of the modern human race  is because of science : logic, reason and evidence.  Contrast this with the entire premise of religion which is based on no logic, no reason and no evidence. 

"Non scientific truths" cannot solve real world problems or provide real world solutions.

Syed Akbar Ali  

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