
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Yoursay: Ex-Selangor MB Khalid can’t have his cake and eat it

YOURSAY | ‘We should thank Khalid for being frank about supporting both Umno and PAS.’
Korkor: Basically, PAS vice-president Iskandar Abdul Samad is serving his last term and is already on his road to sunset. He is trying to fish from both sides of the river but as long as you are with PAS, you are in the past.
Former Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim is also a spent force and he is already part of political history.
Nevertheless, no matter how PAS says it, we can't forget how in 2008 after the results of the 12th general election were announced, former PAS assemblyperson Hasan Ali tried to rope in Umno to form a joint government in Selangor.
This clearly shows PAS was in cahoots with Umno. Goodbye PAS, goodbye Khalid.
Anonyxyz: It is obvious that PAS is now chartered to be the Malay-Muslim version of MCA in BN. They don’t need to win seats, but do just enough to play racial politics for the purpose of splitting votes, and in return, they will be given money and contracts.
They will be given some political power like the MCA leaders with some non-critical ministerial positions in which they just bark and wag their tails as per Umno’s instructions.
MCA and PAS will sleep on both sides of the bed with Umno in between. When Umno fondles MCA, PAS will scream in frustration and vice versa.
Tekad: We should actually thank Khalid for being frank about supporting both Umno and PAS. PAS supports Umno but pretend that it does not. Umno courts PAS but denies it is doing so. So voters need to be smart.
Ferdtan: PAS leaders speak with forked tongues. Their actions are always showing they are with Umno and yet, they deny their relationship.
Why are they so scared? The truth is that many of its grassroots are against cooperating with Umno; thus, the deception.
But anyway, with no clear message, PAS will be finished in the next elections, no matter who wins Putrajaya, BN or Pakatan.
Fairnsquare: PAS will, in the name of Islam, merge with Umno, where they can form a majority in states when combined. Thus, a vote for PAS is a vote for BN.
All the denials are mere play-acting to trick the voters and garner opposition votes, which will eventually be combined with Umno for the sake of 'unity of Malays and Islam.’
Anonymous 568201438363345: PAS is promoting a three-cornered fights in the coming GE14 and yet Iskandar is claiming PAS is not on BN's side?
PAS is practically handing the GE14 results to BN on a golden platter. Yet PAS still wants to claim that Khalid's declaration makes no sense? It is PAS’ actions that are incomprehensible.
Shunyata: Why rubbish something that came right out of the horse's, oh I mean, the frog's mouth?
What we are seeing here is possibly Umno's best strategy yet for their alliance with PAS to have a chance at wrestling back Selangor, at the expense of a leaper who must have figured that the money and promised return to power are worth the ethical downgrade.
Selangor BN chief Noh Omar could be losing his state leadership position and Harapan… well, they could very well be losing the state.
Ultimately: “He (Iskandar) added that allegations that PAS wanting to form a unity state government with Umno were malicious, and damaged the Islamist party's credibility.”
Really? Then why isn’t PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang suing Singapore’s Straits Times, which has published articles on this matter? Or even Selangor Umno, which has been actively trumpeting this?
Iskandar is either clueless (which I doubt), or fighting a losing battle (which I doubt) in Selangor. The question mark here isn’t really Khalid, as we knew his side all along, but what is Iskandar's position?
He wants to stay in PAS, wants to stay in the Selangor government, and wants to keep working with PKR, but his party wants Umno. The plot thickens.
Little Sparrow: PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, don’t act stupid, everyone knows a vote for Umno is a vote for PAS and vice versa.
So Umno and PAS are the same, even MCA knows that, but what can party leader Liow Tiong Lai do as long as his master Umno tells him to sit, he sits.
Ultimately: What's really “janggal” is how Tuan Ibrahim is feigning ignorance. Please, stop the charade. It's plain to see PAS is helping Umno, either directly or indirectly.
In fact, you have even accepted Umno's lame excuse about 1MDB. Now your party is more concerned with merely attacking DAP and Amanah. What's there left to say?
Hamzah Paiman: Why so scared, Tuan Ibrahim? Just say that you're cooperating with Umno. After all, PAS likes Umno better than the opposition now.
The opposition is too poor to offer PAS anything. PAS needs Umno who can better help financially.
If you are not aware, Tuan Ibrahim, after the allegations of ‘dedak’ (animal feed) given to Hadi and his merry men, they are even willing to lose in the elections for Umno's sake. They are even willing to contest in every seat so that Umno can secure a convincing win.
After many years of fighting for religious causes, it seems that they now realise that money rules. Umno's enemy DAP is now PAS' enemy as well.
Quigonbond: Someone probably told Khalid that Umno and PAS are really working together to ‘save’ Islam.
So he was just taking that literally, but now that both sides are pretending they are not sharing a bed, Khalid has merely embarrassed himself again.
Just a few months back, he said he need not join any party to work for the betterment of Selangor.
Now we know that this, too, was just a charade.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Tuan Ibrahim, when the time comes, tell that unprincipled, selfish Khalid to state his stand. He either supports PAS or Umno, not both.
If he supports Umno that means he is against PAS. That's how it works. He cannot have his cake and eat it too.
Anonymous 2460391489930458: There is nothing strange at all. Umno and PAS are lovers in a secret "forbidden" relationship, but they are lovers all the same. Both are the same.
Khalid will support anyone who is an enemy of the opposition since he was sacked by them. He clearly has no principles and is an outcast in search of a home.- Mkini

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