
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Occupants Of Graves Cannot Hear You, Moron Should Have Remained There.

Image result for najib enters phophet muhammad tomb

Yesterday I posted a picture of the Bomoh Jawa performing hocus pocus on a sick person. I found out that person has since passed away yesterday. Hence I took down the post. My sincere condolences to the family of the deceased. May they find strength and patience to bear with the loss.

It was extremely insensitive of that Bomoh Jawa to make a public spectacle of the visit to the sick person - with cameras and video taping being uploaded. There is no sense of decency at all.  Low class and no class.

The Moron in turn has been hysterical that he was  able to enter inside a grave/tomb. Again out of respect for that grave/tomb  I do not wish to mention the name or occupant of that grave/tomb.   

The Moron  has come back and has been going around crowing loudly (I have seen the video)  that, unlike other people, he was able to  "go inside the grave/tomb".  

Plus he says  unlike other people,  he was able to say the Assalamu Alaikum DIRECTLY to the grave/tomb  and he is convinced the occupant of that grave heard him saying  Assalamu Alaikum !!  

He says other people have to say the Assalamu Alaikum  from OUTSIDE the grave/tomb but he was able to go inside !!  Fuiyyo !!

Since then a few religious guys have rebutted Moron's false claim that he entered inside that grave/tomb.  They say that claim is quite impossible because the grave is behind three layers of protection - two solid metal screens and one wall. 

NO ONE can enter into the grave/tomb. At best you can peer through the massive steel grills and even then you cannot see the actual grave. 

So the Moron's claim that, UNLIKE OTHER PEOPLE,  he actually entered the grave (or tomb) is simply false.  

Ok folks,  can dead people who are buried in graves hear us?  From a scientific perspective they certainly cannot.  Once a person dies ALL his biological functions cease and the body begins to decay. 

The Quran says the same thing ie the dead cannot hear us.  Here are  Surah 35:22-23.

Surah  35:22  "The living and the dead are not the same. Allah makes anyone He wills hear, you cannot make those in their graves hear ( وَمَآ أَنتَ بِمُسْمِعٍۢ مَّن فِى ٱلْقُبُورِ)." 

Surah  35:23  "You are not but a warner"

So the Prophet could not make the dead who are buried in the graves hear.  

Hear is another reference : 

Surah  27:80  "You cannot make the dead hear, you cannot make the deaf listen to your call when they turn their backs and leave." 

So the dead people cannot hear us.  It goes without saying that the dead also cannot communicate with us in any way.  

For those who are interested, there is some discussion on this at this website :

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