
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 29, 2018

Here’s how the value of items seized by PDRM came to RM1 billion

Jae Senn
1. The stash included RM114 million to RM116 million in campaign funds, possibly for UMNO “carpet bombing”. No official paper trail, so we don’t know the details yet.
2. There was also the cash and valuables seized from Najib’s daughter and husband’s condo. Najib’s son-in-law, Daniyar Nazarbayev, is the nephew of Kazakhstan’s president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. He’s from a wealthy ruling class and wedding gifts from his mother, gifts that included gold and jewelry.
Their wedding was attended by VVIPs from both Malaysia and abroad, with many of these guests parting with expensive gifts that probably ran into the millions. These gifts, coupled with their personal belongings and cash, were seized in the police raids.
3. The condos of Tan Sri Desmond Lim Siew Choon and his wife, Datin Cindy Lim, were also raided by the authorities. Some may refer to the duo as Najib’s friends, while others may prefer to call them his cronies. Pictures from the raid clearly showed many boxes labeled “Datin Cindy” being wheeled out of the Pavilion condo
The said boxes contained nothing but luxury handbags. Tan Sri Desmond Lim is one of the wealthiest individuals in Malaysia, with a net worth of over RM2.4 billion. He has a 35.5% stake in Malton, a 37.2% stake in Pavilion REIT, and a 17.5% stake in WCT (which he spent over RM600 million to acquire in late-2016).
4. The valuables seized included high-quality counterfeits which were also valued at the price of genuine products for the time being. The jewellery and gold seized were valued at RM440 million, though through some fancy math and ‘logic’, that value miraculously ballooned to RM880 million. It was argued that with all the “workmanship” involved, the current market value would be 50-100% higher.
5. Now, we have to remember that all three condos raided in Pavilion did not belong to Najib. The said units were merely “connected” to him and were owned and occupied by other high net-worth individuals. But what about the items seized at Najib’s private residences and Sri Perdana?
6. Well, nothing was found at Sri Perdana, as expected. A few boxes of personal items were seized from his private residence (the value of the items have not been disclosed), and an old safe that took 2 days to open only had some old currency notes (maybe he’s into numismatics) and his wedding certificate.
7. Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak has said that he will stay and fight his case in court to clear his name. By the rule of law, everyone is entitled to the benefit of being innocent until proven guilty, without being lynched in the court of public opinion through trials by media.
However, this is Tun M we’re talking about, a man who’s most adept at demonizing his opponents by repeated trials-by-media (e.g. Anwar = sodomite & masturbator; Pak Lah = sleeps on the job; etc.).
The perception has already been created that the luxury condos at the Pavilion belong to Najib, all the luxury items seized belong to Rosmah Mansor, and that Najib had used RM1 billion of taxpayers money to amass all this cash and valuables.
Welcome to Malaysia Baru!

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