
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ministers appear to be jostling for 'Clown of the Month'

Image result for najib cabinet

YOURSAY | ‘It is just the start of the month and we now have two very strong candidates.'
Ex-PJ: There must be a competition to be the Umno clown of the month. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan has just outdone Rural and Regional Development Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who made an idiotic statementa few days ago.
The competition is really fierce, it is just the start of the month and we now have two very strong candidates for this honour.
Basically: Abdul Rahman doesn't believe the report, since no one in Perak has died of starvation yet, as Malacca CM Idris Haron said last month.
Jaycee: How can the politicians relate to the less fortunate when they move around in Mercedes Benz and Bentleys? Even the air they breathe is fresher.
Hopeless: Good one, Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming. Maybe his advisor is Lester Melanyi.
Drngsc: Ong, he is an Umno minister. He is not supposed to know how to think. The moment he can think for himself, he will be sacked. He would be in Parti Pribumi Bersatu.
The other Langkawi MP Nawawi Ahmad is worse. He does not know that he is being paid by the people and that he is a servant of the people.
And the other fellow Kedah Menteri Besar Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah is only a SPM graduate.
That is Umno's standard. What more do you expect?
Onyourtoes: When we have statistics that we think doubtful, we first check the authenticity and the validity of the data, not urge the relevant parties to meet. He wants to meet for what? To change the numbers you dislike?
This is the problem with a nincompoop who suddenly becomes minister of economic performance. Why not ask him what is mean, medium and mode first? Why not ask him about variance and standard deviation, normal distributions and other measures of dispersion first?
What is his qualification, Masters in Apply Polishing Studies?
AJ: Abdul Rahman, perhaps you can just fix the numbers. Make it out as if Perak, for that matter Malaysia, is so rich that the country's lost billions are chicken feed in comparison.
Anonymous #05023297: This is a usual case. Umno bigwigs will say... "I'm instructing this and that to do this and that," without really even making an attempt to fully understand the situation.
A case of spending too much time on top of a cushy chair.
Ali Baba: Other than being good in flattering his boss, what else is this minister good at? A minister in charge of the Economic Performance Unit (EPU), and knows nothing about statistics? Malaysia is surely doomed.
Anonymous_1419577444: No man is infallible and Abdul Rahman is just but one. He's supposedly one of the brightest ones, so we can all imagine what about the rest.
But when one steps back and looks at that party holistically, it is clearly understandable.
Their leaders need not be educated at all, they just need to be fierce enough to be able to shout loudly, dare to invoke race and religion to achieve one's aim, allegedly take money from public coffers ... none of these need intelligence.
Tan Kim Keong: Indeed, Abdul Rahman is apparently considered the more intelligent one, when compared with others in the cabinet.
How in God's name is this country going to be known for having astute, knowledgeable and competent cabinet ministers?
Demi Rakyat: We cannot expect anything much from those Umno leaders. All of them are really quite dense, actually.
Anyone who has some sense has already left Umno. Those remaining are those of ‘otak udang’ mentality.
Gaji Buta: Why the surprise at Perak's poverty level? There is no activity in Perak, except a couple of universities. The state is one big retirement home.
Sherlock: Like most ministers in the government, when the job is just to please only the boss, you do not need much of a brain.

It is a very common trend, just pick any name, especially from Umno.
Boeyks: The chosen one had said that he prefers loyal members instead of intelligent ones, especially ‘dedak’ eaters and ‘cari makan’ ones. So what else is new? - Mkini

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