
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 13, 2017


Image result for jho low cartoon

Wow folks. This is real life that is stranger than fiction. Just like in Tamil Nadu the recently expired former movie star Chief Minister Jayalalitha perhaps died days or weeks earlier. The crooks embalmed her body and had everyone believe that she was being secluded in an ICU in the hospital. First a hospital in Chennai. Now they say that she was actually secretly flown out to a hospital in London. Donno if the Brits can confirm their end of the story though.  I must put a disclaimer - these are the many versions of the story.  I have stopped following the story. Maybe just wait for the movie to come out.

Stranger things have happened and are happening in Malaysia.  Yup its 1MDB again.    You must read the latest report from The Thingy here.     

As I said earlier, this is simple thievery.  Ini kes curi. The 1MDB related cases (four so far) are being heard in the Singapore courts. The nitty gritty of the thievery are now coming out in Court.

Forged letters, dummy companies and now fake signatures or pretending to be someone else (who may not even have existed). There must be at least one event of "hiding behind doors" somewhere along the line.

The Thingy says that the person signing cheques as Eric Tan could be none other than Hippo herself  ! !  She wanted to control the money.

Here is an excerpt :


Who was the actual signatory on the accounts?

Last week The Thingy connected the dots and concluded that the name of ‘Eric Tan’, the beneficial owner of several 1MDB related bank accounts, appeared to be merely an alias for the master-mind behind the thefts, Jho Low.

Now, the Singapore court has confirmed this suspicion, explaining that the Falcon Bank branch boss, Jans Sturzenegger, had confessed that Jho Low told him he used the identity on certain occasions ‘for security purposes‘. 

Sturzenegger was sentenced to 28 weeks jail and a fine for initially lying to the authorities and failing to report suspicious transactions, making him the first western banker to be convicted in this affair.

That Tan was actually Low confirms the point made by The Thingy  that someone who has stolen billions of dollars would be highly unlikely to trust the money in the hands of another.  

It was for this reason that it was obvious Low would not have put a genuine associate in control of these vast accounts.

However, Low was not the only player behind this sorry saga and there were others who likewise were anxious for their own assurances.

The Thingy has heard through very well-placed sources that there was therefore a check on the use of these accounts, which was that the actual signatory was not Jho nor Eric, but someone else.  That signature was needed to authorise payments.

The Thingy has been told that this signatory was a woman with whom Jho Low was closely associated in the matter of 1MDB.  

So, when insiders informed us over a year ago that Hippo had complained over Jho Low’s spending, exclaiming “It’s my money as well”, perhaps this is what they were referring to?

My comments :  I have always wondered about this part. The husband acted as the 'receiving agent'. But surely Hippo must have put in some control mechanism to make sure that she was in full control of the money.

This is where Eric Tan comes in. 

And ..  .. jeng jeng jeng Tanore Finance. 

"Tanore Finance, the company which passed on the cash, was in the name of Jho Low’s associate, Eric Tan .."

Well we know now that Eric Tan was JoLo (with Hippo as signatory??)  

Therefore Tanore Finance was also JoLo and Hippo.

Lets refresh our memory a little folks : recall that on 22 March 2013 Tanore Finance transferred US$835 million into MOI's accounts at Ambank. This was part of that famous RM2.6 billion. (Would you believe it, the exchange rate was only RM3.11 ! ! )

NOW HERE IS THE OTHER BLOCKBUSTER :  That pendek fellow confirmed that the RM2.6 billion was a donation and that after a certain amount was used, the balance of the donation was returned to the same source.

Folks there was no donation. 

The source of the US$835 million or RM2.6 billion "donation" was Tanore Finance which was owned by a fake "Eric Tan" who is actually JoLo whose bank accounts were also co-signed by Hippo.  (And one Jasmine Loo Ai Swan.)

After deducting for election expenses, the balance remaining from the RM2.6 billion was  "returned to the same source".  

What this means is that the balance money was sent back to the Hippo's control at Tanore Finance's account in Falcon Bank. 

The Singaporeans know this. Well no big deal, the Singaporeans would know the facts of the case.  If that is what happened then the Singaporeans would find out from their investigations. You cannot hide things like this.

This is a really serious twist to the whole crime. The Singaporeans will issue a warrant of arrest for JoLo. They should or they must. Now they can also issue a warrant of arrest for Hippo ! ! Instead of MO1 ! !   It will be a great face saving device for 'across the straits relations' if MO1 was left out of the Courts in Singapore. But not the wife.

In fact this information already implicates the wife. The warrant may be issued for her instead. Or maybe the Americans or the Swiss may do it instead.

As the stomach churns.   

1 comment:

  1. This is fitnah unless there is proof.why this malafide?


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