
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Arab Saudi Membuka Laluan Udara ke Israel - Pertama Kali Dalam 70 Tahun

Saudi granted 1st time permission flights to Israel use its airspace Haaretz reported

flights from New Delhi to Tel Aviv shortened by two and a half hours.

new route, Haaretz said, airline would reduce fuel costs and sell cheaper tickets 

Saudi had banned flights to Israel using its airspace for 70 years
no secret private jets fly from Saudi and Gulf to Israel

decision signifies warmer ties between Israel and Saudi 
having increasingly covert relations over last year

credited to shakeup of Saudi domestic, foreign policy
spearheaded by young, ambitious Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

political change, consolidation of power main reason Israel relations opened


My comments :  The past 70 years have been the longest period in their history ever, where the Saudis did not have to switch allegiances. 

The Saudis are indeed masters at switching allegiances, to sustain themselves.

When there was no oil, they married with the Wahhabis. Wahhabism gave them religious legitimacy to conquer and rule the Arabian peninsula.  It was a convenience.

With the age of oil, came wealth, unlimited spending, wine and western women. This was for the Saudi elite.  

There was a cost for the oil. Surrender their cojones to Uncle Sam. This was for their survival. Another switch in allegiance. Until today Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait cannot survive a year without the US Marines, supply of American weapons, American goods and American businessmen.

There was another cost. To keep the Wahhabi side happy, they loaded down the people with Wahhabism. Chopping heads, chopping hands, whippings, veils, separation of women were nervous ticks that were allowed in public. 

They even got carried away.  They began exporting psycho Wahhabism all over the world.  Sneaking past the sleeping guards under the camouflage of the 'true Islam'. To prove their legitimacy to the Wahhabis and their supporters.

Then came 9-11, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban etc.  The world has at last realised that all the satanic behaviour leads back to Saudi Arabia.

Now Uncle Sam has said  'Ok that is enough. Cut the crap'. 

The age of oil is also coming to an end, much sooner than expected.

Plus there is that very clever  5000 year old  Persian civilisation  which also claims to be a better Defender of the Haramain. And Jerusalem. The Persians hate them. And they are winning. Sadly they are Shias. Different "pet imaginary flying unicorn".

Neither Wahhabis nor oil can save them from the Persians and the Shias.  
Uncle Sam is also getting tired.

Its time to switch sides and switch allegiances again.

In the meantime, the Jews have become marvellously strong, disciplined, powerful and they make few mistakes. They hate the Persian Shias.   

Aha !! The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  

Shalom alei-chem my teacher ! ! 

Bila orang pandang, mereka tunduk kepada tuhan. 
Tapi siang dan malam mereka cinta diri sendiri. 
Sudi tunduk kepada apa pun. 
Cinta yang paling suci - cinta diri sendiri. 

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