
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 2, 2016

Onus is on PM to show proof, not Muhyiddin

YOURSAY | ‘If Najib is innocent, he must sue Muhyiddin for claiming the PM is a thief…’
Victor Johan: Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, let's start by you producing evidence that you met the Arab royal donor of the money transferred into PM Najib Razak's personal bank account.
Didn't you mentioned again later that it was not the donor but his representatives that you met. Whatever, just tell us from whom those 'royal donations' came, the amount of donations in total and the mode of transfer.
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has a different story in its civil suit charge sheet registered in the court in Los Angeles. But this shouldn't stop you from revealing your side of the 'truth'.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: Do you mean we are supposed to believe the billions that went into the PM's account was a donation just because Najib and you said so?
We are to believe that simply because you met the 'donor', we are all to accept that as evidence of a donation made. Proof goes both ways.
The PM has not come out and convincingly made a case of innocence. Yet, we are to believe what he says as truth.
If the money was not for personal gain, tell us exactly where it went. Prove that it was used for the benefit of the country. Umno has a lot of proving to do and it has done a poor job of it so far.
Fairman: If Najib is innocent, he must sue former DPM Muhyiddin Yassin for claiming the PM is a thief before a crowd in Ketereh last Friday. This is serious since Najib's immediate past DPM is making an allegation in public.
So it does not matter whether there was RM2.6 billion or RM4 billion in Najib's account.
So Zahid, what is your agenda in calling Muhyiddin to show prove that there was RM1 billion in Najib's account even before the so-called Arab donation?
Rick Teo: Najib should prove his innocence by producing his Ambank account for the relevant years. That way, the public can see whether there was indeed a RM1 billion in his account as claimed by Muhyiddin.
Why is Najib keeping silent and his sycophant barking for him?
KnockKnock: Indeed, shouldn't it be Najib to ask this question? Who are you to speak for Najib? Doesn't Najib has a mouth to talk? Najib should speak out and sue Muhyiddin for this blatant accusation.
This is the problem with Umno where the chief's words could only be heard by his followers and not by the people at large.
Senior Citizen: Zahid, since you are challenging Muhyiddin to provide evidence, will you (as home minister) arrest Najib if someone can come out with the evidence?
You have to state what you are going to do if there is indeed evidence.
Sarawakian: Bank accounts are confidential. It’s not Muhyiddin but Najib who has to prove he doesn't have RM1 billion in his account.
Get the bank to deny it. Or better still ask Najib to give authorisation for Muhyiddin to request his statement from the said bank.
Kim Quek: Well done, Muhyiddin. More of such public rallies should be held in Malay heartland to enlighten them of the truth.
And the truth, when properly understood by the Malay masses in the rural area, would save the country from the evil clutch of this corrupt-to-the-core regime.
To drive home the message even more vividly, the billions should be equated to some easily understood tangible units. For instance, for every billion ringgit stolen, the government could have built 20,000 low-cost housing units, providing shelters for 100,000 have-nots.
Hence, for the RM28 billion (converting from US$7 billion) found missing from 1MDB by the auditor-general, the government could have built 560,000 housing units, housing 2.8 million have-nots.
Anonymous 350791436750385: This is really a first in the world. Malaysia deserves a gold medal for having the most corrupted PM even in the world. Not only this, he succeeded in staying in power even after all evidence is out in the open.
Other aspiring corrupted leaders in the world should come to Malaysia to learn from him and his methods.
Of course, Malaysia will also go on record very soon as the fastest country in the world to become a fail state.
JD Lovrenciear: Malaysians are still in slumber. Meanwhile, citizens the world over are perplexed as to why Malaysians are not bothered with so much of expose on the billions.
We are still talking while Najib is aligning his forces with piles of cash. Our sovereignty, our welfare, our dignity is getting crushed on the boulders of justice in the four corners of the world.Hardboiled: It would be simpler if there was a royal commission that allowed all these whistleblowers to declare information without fear of retaliation.

Protect them and their families. Get to the truth, clean up the mess so we can move forward. -Mkini

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