
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, December 29, 2017

Yoursay: BN logo in school donation drive a new low in politics

YOURSAY | ‘What is a BN logo on a school donation card if not politics up to your neck?’
Anonymous 9916: So this coalition without integrity (BN) is allowed to peddle its political agenda in schools while the opposition is not. That speaks a lot for fair play
Umno’s Johor Bahru MP Shahrir Abdul Samad used to command respect from Malaysians. But I guess he has sold his soul to the highest bidder.
Moreover, the person who allowed this to happen in the school should share equal blame.
Kheng: Tong Sing Chuan, who heads the school's board of directors, commented he does not want to wade into politics, yet he allowed the BN logo to be on the promotion billboard on account that the MP helped the school to obtain approval for the building.
Well, he certainly has no right to represent the alumni if he is dabbling in politics.
Vijay47: Tong, you say that you do not want to wade into politics, but what is a BN logo on a school donation card if not politics up to your neck?
Suddenly it appears that the participation and patronage of politicians in school events are acceptable, yet a school in Penang barred Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng from attending when he wanted to present some aid.
Secondly, Tong, there is nothing to be grovelingly grateful about if the government rendered assistance, it is their duty to do so.
As for Shahrir, I would suggest that you steer clear of this function. You and your Felda have enough troubles as it is and I don't think you want further allegations of abuse of power to be added to your already poor record.
Korkor: Tong and his board members have pawned the school’s dignity just for some donations. In the past, all Chinese independent schools would not get involved in political parties, be it Pakatan Harapan or BN.
Worse still, all this is coming from a high-profile Chinese school. Will the major donors and everyday Johoreans turn a blind eye to such an absurd money game?
The Johor royalty had warned against playing politics, especially involving education. Johoreans, rise up to boycott this event and ask for the resignation of the whole board of directors.
Justice Now!: Tong is a hypocrite, first he says he doesn’t want to participate in politics, but then why is the BN logo in the promotional material? You cannot have your cake and eat it.
Odysseus: If the MP is merely helping, why must the school add the BN logo to the poster? In any other circumstances, the state education department will immediately cancel the event.
However, this is a BN logo. They can do whatever they want. Can you imagine if any school in this country were to put up a logo of any party other than BN, what will happen to their principals?
Kangkung: If it were an opposition party's logo on the school's promotional material, the principal would have been given a 24-hour transfer notice by now, just like what happened to the Tamil school principal in Butterworth after Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his delegation visited her school for a cheque presentation.
Anonymous #33227154: Yes, DAP is barred from visiting any schools. See how hypocritical the double standards of BN/our government are.
BN must be really desperate to stoop so low to involve schools in their political games.
Boeyks: First, BN’s presence is quietly displayed in a logo. Then very soon only Umno flags will be allowed in schools and even plays must glorify only Umno’s “achievements”.
What is so great about their help, anyway? Isn’t that what they are supposed to do for the people, not only for their supporters?
Even if the school were to receive an Arabian donation from Malaysian Official 1 (MO1), they had better carefully ponder before accepting.
Jaguh: The school’s board members are just being silly. So now with the BN logo, you think you can get more donations? Would BN recognise UEC (United Examination Certificate)?
Mosquito Brain: If BN is really sincere, just recognise the UEC. Leave the donation issue to the public.
No Faham: Simple, if the event is publicised with the party logo, then there is no donation from me. I am apolitical and expect education not to wade into politics.
Jing: Just take the 'donation' and snub BN thereafter, it's our tax money after all.
Stupid is as stupid does. This is merely counterproductive propaganda. Voters are not fools, we know the issues, we know the theft of billions; one logo cannot overcome all of this.
Victor Johan: So it's Shahrir’s turn to openly and publicly appear on the stage to announce, "You want money? Now you help me and I will help you. You vote for me and Najib Razak first, and I'll make Najib give you lots of money."
Awang Top: Now Umno’s Shahrir has also caught the disease passed on by Najib.
Susah Kes: “You better watch out, you better not pout, you better not cry, I’m telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town.”
And all the kids got up onto Santa’s lap to tell him they’ve been good (read: angkat BN).
“Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, here, have some candy. And remember where to ‘pangkah’ (mark with an ‘X’) next GE.
“If you don’t know, then just remember the ‘dacing’ (scales) logo appearing on your promo material. Remember, I help you, you help me. Ho! Ho! Ho!”- Mkini

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