
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nazri To Buy Proton Iriz And Become Uber Driver, No "High Income Nation" In Tourism Malaysia, Fully Shuts Down, "Falling Ringgit Good For Malaysia" said Woody Wood Brain

Image result for nazriImage result for Proton Iriz and Uber

Last nite I accidentally (yes accidentally) switched on TV1. There was a guy from Fama talking (I think he was the Director of Fama). The guy was talking total rubbish. And he had air liur (sticky saliva) sticking all over his mouth as he was talking on TV. Gross betul.

Folks they are going to screw up the harvesting, supply and distribution of vegetables. The guy was saying the gomen will introduce grades for vegetables. Grade A, B, C etc.  Then the prices of vegetables must reflect their new grading system. And then the supply chain must follow their new grading system. He did not say how they will determine grade A kangkung, grade B sawi or grade C taugeh?

I foresee absolute, total disaster. If the market wants to develop its own grades, let the market do so. Some places already have different pricing for fish of different grades.  The market knows what to do. 

The market has its own regulation. It is called "if the vegetables are not fresh, the people will not buy them".

Then this Fama fellow said a kilo of Harum Manis mango sells for RM30 - RM40 PER KILO !!  I dont know which hutan this guy crawled out from.  Even Musang King Durian does not sell for RM30 per kilo. We can get Harum Manis for about RM10 per kilo.

You can buy the world's best mangoes (which are imported from India and Pakistan) at TMC Bangsar or Syed Restoran (also in Bangsar) for RM15 per kilo.  Where did this guy learn that Harum Manis mangoes sell at RM30 - RM40 per kilo?

Clueless people running the government. The people will suffer more and more.

Anyway, here is more news from the clueless.  

Recall the super woodbrain saying that the falling Ringgit was good for Malaysia? 

Well here is Berita Harian quoting super woodbrain saying that all Tourism Malaysia offices are shutting down dengan serta merta:

  • Kementerian Pelancongan tutup semua pejabat Tourism Malaysia serta-merta
  • bagi mengelak pertindihan kerja yang dijalankan di UPEN masing-masing
  • Nazri kata setiap negeri ada pejabat pelancongan masing-masing
  • katanya kementerian akan wujudkan pusat penerangan ikut wilayah 
  • Pulau Pinang, Terengganu, Johor, Kuching dan KK serta-merta
  • Kita "berasakan" lebih baik Tourism Malaysia ditutup tanpa membuang pekerja 
  • "kita menjimatkan kos sehingga RM6 juta setahun," katanya
  • Selanjutnya di : http://www.bharian.com.my/node/238545

My comments : Woi kawan, there is no Malay word "berasakan". Its 'merasakan' ok.  I checked with Dewan Bahasa and they say 'pastikan dieja dengan betul'. 

If Tourism Malaysia "bertindih" with UPEN masing-masing then why did you set up Tourism Malaysia in the first place?  Lojik tak ada lah brader.

Cakaplah terus terang brader, gomen tak ada duit. 

What about the annual  RM300 juta, RM600 juta atau entah berapa ratus juta budget for advertising and promotion in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, South Pole and North Pole yang diagih-agih kepada syarikat "tertentu" ? Itu mesti jalan lagi kan ?

The guy also says all the staff will be retained. 
Ok. But doing what? 
Office sudah tutup. Kerja sudah tak ada. 
Habis staff nak buat kerja apa? 

Absorbed by other departments ? Bertindih lagi. 

Someone once advised me - dont talk about this guy. He is too dumb.

Folks, it is obvious. The gomen is shutting down. The previous post showed Gauth Jasmon former VC of UM saying that UM will go bankrupt in three to five years. I hear talk that the gomen has budgeted for salaries for IPTAs (Budget 2017) until August this year only.  So far there is no allocation for salaries at the IPTAs after August 2017. 

The professors and lecturers at our IPTAs better start reading up on becoming Uber taxi drivers.  First sign up for BR1M, then use the BR1M money as deposit for a Proton Iriz (according to the KSU of the MOF. KSU MOF yang cakap, bukan saya cakap ok. Jangan marah saya.)

Now Tourism Malaysia is shutting down serta merta. They must have contract staff, suppliers, cleaners, transport operators, etc. All those people will be out of work as well.  

Do you all recall the Khazanah Super Morons with their ETP, GTP, high income nation etc.  And they were supposed to be the clever guys. The Cabinet Ministers are just wood brains - the whole lot of them. Do you recall a guy called Hassan Malek ? He said if chicken is too expensive, dont eat chicken !

It was just a sham. They were lying, pulling the wool over our eyes (well not mine) about ETP, GTP, high income nation while the nation was being stripped clean.  

They have no clue or idea what to do even about managing an existing economy.  Now they are even contemplating screwing up existing systems that have been functioning perfectly for a hundred years (I am referring to the supply and distribution of vegetables). 

These morons who do not understand anything about anything, especially about business and economics, want to mess with business and economics !!
So can we expect them to know anything about how to turn the economy around ?

Vice Chancellor IPTA : Hello Uber? 

Uber : Yes hello. This is Uber.

VC : I have paid my deposit for Proton Iriz. When can you pay me my new gaji?

Uber : Hello. I think you have the wrong number. 

VC : I am the VC of University Kangkung lah ! I want to be an Uber driver.

Uber : Oh ok. Just follow the instructions on our Website.

VC :  I am the VC. Do you have special grade allowances for VCs?

Uber : What is a VC? 

VC : Vice Chancellor lah. You didnt go to school ah?

Uber : I think you have the wrong number.

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