
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 1, 2017

Yoursay: Ku Nan, here’re some things Umno has done wrong

YOURSAY | ‘The question posed by Tengku Adnan reflects the feudalistic mentality of his party.’
What did Umno do wrong?’ Ku Nan asks 'angry' students
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, you really don't know what the party had done wrong? It is so obvious, it is only that you fail to see or hear.
There are so many things that Umno has done wrong. Top of the list is that the party is led by many corrupt leaders. Another is the abuse of power, which is widespread in the party. What makes it worse is that the party not only accept corrupt leaders but support them.
In other countries, the ruling party will remove leaders who are corrupt but in Umno, party members adore them instead, presumably expecting some ‘dedak’ (animal feed) in the process.
Anonymous #13571680: You want us to be grateful to you - for what? We choose you to lead us. If we are not happy, we choose whoever we want. Who are you to force us or advise us to be grateful to you?
You prove to us that you are worthy to be elected. At least for now, you don't deserve our respect.
Multi Racial: This is problem. Until now these Umno leaders still think the country wealth belong to them and the people should thank Umno for them.
They have forgotten they were elected to govern the country. If they did well, the rakyat can consider renewing their contract. If they failed, the rakyat have the right to choose others to replace them.
It is a fact that they have failed miserably. So please don't treat our tax money as your money. All of you were hired to do a job and you got to go if you did a bad job.
David Dass: Any government in power must educate the young of the nation. That is the only way we secure our future. Education is supposed to open up the minds of the young. It is supposed to teach them how to think, to learn and to adapt to a fast-changing world.
Knowledge acquired at university becomes irrelevant within a few years of graduation. Jobs that are available today will disappear in a few years’ time. They will be replaced by computers and robots.
Students complain about not being able to find jobs or complain about not being able to earn enough. These are legitimate complains. Our schools and universities and colleges do not equip many of them for employment.
We are talking about making Malay the language of Asean when the entire world is turning to English as the global language - the language of science, technology, information, international trade and diplomacy.
And English is the language of the internet, giving you access to vast pools of knowledge and to thousands of institutions of learning. No government now controls access to information. English is also used extensively in our universities, in our professions and in the private sector.
Many graduates are frustrated on graduation to discover how inadequately prepared they are for work and working life. We have more than 500 colleges, universities and degree-awarding institutions and employers complain about the quality of our graduates.
We have between four to five million foreign workers in the country and our graduates complain about difficulties in finding jobs.
Our household debt is very high. And Ah Longs abound everywhere. Our cost of living is escalating with a depreciating currency.
Whose responsibility is it to formulate policies, establish learning institutions and set curriculums that make us productive and competitive in an increasingly competitive and borderless world?
Who decides on the products we produce and the services we provide to ensure that our companies and our people can survive alongside disruptive technology and intense competition?
Slumdog: Don’t try and make out that Umno has been so magnanimous towards the Malay youth and that it is Umno’s money that allows them to attend university.
Why must they be grateful for something that is a responsibility of the government to provide, a well-funded tertiary education system? It is not an option for the government to ignore.
Home: Are you suggesting if you give and we must appreciate? Then how about the taxpayer monies, aren't you should be grateful to us?
Liew Lean Kut: Umno did that? I am confused, how come when I read the surveys by many analysts that Malays are the poorest in the country after Umno had rule the country for 60 years, many graduates are un employed or unemployable?
Something must be wrong somewhere.
Clever Voter: The question posed by Tengku Adnan reflects the feudalistic mentality of his party. It’s bad enough to live with a corrupt patronage system, let alone an autocratic style where they do no wrong, and an unconditional access to power, resources and control.
Tengku Adnan is part of a BN establishment that has crossed the governance lines several times, disrespectful to rule of law and applying double standards whenever it suits them.
Rightfully, they should no longer be questioned but thrown out of office. People should be questioning them on their incompetence in running the country despite ample resources, and worst a society where only a small percentage of people have access to much of the nation's wealth.
Hang Babeuf: What did Umno politicians do wrong? So far as many young [and many not-so-young] people are concerned, the problem is that, like you, Ku Nan, you in the party leadership echelons have made great successes of yourselves, you have provided yourselves with the avenue to spectacular aggrandisement, without doing the same for so many others. In fact, at their expense.
What did you do that’s wrong? That, for starters! That is your first mistake. The second is that you are simply are blind to it, to your own vulgar self-serving ways.
Headhunter: It goes to show that at the end of the day, pampering and buying yourselves to power doesn't work. It makes people feel like beggars.
The bumiputera policy should be enforced to empower the bumiputeras to be self-reliance so that they could live a dignified life. Instead, it is used to make a few well-connected and corrupt rich beyond their means without so much as putting a little effort.
The damage has been done beyond repair. At least two generations had been lost in the process. What a shame.
Hamzah Paiman: The reason why the youth are angry is because Umno hadn't been fair to them. Selected ones get to do English medium at UiTM, Mara schools and overseas while the rest are told that English medium is bad for them and the country.
They are sent to the other local institutions and schools where only BM is used. Thus, they become unemployable while the selected ones enjoy life.
Apart from that only Umno members' children get scholarships while the majority of the Malays are left behind to fend for themselves. So why should the majority Malays be grateful to Umno?
SusahKes: ‘What did Umno do wrong’? Ku Nan, I assure you, that if the party was truly sincere in wanting an answer to that question, then the rakyat would let it know.
As it stands, Umno has shut off practically all legitimate forums to air grouses against it. The parliament speaker avoids discussions on 1MDB; the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson shields Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) from the glare of accountability; MO1 hides by avoiding ‘Nothing to Hide’ forums.
The big fishes still swim like great white sharks in the sea of corruption, knowing that the power of incumbency shields them from independent scrutiny.
You want to have answers to that question? Then free up parliament, the courts and other state apparatuses. You will get answers.
To quote and paraphrase Robin Williams’ character’s line from Good Will Hunting: “You don’t wanna do that, do you?
You’re terrified at what you might hear.- Mkini

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