
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 22, 2018

Dear Tun, Stop Talking, Start Doing

And please take responsibility for 1MDB. It came about because of you. It was because you ‘stole’ Terengganu’s 5% oil royalty that Pak Lah formed 1MDB. Even if it is true that 1MDB is a monster, you and Pak Lah created that monster. Now stop talking and move on. We want to know whether Malaysia is a secular country or Muslim country, whether the NEP is going to end, what is going to happen with JAKIM and the Sharia courts, and whether Malaysia is going to be turned into a republic.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Dear Tun, when I met you exactly 40 months ago in London together with my wife and son, I asked you one question. And that question was, “Who do you want to take over from Najib Tun Razak?”I remember my wife asked you that same question when we met in your house at The Mines back in early 2006. And the question my wife asked was, “Who do you want to take over from Pak Lah (Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi)?”
On both occasions, 2006 and 2015, you did not reply. But in 2006 we supported you to oust Pak Lah while in 2015 we did not support you to oust Najib. And the reason we did not support you in 2015 was because our 2006 experience taught us that if you refuse to indicate who will take over once the Prime Minister is ousted we are asking for trouble.
When I was released from ISA detention in November 2008, a certain Chinese Datuk (you know who he is) took me for dinner in a Subang Japanese restaurant and he told me you had decided that Najib and not Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) is going to take over from Pak Lah.
I was rooting for Ku LI and both you and that Chinese Datuk knew this. In fact, I even tried to sabotage Najib to help Ku Li by coming out with that June 2008 Statutory Declaration linking Rosmah Mansor to Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder.
However, since you had decided to back Najib instead of Ku Li, I went along with that. Then, two months later, Syed Hamid Albar tried to detain me again (for the third time) under ISA. So, I left the country, and less than two months later Najib took over as Prime Minister.
After leaving Malaysia I kept a low profile for a while. My wife was diagnosed with cancer so I thought it is better to focus on my wife’s recovery. Soon after my wife’s surgery, the Special Branch came to Manchester to meet me. Haris Ibrahim a.k.a. Sam was in Manchester at that time and can testify to this.
I went to meet the Special Branch to see what they wanted.
The Special Branch wanted me to support the government. I asked them whether that means I would be able to return to Malaysia and they said no. So, I must support the government but must remain in exile outside Malaysia. What type of deal is that and why, then, should I support the government?
The Special Branch then said something that made me seriously consider supporting the government. And that is there are moves by the opposition to abolish the monarchy and turn Malaysia into a republic. Najib and Umno are pro-monarchy. So the only defence the monarchy has are Najib and Umno.
The Special Branch said, as a member of the Selangor Royal Family, it is my duty to defend the institution of the monarchy. We must not allow the DAP-led Pakatan to abolish the monarchy and turn Malaysia into a republic. It is my duty not only as a member of the Selangor Royal Family but also as a Malay and Muslim to uphold the monarchy.
I agreed and told the Special Branch to now consider me a government supporter. That was eight years ago in 2010. And with that I made my peace with my family and with the palace, which had been affected because of the Perak Constitutional Crisis earlier when I whacked the late Sultan of Perak.
Then, in 2015, the Special Branch met me in London and told me we were now going to switch alliances. That was soon after you and I met in February 2015. We are no longer going to support Najib but will support you to oust Najib.
I really do not know what is going on. In 2006 we were told to support you to oust Pak Lah and replace him with Ku Li. Then Najib became Prime Minister instead. In 2010 we were told to support Najib to stop the DAP-led Pakatan from taking power. Then in 2015 we were told to support you to oust Najib.
Well, Najib is now ousted. In fact, Umno and Barisan Nasional have also been ousted. So, what do you want from us now? There are three contenders for the Umno presidency and I am told you are behind one of them. Why are you still dictating who must lead Umno like you have been doing over the last 15 years since you resigned as the Umno leader in 2003?
More importantly, since you became Prime Minister, you have so far not charted the direction this country is going. You only talk about the transgressions of the last government. You keep telling us how bad Najib and the previous government was. The voters have voted for Pakatan and you are now in charge. Can you please stop talking about Najib and tell us where you are taking this country?
For example, is Malaysia a secular state or Muslim country? Are you going to end the NEP? Are you going to undo the Sharia court mess that you created when you were Prime Minister?
You see, it was you who announced that Malaysia is a fundamentalist Muslim country while your buddies in DAP say Malaysia is a secular state. It was you who extended the NEP when it was supposed to end in 1990. It was you who created this confusion regarding the status and jurisdiction of the Sharia courts.
You do not have much time, Tun. You cannot spend the few remaining years of your life on a witch-hunt. Stop talking about how bad Najib is and the bad things he did. It was you who wanted Najib as Prime Minister in 2008 when we wanted Ku Li. So, stop talking and live with it. If Najib was a mistake then it was YOUR mistake. Now start running the country.
Najib did not set up 1MDB. Pak Lah did. And Pak Lah set up 1MDB because you had stopped the 5% oil royalty payment to Terengganu in 2000. If you had not messed up the 5% oil royalty payment to Terengganu in 2000 then Pak Lah would not have set up 1MDB.
I really do not know if Najib stole 1MDB’s money. If he did then why have you not arrested him yet? Stop telling the world about how much Najib stole. Prove in court that he stole the money.
And please take responsibility for 1MDB. It came about because of you. It was because you ‘stole’ Terengganu’s 5% oil royalty that Pak Lah formed 1MDB. Even if it is true that 1MDB is a monster, you and Pak Lah created that monster. Now stop talking and move on. We want to know whether Malaysia is a secular country or Muslim country, whether the NEP is going to end, what is going to happen with JAKIM and the Sharia courts, and whether Malaysia is going to be turned into a republic.

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