
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 21, 2018

MO1 tries to hide whole pumpkin in plate of rice

Let me make a confession. I don’t have a degree in journalism. Like almost all my successful peers and colleagues, we attended the “University of Hard Knocks” and came out with flying colours. But I must also say that I attended summer courses at the Centre of Investigative Journalism at London’s City University and obtained a law degree at the ripe age of 47!
Call it hunch, intuition or instinct. With our experience and knowledge, we can spot a fib almost immediately after it is uttered - that is, if we are monitoring a particular issue. The journalistic traits in many of us can sometimes run wild, but be assured that all of us are trained to think on our feet. We ask difficult and sometimes embarrassing questions to get to the bottom of an issue. That is why some of us are persona non grata at certain media conferences.
This morning, between glimpses on the television screen (Iran vs Spain) and the computer keyboard, I read, re-read and digested former premier Najib Razak’s interview he had given to Reuters.
These days, the foreign media is the darling of BN leaders who suddenly feel alienated by those they had cultivated. No more Ashraffs; no more Jalils; no more Wongs and Tans; and no more Vincents to do the bidding. Pre-election, they were untouchable and regarded themselves as “blind loyalists” who would ask: “How high, Sir?” when asked to jump.
Najib, on reading your interview, I could not help recollecting my late Tamil-speaking mother’s proverb on being told to stop being untruthful. “Don’t try to hide a whole pumpkin in your plate of rice” she would chide each time I was up to no good and came up with all kinds of unacceptable excuses.
Najib said he would have acted if he knew 1MDB funds were being misappropriated. Really? Utter bunkum! For more than four years, right-minded Malaysians were telling him about the nonsense that was going on, his involvement and events taking place under his nose.
Although he banned the local media from even mentioning the phrase “1MDB” in their publications, there was ample incriminating stuff in cyberspace. Even the international media was highlighting every deal made by 1MDB (with documents and pay-in slips) and Najib’s direct involvement. He ignored all of them. Now, he has the cheek to claim that he would have acted! Come on, we are not born yesterday.
In a way, Najib is right about ‘acting’ - he got rid of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief Abu Kassim Mohamed and the attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail. Their investigations revealed too much. The heat was too much to bear. Then he went after those who spoke out on this issue - the first victim being his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin.
Under his watch, The Edge and its sister publication, The Edge Financial Daily were suspended for three months and its editor, Ho Kay Tat, was detained. Why? All because they were reporting how we were being ripped off and provided the unadulterated truth with documents to substantiate them.
This was followed by someone in Najib’s team conjuring this infamous phrase which was to be used, recycled and reinforced by his cronies and hangers-on even till polling day. “Conspiracy to overthrow a democratically-elected government” was the catch cry from the strategic communications team and this was aped even by his cabinet colleagues. Unfortunately, this mantra could not save Najib since ‘nasi jadi bubur’ (the rice has turned into porridge).
Wasn’t Najib the one who directed that parts of the auditor-general’s report be classified under the Official Secrets Act? He claimed he did not know that 1MDB funds were misappropriated. If so, why the need for this draconian measure? Was it an attempt to hide the truth and his involvement in the scandal? Was there a call from his friend Low Taek Jho, who he cut off in recent times?
Blissful ignorance?
“I didn't benefit from 1MDB, because I believe that the 1MDB was created to do something good for the country. If I knew there was going to be misappropriation of funds, if that was my knowledge, I would have acted,” Reuters quoted him as saying.
Come on Najib, if everything was hunky dory in 1MDB and the directors had kept you in the dark, as the finance minister, the onus was on you to ask for periodic reports because taxpayers’ money was involved. Shouldn’t he have asked his officers why he was required to approve millions in payments to third parties and issue numerous letters of guarantee and undertaking? Wasn’t he aware of the sale of numerous assets, including the power companies, to salvage the situation?
Did it ever cross his mind to ask his stepson, Riza Aziz (photo), where he got the funds to start a film production company? Where did the money for the casino sojourns, the champagne and the pretty ladies come from? Where did the money come from to buy up-market property in London and New York? It is hard to believe that Najib, his advisors or his communications team had not read the report from the US Department of Justice (DOJ).
Why didn’t he come upfront and declare his non-interest and non-involvement in this whole shenanigan? He preferred elegant silence in the hope that all can be hushed up when BN is re-elected. Fortunately for the whole nation, this did not happen.
If Najib insists that he was ignorant on the DOJ report and its contents, then it is even a BIGGER lie. He gave interviews to selected editors on this issue but never at one time did he say that he had been kept in the dark. His cabinet colleagues, party leaders and the communications team were lining up in front of TV cameras to issue scores of statements claiming Najib’s innocence.
Where are the Paul Lows, the Khairys and the Salleh Keruaks who thumped their chests in defence of their boss? Former cabinet minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan (a Freudian slip or otherwise) acknowledged that Najib was indeed the “MO1” mentioned in the report.
Najib will be aware that ordinary mortals like us are queried by banks and other enforcement authorities even if just RM20,000 is deposited in our accounts. How come Najib was never queried and charged under the Money Laundering Act when RM2.6 billion was clandestinely deposited in his personal account? Providing flimsy reasons and hiding behind officialdom after the transactions are of no help.
The other issues raised in the interview deserve another column but, in the meantime, let me get colloquial – stop hiding the pumpkin, cut the bull****, tell the truth and shame the devil.

R NADESWARAN has heard excuses, lies, defences and justification for the abuse of power and money. Let us have the truth for a change. Comments: citizen.nades22@gmail.com - Mkini

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