
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 4, 2018


CHRISTIANS should not use the church to spread fake news and lies that put the federal government in a bad light, Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said today.
Tengku Adnan, who is also known as Ku Nan, said that the church should be a place to “disseminate God’s will” and not for Christian leaders to share their personal grouses.
“I also want to beg my Christian friends, whatever you want to do in the church, please don’t use the church as a place to talk about things that are not true,” he said at the Kenduri 1Wilayah Persekutuan Parlimen Titiwangsa programme in Kuala Lumpur.
“You (can’t) read things on the internet or whatever comes to you, then talk about it in church.
“Because when you go around and give your sermons and preach on Sundays, there are a lot of things, sometimes, that are not true.
“Please use the church as a place to disseminate God’s will, not to disseminate your own will or (talk about) things that you are not happy with.”
He also said he could not understand why the Christian community, especially in Titiwangsa, were so against the Federal Territories Ministry, especially since they enjoy many benefits from the federal government.
“When (Second Finance Minister) Johari (Abdul) Ghani told me about a church trying to get land in Titiwangsa, I told him that we should give the land to the church and help them; it’s no problem with us.
“This is because the government today is moderate, considerate and that acknowledges the needs of the people, no matter if they are Malay, Chinese or Indian. We know that there are followers of different religions in the nation,” he said.
When asked to elaborate at a press conference later, Tengku Adnan said one example of fake news spread in Sunday sermons was a press statement by Hindraf chairman P. Waytha Moorthy.
However, Tengku Adnan did not mention which churches had purportedly spread the statement by Waytha Moorthy, or how his ministry was aware of the alleged sermons that spread the fake news.
“He said that I lied… I never lie. In fact, we are giving the 300 people here RM42,000 and they will take part in a Rent-To-Own (scheme by the Federal territories of  Federal Territory Affordable Housing Policy or RumaWIP) without having to pay any deposit,” he said.
In the statement released on Tuesday, Waytha had accused Tengku Adnan of “hoodwinking the Indian community” and said he had lied about RM50 million allocated via Yayasan Wilayah Persekutuan for loans for the Indian community to buy RumaWIP.
“There are thousands of M40 and B40 Indians in Kuala Lumpur who have not heard of such a scheme,” Waytha had said, adding that Tengku Adnan had also hoodwinked Indians through a false RumaWIP Indian quota.
Tengku Adnan, however, said that there was a quota for Indians in all RumaWIPs. He then questioned Waytha on the £1 million (RM5.48 million) that the latter had promised to give each member of the Indian community.
“We have a quota for Indian owners in all the RumaWIP projects, so at least 10% is for Indians to buy. If they can’t get a loan, they can come to Yayasan Wilayah Persekutuan. It is not fair for him to say that we are hoodwinking Indians.
“This is an example of the kind of fake news (being spread in churches).
“So, I want to ask him, what happened to the £1 million that he had promised?” Tengku Adnan said.
Waytha had previously sued the British government for abandoning the Indian community to Malay-majority rule in granting Malaysia independence on August 31, 1957.
He had sued the British government for £1 million for each Indian Malaysian, and his action was backed by Hindraf.
– https://www.themalaysianinsight.com

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