
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

DAP Mole Named Timmy Say Planted In PAS

When asked what he is trying to do, Timmy Say explains that they are just playing good-cop-bad-cop. Hadi is the ‘bad cop’ while Tuan Ibrahim is the ‘good cop’. This is a fall-back plan in case PAS needs to go back to Pakatan and do a deal with DAP. So they cannot burn all their bridges and need to keep at least one door still open. Hence Tuan Ibrahim contradicts Hadi to show that DAP still has friends in PAS and that there is still hope for the future and that DAP need not write off PAS totally.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
There is an impression being created that PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang and his Deputy, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, are at loggerheads and that the party is split between the pro-Hadi and pro-Tuan Ibrahim cliques. This, therefore, would be the second split since 2015 when the so-called ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ group left the party to form a new ‘Islamic’ party, Parti Amanah Negara or PAN.
Actually, calling the anti-Hadi group as the ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ group is not quite accurate because this so-called ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ group also prays, fasts, does not eat pork, does not drink liquor, does not gamble, does not party or engage in orgies and group sex, and whatnot, like what true ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ would. Hence this so-called ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ group is as un-liberal and un-progressive as the ‘other side’.
I have met many of these ex-PAS members and leaders from the alleged ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ group and not a single one would join me for a beer. In fact, they are very particular about whether the food is halal or not. They are without doubt very much un-liberal and un-progressive as the group they oppose. This so-called ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ group also believe that the Qur’an came from God or Allah and that if you died while performing jihad you go straight to heaven and get rewarded with 72 virgins.
The so-called ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ in PAN are not really as ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ as Jahabar Sadiq of The Malaysian Insight
So what, then, is the difference between the PAS and the PAN people? At least we can say the Umno people fight for Malay nationalism while the PAS people fight for Islam. What are the PAN people fighting for that makes them so different from PAS?
There is only one difference and the real reason why PAN exists. PAS will not kowtow to DAP while PAN is a creation of DAP. In the west they would say PAN is DAP’s bitch. Malays would call PAN the barua of DAP. Chinese would say PAN is DAP’s running dog. Whichever term you wish to use, the implication is PAN serves the interest and the agenda of DAP and nothing else.
Today, Lim Kit Siang asked, “Will Hadi defend his deputy from Umno attack?” You can read the Free Malaysia Todayreport on this matter below.
“An Umno propaganda operative using the PAS president to attack the PAS deputy president. When was there such a similar incident in the 66-year history of the party? As far as I know, such a thing had never happened before in the history of PAS. Will the PAS president come to the defence of his deputy from such Umno attacks?” said Kit Siang.
Timmy Say’s job is to create an impression that Hadi and Tuan Ibrahim are at loggerheads
Kit Siang is trying to lagakan Hadi and Tuan Ibrahim (pit them against one another). Kit Siang needs them to fight so that PAS would become divided. If PAS remains united then Pakatan Harapan is going to be in trouble in the next general election. And that is because PAN has failed to trigger an exodus from PAS and only 20,000 instead of 200,000 PAS members joined PAN.
Kit Siang, in fact, has his Trojan Horse planted in PAS who is very close to Tuan Ibrahim. This Chinaman, who goes by the name of Timmy Say, is actually the adopted son of Tuan Ibrahim. And he is also very close to Zulkifli Sulong and Jahabar Sadiq, the founders of The Malaysian Insight.
Zulkifli Sulong used to be the editor of Harakah, the official organ of PAS, while Jahabar Sadiq was with The Malaysian Insider until it closed down. And all are aligned to Mustafa Ali, another Hadi critic who wanted Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and not Azmin Ali to be the Selangor Menteri Besar so that PAS could receive RM100 million from DAP.
Kit Siang is managing Tuan Ibrahim through Timmy Say
Timmy Say is Tuan Ibrahim’s handler. He prepares Tuan Ibrahim’s statements, writes Tuan Ibrahim’s articles, sends out messages in Tuan Ibrahim’s name, manages Tuan Ibrahim’s Facebook, WhatsApp and so on, does all the research and gives feedback to Tuan Ibrahim, and more. He literally manages Tuan Ibrahim short of chewing Tuan Ibrahim’s food for him.
And Timmy Say makes sure that everything Tuan Ibrahim ‘says’ (which is actually Timmy Say saying) contradicts what Hadi says so that the impression can be created that Hadi and Tuan Ibrahim are at loggerheads.
Recently Hadi had to go into the IJN for a very serious operation and Timmy Say spread the story that Hadi might not make it and if he dies, and Tuan Ibrahim takes over, then PAS will abandon Umno and go back to or join Pakatan Harapan. Hence the future of PAS and Pakatan Harapan depends on Hadi dying and not surviving surgery. So people should hope and pray that Hadi dies in the interest of killing off Umno and Barisan Nasional.
