
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Justice has to prevail, even for truckers

YOURSAY | ‘How did the cops manage to arrest five persons without an identification parade?’
Vijay47: Congratulations, Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs Alliance of Malaysia (Ikhlas).
Despite representing a member of a humble profession facing people of great might and influence, you stood by your colleague in a show of solidarity. This must surely be assuring and comforting to truck driver Nasrul Faiz Zulfahmi.
My advice to you, Nasrul, is to stay the course, there would be many moves to bribe and intimidate you from sticking to your police report even though it is now a criminal matter over which you no longer have a say.
Of late, there is this tangible stink of people in power being allowed to get away with havoc and this descent is almost inevitable seeing how there is selective enforcement of the law almost on a daily basis when politicians in high places are allowed free reign to do as they please.
Faiz's report may be that little step towards ensuring that servant or lord, ruler or serf, everyone is equal before the law.
One final question, inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar, how did the police force manage to arrest five persons without benefit of an identification parade?
AJ: Good work, truckers. Justice has to prevail in all circumstances. I know it's hard work to get the police to notice. Unfortunately, that's the norm.
Ahbengkia: There are always two sides to a story. I don't quite believe people can be that violent if not provoked. The police should investigate properly to find out who had caused it.
Anonymous #13114320: But I think we probably missed one point that is what happened prior to that?
What did the truck driver say? Did he say something that provoked the other driver? Remember, too, that many of these truck drivers are bullies on the road.
Justice for Malaysia: Whether they were provoked on not, no one has the right to take the law into their own hands. A wrong is a wrong, no matter what.
If a couple could be sentenced to jail for 14 days for a lesser offence (just to prevent an officer from issuing a summons), this group of thugs should be sentenced to at least a year in jail.
Fairnsquare: Whatever said and done, when five people attack one individual, it is an act of cowardice. These bullies must be charged and if they acted on instructions, whoever issued the order must also be charged.
If not, the 'Datuk' must be spared the embarrassment and not be dragged into this.
Anak Wak Mamik: First and foremost, it has nothing to do with race. It was about Malaysians who beat another fellow citizen without mercy and sensible justification.
This is a very, very despicable act of lawlessness.
Abasir: Going by the sequence of events and the manner in which law enforcers have allegedly dragged their reluctant feet, it is clear that the mastermind who oversaw the assault is allegedly connected to the usual lowlife in high places.
That is the only reason balaclava-clad policemen did not jump over fences in the dead of the night and pull out the connected scumbag and shove him into an unmarked van.
Here is a case of alleged criminal assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm or even death by not one but a gang of thugs. And yet it has taken almost a week for arrests despite the video and the public outcry.
Ikhlas should extract from the thugs an amount equivalent to the value of the Mercedes Benz for the injured Nasrul.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: If a driver was involved in accident, he or she would be arrested within 24 hours. But this case happened on Jan 14, and the arrests were only made on Jan 20.
If a Mercedes or BMW is parked at a no-parking area, the police allegedly close one eye. But if a Kancil or Suzuki is parked at the same spot, somehow a notice would be issued by the police.
Negarawan: Doesn't the alleged criminal behaviour of these so-called Datuks, Datuk Seris or Tan Sris bring shame and disrepute to the royal institutions that bestowed them these titles?
To the rakyat who are being victimised by many of these irresponsible culprits with fancy titles, it is completely unacceptable. We have seen too many cases in recent times.
Anonymous_1372130686: It looks like a title appear to be a passport for thuggish behaviour. Little wonder people are chasing for titles, even getting them from unrecognised sources.
Dont Just Talk: Car and lorry accidents happen every day and over a minor accident, it was uncalled for when the bullies not only threw punches on the lorry driver but also gave him flying kicks as shown in the video.
However, it is needless for the truckers to protest in front of the police station, when police action has been taken against the bullies. Let them have their day in court and let the law takes its course.
Worldly Wise: Road rage must be effectively checked by law enforcers. Otherwise, it will become serious.
KSD: Questions for the police force. Why was action only taken when video went viral? Why did the original investigating officer not act immediately and instead announced both parties had settled the case and there would be no further action?
Based on the video evidence, will the suspects be charged for attempted murder? The way the assailants kicked the driver, there was a clear intention to kill.
Politician: "We know who their friends are. Don't wait until we go to their houses (to arrest them)," said Selangor deputy police chief Mohamad Fuad Abdul Latiff, "while cautioning the public to not take matters into their own hands."
taken things into their own hands. What are the police going to do with these people first?

Wake Up: With increased vehicles on the road, more motorcyclists without driving licence, no strict enforcement of reckless drivers including 'VIPs' cars flickering their headlamps as a threat to others to give way, over-speeding especially by heavy vehicles, and finally extending discount to those who don’t pay traffic fines ... why do we have to be baffled?- Mkini

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