
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 15, 2017

Yoursay: No Malaysian Indian Blueprint for Cameron Highlanders?

YOURSAY | ‘Forty years is a long time for a government to resolve this land matter.’
Negarawan: "If you can wait for 40 years, why not (another) 10 years? Awak banyak banyak cakap, sila balik (You talk too much, please leave). Okay?
"Bye-bye. Vanakam, vanakam, nandri (hello, hello, thank you)," Pahang’s Adnan Yaakob told Cameron Highlands residents wanting their menteri besar to solve their land woes.
This type of uncouth and highly disrespectful language from a menteri besar can only happen under Umno rule, where corrupt and incompetent officials have total immunity from wrongdoing.
Anonymous 2460391489930458: This is a perfect example of what the BN government means when it says "kerajaan prihatin" (attentive government) and “rakyat didahulukan” (people first).
It looks more like “the government has no time to be attentive, and people, please go home.”
PP1: To the people of Cameron Highlands, please open your eyes, and see for yourself how your votes have helped put this menteri besar into power.
Do you deserve this kind of treatment? It’s time for you to kick BN and MIC out in the upcoming GE14. Remember, your children’s future rests with your vote.
Middle Path: Judging by the video, we sensed that the Pahang MB does not have the political will to resolve the problem.
Given there was a chance of him losing his temper, he bolted instead.
Anonymous_40f4: It's not only Adnan, Umno and BN who have no time for Indian groups, the opposition doesn’t too. All they want are the votes of Indian Malaysians.
As the proverb goes in Malay, “Gajah sama gajah berlaga, kancil mati di tengah-tengah” (when elephants fight, the mousedeer dies in the middle). This is the painful reality in this country.
Dr Suresh Kumar: MIC, is this insolence part of the Malaysian Indian Blueprint (MIB) you were screaming about?
If you are incapable of helping these hardworking farmers to get their land titles after 40 years, how are they going to survive?
RR: Forty years is a long time for a government to resolve this land matter involving the poor Indians. Is it because they are poor and have no money to pay agents to do the job?
MIC is a component party in BN. What role is MIC playing to resolve this matter?
And when the poor run to the opposition for help, matters become even worse for them as they suffer at the hands of government.
Anonymous 767061504497195: Now you know who not to vote for. This is how your menteri besar treats you.
He shows a middle finger and asks you to go home.
AJ: Why Malaysians vote for high-handed, uncaring, insensitive and rude politicians is beyond me.
If it was bauxite-mining towkays or foreigners disposing toxic waste, he would roll out the red carpet.
Shibboleth: This is the epitome of arrogance and pride. But the proud shall be humbled; and the humble shall be honoured.
Vijay47: Why does MACC even bother coming out with such a statement that they will not be pressing charges against Umno information chief Annuar Musa for securing sponsorship for the Kelantan football team?
This was a conclusion we all knew would be arrived at, and not only that, it is the conclusion that would arise in all future cases involving Umno leaders.
It is nothing short of miraculous that Umno leaders, whatever they do, seem to be just a notch below saintliness when it comes to honesty and honour.
Mara, that heavenly body established to “membangun kaum bumiputera” (raise the status of bumiputera), has been up to its miserable neck in shady dealings in Australia – where it insisted on paying higher prices for properties it wished to acquire.
Also, not enough evidence to initiate prosecution anyone? Just to satisfy my silly curiosity, will the Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim now be charged for casting aspersions on a person as righteous as Annuar Musa?
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Indeed, why are we not surprised? It goes to show that there indeed exist two sets of laws in Malaysia - one for the ordinary rakyat, the other for the untouchables.
The latter are free to plunder this country's wealth with impunity. Whereas the former cannot criticise the government or even utter words deemed insulting to the powers-that-be.
Ace: Actually, there are three sets of laws. One is for members or leaders of opposition parties – where action is swift and hard, where the flimsiest of evidence is sufficient.
The second is for the ordinary rakyat – perhaps a wee bit less severe compared to first one (although they might "reward" you a bit for not being in the rank of opposition supporters).
Third is for the Umnoputras – where the rakyat knows that nobody will ever be charged because there is always insufficient evidence even though evidence is dripping all over the world.
Someone Out There: All claims of MACC being independent of the government of the day are flushed down the sewer with this statement.
It does make you wonder, when the head of this anti-corruption agency is himself being investigated for wrongdoing.
What credibility does such an agency have? The agency cannot even defend its procedures, processes and investigations credibly, and thinks it can just get away with saying not enough evidence to prosecute.
A system that shows no concern for accountability is bound to fail miserably.
AJ: Of course, “insufficient evidence.” How convenient, especially when “sufficient evidence” will probably be found in a two-line tweet.- Mkini

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