This is a very dangerous predicament as Timmy Say is not only close to Tuan Ibrahim, and serves DAP as its Trojan Horse or mole in PAS, but is also within the inner circle. In the 2013 general election he was a member of the ‘war room’ and is one of the party’s strategic advisers. He is also one of those who together with Zulkifli Sulong are trying to promote Husam Musa as the next Kelantan Menteri Besar, after which he will take over the leadership of PAN.
Zulkifli Sulong, one of the founders of The Malaysian Insight, used to be the editor of Harakah under Mustafa Ali
When they first planned the launch of The Malaysian Insight (‘they’ meaning Jahabar Sadiq, Zulkifli Sulong and Timmy Say, with the full knowledge of Mustafa Ali) they approached the Selangor State Government for funding and asked for RM30 million to be spread over five years at RM500,000 a month.
Selangor, however, turned them down so they went to DAP instead and got the money from DAP. However, the amount is expected to increase to RM50 million with salary increases, inflation, contingencies, and so on, especially closer to the next general election when they will have to work 24-7.
It makes one wonder even if Timmy Say is his adopted son, why can’t Tuan Ibrahim rein in this loose cannon? Tuan Ibrahim and Hadi get along very well and there is no conflict between them. But the impression being created is there is a serious fight, mainly because it is seen that Tuan Ibrahim keeps saying things opposite to what Hadi says. The fact that it is not Tuan Ibrahim but Timmy Say who is doing all the saying is not known to most people out there.
When asked what he is trying to do, Timmy Say explains that they are just playing good-cop-bad-cop. Hadi is the ‘bad cop’ while Tuan Ibrahim is the ‘good cop’. This is a fall-back plan in case PAS needs to go back to Pakatan and do a deal with DAP. So they cannot burn all their bridges and need to keep at least one door still open. Hence Tuan Ibrahim contradicts Hadi to show that DAP still has friends in PAS and that there is still hope for the future and that DAP need not write off PAS totally.
Kit Siang: Will Hadi defend his deputy from Umno attack?
Lim Kit Siang says there is no stronger proof that Hadi’s PAS is not the PAS in Pakatan Rakyat than Umno’s attack on Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man using Hadi’s arguments.
(FMT) – The criticism of PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man by Umno supreme council member Puad Zarkashi over the 1MDB issue has surprised Lim Kit Siang.
The DAP supremo said what made it out of the ordinary was that Puad had used the same arguments that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang had made on the 1MDB issue to attack Tuan Ibrahim.
“An Umno propaganda operative using the PAS president to attack the PAS deputy president. When was there such a similar incident in the 66-year history of the party?
“As far as I know, such a thing had never happened before in the history of PAS. Will the PAS president come to the defence of his deputy from such Umno attacks?” Lim asked.
Lim said Puad, who is also the director of the special affairs department (Jasa) – which is often criticised as being Putrajaya’s propaganda arm – had slammed Tuan Ibrahim for claiming that Malaysia’s refusal to pursue the 1MDB case prompted foreign countries to investigate the financial scandal that has spanned the globe.
Tuan Ibrahim was referring to the latest action by the United States’ Department of Justice in seeking to seize US$540 million (RM2.3 billion) in assets including art works, jewellery, a yacht worth US$165 million, and film rights purchased with funds allegedly embezzled from 1MDB, as well as other actions taken by the courts in Singapore and Switzerland, among other countries.
“Puad had argued that what paved the way for foreign powers were certain individuals lodging reports (against 1MDB abroad), with the intention of courting foreign intervention in the political conflict of our country.”
On June 24, Hadi said there were foreign powers that were only too happy to be given the space to settle Malaysia’s issues in their own courts of law.
“Let our own courts decide on our internal issues, no matter what the judgments are,” the Marang MP had said, adding that foreign powers wanted to seize the opportunity to prop up their own interests by compromising our country.
Pointing to the similarities in both statements, Lim said there is no stronger proof that “Hadi’s PAS is not the PAS in Pakatan Rakyat”.
“It is indeed sad and a great political tragedy that Umno and PAS have come together not to defend national sovereignty or promote the values and principles which are taught by Islam, but to defend a political system which has brought unprecedented infamy and ignominy to Malaysians worldwide,” Lim said.
The Gelang Patah MP also questioned why Hadi feels a country taking legal action over the alleged use of Malaysian taxpayers funds in their country is considered interference but not a donation from a Saudi prince.
“Why should it be wrong and grave foreign intervention to undermine Malaysia’s national sovereignty when the donation was from US sources but acceptable and enhancement of national sovereignty when it is from Saudi sources?” Lim asked.

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