
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 8, 2018

Yoursay: The more Hadi talks, the more he trips over himself

YOURSAY | ‘Hadi ties himself up in all sorts of knots. This happens when one engages in falsehoods.’
Hplooi: "They know about the English revolution, the French revolution, the Russian revolution, about changing the government - but they did not know about elections until they studied Islamic history. Only then they could have elections,” said PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.
Where did Hadi learn this “history”? Hasn't Hadi learned about the Greeks of antiquity? Or that the word “democracy” itself is Greek in origin?
Where did Western civilisation learn about “universal rights”? From Islamic history? The modern concept of universal rights can be directly traced to the Renaissance and the Reformation, not Islamic history.
Fun Fact: We owe many modern concepts of the state to the French revolution, such as universal education for all citizens, universal rights of all people, the obligations of the state towards its citizens and so on.
If Hadi's clique ever get to power, history will truly be erased to fit only their version of history.
David Dass: Hadi ties himself up in all sorts of knots. This happens when one engages in falsehoods. A two-tier cabinet, Muslims to determine policy and non-Muslims with expertise to implement such policies. This is the way of Islam, Hadi says.
Is this Hadi's explanation for our development? That non-Muslims are the “implementers” and not the policymakers? The “doers” and not the thinkers? And that is not segregationist? A kind of spiritual apartheid? Separate and unequal?
This is what Hadi has always been advocating. For him, a fully integrated Malaysia is not something he wants. He does not believe that we should be equal. He does not believe that religious freedom should be a fundamental liberty. He does not believe in our Constitution.
Is it okay to question the rights of non-Muslims under our Constitution? And now because of the high position he enjoys in some international Islamic think tank, he makes a startling assertion - that elections and democracy is actually an Islamic idea. Why not?
Quigonbond: The more Hadi talks, the more he trips over himself. Whether it is one cabinet or two cabinets, he does not seem to understand that ministers should be appointed based primarily on their ability to handle certain portfolio, and that it is through the ministries that policies are drafted.
So what ministries would the non-Muslims tend to that won't require drafting policy? This is utter nonsense.
Headhunter: Cabinet, portfolios or whatever; the fact of the matter is that dividing elected members of the government along racial or religious lines is wrong and undemocratic.
Only silly people like you think like this, so get out of your kampung mentality. We have a constitution crafted by the best brains in the country, just follow it.
Thank God that you are not going to be the PM, not by a long shot. So stop dreaming.
Hearty Malaysian: Hadi, you continue to poke the hornet's nest and when they swarm around, you claim innocence; this is your track record of spinning.
How many times can the journalists hear you wrong, given your track record of religious supremacy in promoting two-tiers for those of Islamic faith and another for the non-Islamic?
Perhaps in your mind it is alright to puff and bluff your way to infamy as long as you gain mileage from your Muslim supporters and for the pleasure of the sponsors behind the scene, albeit at great cost to the non-Muslims and national unity.
Didn’t you once say that PAS is not aiming to win in GE14 but is contesting for other reasons? Have we heard you wrongly once again and when can we hear you correctly for once?
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: What is so out of the ordinary or Islamic about Hadi's policy? Isn't this the same havoc we see under the corrupt Umno/BN regime?
Umno Islamists at the top in control of the gravy train as decision makers and their window dressings of MCA president Liow Tiong Lai, MIC president S Subramaniam and Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong at the bottom being allowed an occasional lick at the spills if they behave.
And can Hadi deny that PAS is also buried up to its neck in this slime as a reward in return for turning a blind eye to Umno's ills and splitting the Muslim votes? So what confusion is Hadi yakking on about?
Isn't it this same policy that has driven this nation to global infamy as the “worst kleptocracy”? What a pathetic end for this Islamic party once embraced by the non-Muslims for its core values of universal Islam that saw its best outing under the guidance of Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat.
Hadi has turned it on its head and written its epitaph, all in the name of Islam.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Hadi, I am sure your dual cabinet suggestion made even Prime Minister Najib Razak cringe. A phone call must have prompted this ‘clarification’.
Hadi, you appear to be hell-bent on dividing and ruling. Your denial is worse now when you try to mesh Western democracy and Islamic thought. You are delusional when you claim that elections were copied by the West from Islam.
At best, you come out looking like a confused person who seems to have forgotten what he said 24 hours earlier.
Malaysia used to be a modern, forward-looking nation and was a shining example of multiculturalism where everybody could have a fair go at anything. Not so under a PAS regime. Your thoughts and ideas have no place in a modern democratic state.
Just a Malaysian: What Hadi meant was that in the cabinet, all policies and strategies will be helmed by Malay Muslims, whereas their implementation can be given to non-Muslims with the right skills.
It is quite similar to the Umno model except that Umno camouflages it as power-sharing.
Newday: Hadi, no matter how you dress it up or down - your aim appears clear: to only have Muslims as decision makers with the non-Muslims doing all your dirty work. There is no other way to view this.
The more recent history of the world where Muslims are solely the decision makers is littered with disaster after disaster after disaster. I don't have to recite these places as we all know where they are.
The French revolution happened because of the ruling autocrats being too big for their boots - something that we can reasonably claim to be the current situation with BN.
The concept of democracy is not the sole domain of Islamic history, it is an evolution of the concept of fairness and representation for all. Something that is a long, long way away from what you are advocating. -Mkini

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