
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 25, 2017


MCA is going to oppose RUU355 even if it causes Barisan Nasional to break up. Liow then gave the reasons why it opposes RUU355, which is exactly the same reason as DAP gave. Liow says the Sharia jeopardises national unity. Actually Chinese schools jeopardise national unity because many Chinese cannot even speak the National Language properly. Does MCA want to talk about that?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The MCA President, Liow Tiong Lai, said he is not anti-Islam but his party is going to vote against the Sharia Amendment Bill, a.k.a. RUU355, although he confessed he has absolutely no idea regarding the details of the Bill. (You can read more below)
Liow gave his reasons why MCA is opposed to the Bill. First of all RUU355 violates the Federal Constitutional of Malaysia. Secondly, the passing of this Bill will elevate the status of the Sharia courts to that of the civil or common law courts — or may even make the Sharia courts above civil or common law courts. Third, RUU355 jeopardises national unity and compromises nation-building.
I suspect Lim Kit Siang or his people must have prepared Liow’s script because this is exactly what someone from DAP would say. This just proves that MCA is competing with DAP to see who can be more Chinese. Whatever DAP does MCA can do better. Whatever DAP says MCA can say more. How stupid DAP can be MCA can be even more stupid.
Sigh…why don’t MCA just leave Barisan Nasional and go join Pakatan Harapan and once and for all be done with it? After all, Liow said, “MCA is prepared to oppose the proposed amendments to the Shariah Courts Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1965 in the Dewan Rakyat, even if it jeopardises the ruling coalition.” So just go, berambus, now, and save everyone a lot of grief.
Freedom of opinion and speech is fine. You even have freedom to be an idiot if that is what you want to be. But Liow’s statement is making Chinese stupid. It is bad enough many Chinese do not even know how to speak the National Language properly. Now you are making them even more ignorant with your ignorant statements.
Islam comes under the Rulers and is not for MCA to decide
On Liow’s point number one: in what way does RUU355 violate the Federal Constitutional of Malaysia? Which Article in the Constitution does it violate?
On the second point, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad already elevated the status of the Sharia courts to that of the civil or common law courts when he was Prime Minister. Did Liow not know that? How the hell can he become the President of MCA if he does not even know a fundamental thing like that? Is MCA so desperate and lacks people who can lead them that they have to elect an idiot as a President?
This is one of the issues against Mahathir. He elevated the status of the Sharia courts to that of the civil or common law courts and now there is a problem of jurisdiction: such as when one spouse is Muslim and another is non-Muslim and they divorce or have a child custody battle then which court do they go to (and what happens when the two courts come out with conflicting rulings)?
This is the problem that Malaysia is currently facing and it is Mahathir and not RUU355 that caused this problem. And the President of MCA should know this and should explain this to his Chinese people instead of confusing them further with nonsense.
On Liow’s third point: in what way does RUU355 jeopardise national unity and compromise nation-building? Please explain! What does, in fact, jeopardise national unity and compromises nation-building is DAP and MCA saying that they need Chinese schools because the government schools are very low standard. They are in essence telling the Chinese to boycott government schools and go to Chinese schools.
Then, not enough do they demand that the government set up Chinese schools, they also set up private Chinese schools and complain that the Chinese are being discriminated against because the government refuses to finance private Chinese schools. Not even in the UK does the government finance private schools. Private schools are private schools and that is why they cost a lot of money to enter: because they are private schools and get no government funding.
By playing up this issue of no funding for private Chinese schools it makes it appear like the ‘Malay’ government is discriminating against the Chinese. And even the western media that does not understand this issue, and picks up what MCA and DAP say, report about Malaysia discriminating against the Chinese.
That is what jeopardises national unity and compromises nation-building.
Chinese Tsunami
DAP and MCA Chinese are united against Barisan Nasional
MCA thinks that Umno is weak and is in trouble because Mahathir is going all out to try to destroy Umno. Hence MCA wants to take this opportunity to blackmail Umno. We know that in 2008 and 2013 the only way 90% of the Chinese could have voted opposition would be because MCA members and supporters also voted opposition. If just DAP members and supporters voted opposition how can it have been 90% Chinese voters?
In the 2008 general election 3.8 million Malaysians voted opposition. In 2013 it increased to 4.9 million. And 90% of the Chinese voted against the government. Now tell me, do you need to be a maths genius from a Chinese school to know that this can only happen if MCA people voted against the government as well?
So, MCA threatens that if RUU355 is passed this may break up Barisan Nasional. Good! Then let Barisan Nasional be an Umno-Malay-led coalition while Pakatan Harapan can become a DAP-MCA-Chinese led coalition. Then at least the political divide would be much clearer and there will no longer be any confusion as to whether MCA is with the government or MCA is a DAP Trojan Horse.
Liow Tiong Lai
MCA will vote against shariah law amendment, says Liow
MCA president says there must be no compromise with anyone trying to rock the basis of nation-building and unity in the country.
(Free Malaysia Today, 24 Jan 2017) – MCA says it is prepared to oppose the proposed amendments to the Shariah Courts Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1965 in the Dewan Rakyat, even if it jeopardises the ruling coalition.
In an exclusive interview with Sin Chew Daily, MCA president Liow Tiong Lai said his party’s stand was clear and firm that they were ready to vote against the amendments that will now be tabled by the government.
“If the contents are the same or similar to the one tabled by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang in a private member’s bill last year, then we will vote against it.”
“Even if we only have seven MPs, we will all raise our hands to oppose it,” Liow told the Chinese-language daily.
He added that if Umno were to press on with Hadi’s Bill and collude with PAS, the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition would be on the verge of collapse.
Liow said it was Umno who would then be at fault should the “unconstitutional” Act be tabled without taking into consideration the feelings of other BN parties.
“Whoever implements and agrees to this unconstitutional bill will be the culprit that divides the BN. It is not MCA that will destroy the BN spirit, but Umno,” Liow was quoted as saying by Sin Chew Daily.
Liow said the main reason why MCA was against the Bill was that it would put shariah courts above civil courts.
“Currently, even if the Kelantan state government has passed the hudud law, it cannot be implemented.”
“However, if Hadi Awang’s proposals were to be adopted, then the jurisdiction of shariah courts will be expanded to become equal or even higher than the civil courts so that the states can now implement hudud,” he told Sin Chew Daily.
Liow, who is also Bentong MP, said having two different laws in place was also not good for national unity.
“One of MCA’s missions is to preserve national unity, and there must be no compromise with anyone attempting to rock the basis of nation-building.”
Calling for Malaysians to come together to fight the Bill, the MCA president clarified that such a call must not be seen as being anti-Islam.
“MCA is not against the Act per se, but we oppose the amendment proposals by Hadi Awang.
“The amendments taken over by the government must be carried out in accordance with the country’s Federal Constitution before it will get the approval of MCA,” Liow said, according to Sin Chew Daily.
He admitted that he was still unclear as to the contents of the amendments and that the Cabinet had not had any discussion on the matter as yet.

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