
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 23, 2017

Predictions mean nothing if there’s no 'one man, one vote'

YOURSAY | ‘And they said Hillary Clinton would win, and the UK wouldn't leave the EU.’
CQ Muar: All things considered, the bottom line is that Pakatan Harapan and Bersatu must seriously make concerted efforts to reach out to the rural heartland to dilute the effects conveyed to them via TV3, Utusan and other media, which are owned and controlled by the Umno/BN government.
The rural folk are the main hardcore types, who are traditionally Umno supporters despite Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's scandals and the 1MDB fiasco.
However, this time around their mentality and loyalty might have changed somewhat due to 'exposure' and the constant feedback they have received with regard to the controversies. Even the many younger generation of thinking Malays who are more inclined to change, will favour the opposition somewhat.
Worthy of mention is the impact brought about by those countries that are investigating Najib. Hopefully, the table will turn in favour of Harapan/Bersatu should the PM finally get nailed by any of those who are in the process of their investigations.
Clever voter: The report resembles a chapter from a children's bedtime story book. Past experiences show polls are awful predictors. The prime minister has not made up his mind whether the country goes to the polls. A lot hinges on the feel-good factor.
Expected slow growth will add uncertainty. Secondly, the door on 1MDB has not been shut tightly enough. More importantly will be to ensure the redrawing of electoral boundaries allegedly favours BN.
Among others of course will be plans B and C. While the opposition can go on arguing who gets seats where, the voters’ contentment with the generosity of BN, old faithfulness and electoral advantages will all favour BN.
Pessimism over the opposition’s ability to work together and lack of leadership are negative. While the urban sectors favour change, they too want to have their cake and eat it. Needless to say much about rural folks. It would take a brave man to vote against a BN victory.
But then Leicester won the Premier League at odds of 5,000-1, so anything can happen.
Kim Quek: Thinking that the survey was conducted by BN, most non-Malays (who are typically anti-BN) simply hung up their phones, and of those who responded, many must have picked BN just to avoid trouble. Hence, true BN support level is much lower than the 40 percent recorded, perhaps no more than 30 percent, which is comparable to a Merdeka Centre survey in August 2016, showing BN support level at 23 percent (all races) and 31 percent (Malays only).
As for PAS, its recorded support level of 3 percent among Chinese and Indians respectively should be quite close to the truth, and the party therefore stands to be wiped out except for perhaps a few seats in its conclave in Kelantan, if the party persists in fighting solo in the coming election.
WTFcuk: Yes, all my friends who received the survey calls thought they were from the BN. Some hung up.
Annonymous: No strategy lah, these rookies in politics always lay their cards out on the table for his opponent to counter them. Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, please shut-up and stop counting your chicks before they are hatched.
And most essentially, do not always threaten a desperate and dying regime in power, and give them more reasons and ammunition to attack and ‘kill’ you fellows with, before you ‘kill’ them in the next election.
There are many fence-sitters out there waiting, as well as many Umno members who are thinking of voting for Pakatan Harapan to check abuse. But now that they know BN would lose based on your ‘survey’, these undecided voters would prefer to vote for the underdogs BN to ensure check and balance.
As you have always and over-confidently boasted through the media that Harapan will win the next election, you are only provoking the desperados to resort to more dirty tactics and every means to harass, prosecute and persecute you and all the Harapan leaders at every opportunity to eliminate your threats.
Thirdeye: If the survey is a fairly accurate reflection of the voting in the next GE, then Pakatan should leave PAS to its own devices and call its bluff for a three-cornered contest which will lead PAS to its self-destruction. If PAS joins Pakatan and Bersatu in a coalition, be prepared for more non-Malays to sit out the elections or even vote for BN as they cannot trust a Hadi Awang-led PAS.
Flyingeagle: Ask any of the BN leaders how they accumulated their wealth and the answer will be they have been saving since schooling days. Worse will be those who were/are assemblypersons/MPs/state exco members/ministers/deputy ministers, etc who will answer that they saved their monthly salary/allowances to date.
Anonymous_1372558750: Oh, gosh, I think the survey was too optimistic and greatly underestimated the stubbornness and stupidity of rural electorates. Furthermore, the survey completely forgot to account for the ruthlessness and sheer power that Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) possesses.
The mainstream media, Election Commission, police, judiciary and, as the ultimate final resort, the Armed Forces, would make sure the BN/Umno remain untouchable on any tactics they deploy to win GE14.
The crime of allegedly robbing the country through 1MDB embezzlement is far greater than simply cheating/intimidating/bribing to win the election. When the alleged criminals of greater crimes cannot be brought to justice, only the fools would believe that the same criminals would play by the rules of election.
Fairplayer: My survey shows the first victory for Malaysians - PAS wiped out. Second victory - Umno half-wiped out! Third victory - DAP wins all their seats contested. Fourth victory - Amanah replaces PAS in their current seats. Fifth victory - PKR, Bersatu, PSM, and Warisan share the remainder of the seats. Sixth victory - MCA, MIC, Gerakan wiped out. Seventh victory - BN parties quit BN. A very possible scenario.
Doc: All these polls do not take into consideration the dirty tactics that Umno will allegedly employ to ensure a BN victory.
JBond: No need to survey, just focus your resources in rural and semi-rural areas to convert the alleged corrupt party's supporters. The urban areas would swing the opposition way like before. No wasting time on talking, but start the legwork to reach out.
Anonymous 539281478077880: When I received the (phone survey) call, I gave my views truthfully by pressing the correct buttons and to my heart’s content. I was not bothered which party did the survey.
If the people are truthful in mind; then definitely a tsunami would sweep out BN totally from the political arena. People are really fed up and disgusted with the way the government is managed with wrong governance. It would be a do or die battle in GE14. If Umno-led BN were to ‘throw dedak’, then many others would jump ship.
Pisasu 7: And they said US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would win, and the UK wouldn't leave the European Union.
Fairman: All these predictions mean nothing. It could only be believed if there are free and fair elections - one man, one vote, one value. This is syiok sendiri findings.

Najib will win enough seats to remain in power but his desire to win the people’s minds and hearts is a distant dream. It will be a case of ‘menang sorak kampung tergadai’.
The rakyat will continue to suffer after GE14.- Mkini

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