
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 15, 2017

Yoursay: Kudos to Siti Hasmah for returning awards

YOURSAY | ‘Such a stark contrast between the wives of the present and former PMs.’
Wira: Dr Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali has stood by her husband, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and the country through thick and thin, and also in these trying times to stop the country heading towards ruins.
You certainly don't need any titles for the nation to remember you by. May you remain a tower of strength for each other and for the nation. God bless you.
Anonymous Kitty: “This is because if my husband felt that way (to return his awards), as a wife, I should support him,” said Siti Hasmah.
How many wives can do this without question to support their husbands? It is truly something for the people to learn and follow.
Retired_SJ: Now here is a classy woman who stands by her man, even now that he is no longer in power and is often attacked by the current government.
A lesser woman might have left Mahathir by now but Siti Hasmah has shown that she is loyal to both husband and country.
What's more, following his lead, she too has given back the awards she received from the Selangor palace. She did this on her own knowing it’s the right thing to do as the sultan had criticised her husband.
On top of it all, she herself is from Klang which makes this whole saga even more unfortunate.
Something is wrong in this country for the country’s leaders to be constantly picking on the former prime minister in such a manner. Mahathir is definitely far from perfect but he surely also did more for our country than others.
It is time to stop wasting time on unimportant things and focus on what matters for the country. Kudos to Siti Hasmah for setting a good example for others.
Hopelessly: Such a stark contrast between the wives of the present and former PMs, and not just their appearance.
I wonder if that has something to do with the difference between the husbands, who are clearly of a different class, too.
Raja Chulan: When Ahmad Zahid Hamidi started this whole saga of race and origin to try to insult Dr M, where was the sultan then?
Is it because Ahmad Zahid is presently the DPM (and therefore has power) whereas Dr M has no more power?
In any case, the rulers are supposed to stay away from politics and the government, which are the business of the rakyat. One cannot be involved in both simultaneously.
Kangkung: The move by Mahathir and Siti Hasmah to return the state awards has gained my respect.
All these titles are an albatross around one’s neck. We need leaders who do not seek out titles and positions.
Righteousness4all: Mahathir and wife are truly magnanimous by voluntarily returning the awards. I only pray and hope other people who abused the awards given to them be equally righteous by returning the awards.
Some main criteria for getting such awards are persons with high integrity, well-mannered, have truly contributed to the society and of good morals.
Boonpau: Who would have thought that one simple move, such as returning their awards would earn them real symbolic capital? Brilliant, really brilliant on the part of Mahathir and Siti Hasmah.
Can you even imagine if more VIPs and VVIPs would do the same, returning their titles given by this or that ruler? Can you even imagine the kind of message it would send?
Somehow, in a funny and ironic way, this simple gesture reminds me of the phrase, "The emperor has no clothes."
What is often not understood by this gesture is that it is not the emperor who is ashamed - and why should he, since he is not even aware that he is naked - but it is those who have to tell the emperor that he is naked.
They are the ones who are embarrassed that their emperor is without any clothes.
Goldee: What else can be said if the recipient wished to return back the award before he/she is being told to return.
It is only sensible and natural to return the award for it was awarded as a form of appreciation for the services and contribution by an individual, the state or country.
Negarawan: Dear Dr Mahathir, although I am not a fan of what you did in the past, of which we are still victims today, I really hope that you will make good of your past mistakes and reverse whatever damage caused.
I admire your tenacity and courage, even at your advanced age, which is really inspiring. Your returning of the awards is truly an honourable act, and has earned the respect of many.
Let this be an example for all Malaysians, that earthly awards and titles are meaningless, especially if they can even be easily purchased by alleged criminals. It is far harder to earn the respect of the rakyat.
Please bring back Malaysia from the brink of total collapse. Do enjoy your evening with your missus, and may God bless both of you.- Mkini

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