
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 2, 2016

Will you faint or die if you see RM4b in your bank account?

YOURSAY | ‘Nazri, why don’t you prove Muhyiddin wrong? Why is it so difficult?’
GE14Now!: After having taken a little hiatus, it appears that Tourism Minister Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz is back, along with his verbal diarrhoea.
Whether a person nearly faints or dies outright is not the issue here. The crux of the matter is that there was RM2.6 billion in the PM's personal bank account (the PM admitted to having that amount although he did a Hillary Clinton and lied about the origins of the money).
One can only conclude that Nazri does not engage his brain before he puts his mouth into action.
That he still supports the alleged grand corruption is beyond belief, until of course one realises that he is from Umno, and Umno condones corruption.
MalaysiaCowDoFlies: Indeed, who cares whether one faints or dies?
What is more important is what you are going to do if you see such a huge sum of money in the country's leader’s bank account? Report him to the police or suck up to him?
Tholu: Nazri, would you have died or just fainted if you had instead seen RM2.6 billion in PM Najib Razak's personal account?
Actually you should have been 65 percent (RM2.6 of RM4 billion) dead a couple of years ago since by his own admission he had that much of money in his account allegedly donated by an Arabian prince.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: This is the kind of response by cabinet ministers that make you cringe.
They totally lack sophistication, professionalism and dignity in the way they communicate.
Dont Just Talk: Nazri, there is no necessity to faint or to die if you see RM4 billion in PM Najib's account.
The solution on whom to believe is very simple - just get Najib and former DPM Muhyiddin in the mosque and swear on the Quran, and follow the British Special Air Service (SAS) motto, ‘Who dares win’.
Maxit: Nazri, why don’t you prove Muhyiddin wrong? Why is it so difficult? Just ask former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail or ask the bank for details.
And why do you defend Najib? Najib can defend himself by just showing his bank statements.
Ex-PJ: It's too bad that Najib did not shown you the money, Nazri. Malaysians would have one less clown to deal with.
Odin TajuĂ©: Billions has been stolen from 1MDB to be gambled away in casinos, indulge in orgies of sex, drinks and drugs in bacchanalian parties, produce films with censorious contents, acquire all sorts of ultra-expensive assets, and open nightclubs serving ‘haram’ consumables and employing half-naked women, and the Malaysian government can’t even give full loans to students and never mind scholarships, but not a squeak has come from any of the entities in Malaysia that proclaim themselves defenders of Islam.
Obviously, the religion they practise and defend approves of grand thievery, exposing of female skin and enjoying of illicit carnal pleasure and partaking of ‘haram’ things.
Cogito Ergo Sum: So 1MDB money was allegedly used to fund nightclubs. Is there vice that has been left out? State funds used for gambling, raunchy movies and now, nightclubs.
Can anyone guess that this is supposed to be a country that espouses syariah law?
KKKSSS: If these findings are true, how can we, a Muslim-majority nation, allow our money to find its ways into nightclubs, alcohol-drinking parties, and casinos?
Sad indeed, and shouldn't PAS say something?
Negarawan: The moral scandal behind 1MDB is just as shocking and disgusting as the financial scandal. The whole world is now aware about the massive scale of money laundering and financial fraud involved.
However, the shameful moral decadence and debauchery of the 1MDB perpetrators are also being revealed inadvertently.
1MDB funds were channelled by the Muslim perpetrators to making a sexually-explicit movie, gambling activities, wild sex parties with Hollywood prostitutes, extravagant alcoholic drinks, sexually permissive nightclubs, etc.
What is even more disgusting is that the chief 1MDB perpetrator is trying to mislead the rakyat into believing that 1MDB is "Islamic" by sponsoring thousands of haj pilgrims, hiring a Muslim CEO, quoting Quranic verses, taking Islamic loans, etc.

The Muslim 1MDB perpetrators are using their religion as a cover for their financial crimes and lives of debauchery. May God Almighty serve his divine justice on them.- Mkini

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