
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 29, 2018


There’s a lull in the office right now.
So, I think I write this short one to fill up the time.
At breakfast this morning, I had a conversation with one of my Umno supporting aunts (I’m staying with my aunts for now), which went something like this.
Aunt : I read your blog. It’s good that you are still supporting Umno.
Annie : No, I’m not. I’m neutral.
Aunt : No. You are obviously supporting Umno.
Annie : Sigh. Whatever.
Aunt : Eh, I noticed that most readers at your blog are Pakatan supporters.
Annie : Probably.
Aunt : How come arrr? I read the other pro-Umno blogs too but their readers are mostly Umno people. How come yours is mostly filled with Pakatan people?
Annie : You mean based on the comments. right?
Aunt : Yes. Most of the comments are pro-Pakatan. Why?
Annie : I really don’t know. They seemed to hate me but they still want to read my blog and even commented about my ramblings.
Aunt : That’s why I was wondering why they did that. Why they don’t go to the other pro-Umno blogs or just stick to Pakatan ones?
Annie ; Aiya, just let them be lah. Just don’t read their comments if they irritate you.
Aunt : Okay lah.
My aunt is just like that. She always asks me weird questions.
She even pressed me for my opinion this morning on who I’m supporting for the Umno presidential race.
I told her that I’m not getting involved in that one because I previously pledged not to do so as I wanted to be fair to the contestants with my neutrality.
But my aunt simply have none of that.
“Come on la. Stop bullshitting around and just tell me what you think,” she insisted.
In the end I relented and said this to her;
“They are like in a family.
“Zahid is like Thor, the God of Thunder because he’s so thunderous.
“KJ is like Loki, the God of Mischief because he’s so full of mischiefs.
“Ku Li is like Odin, the Old God, because he’s simply old.”
“But I prefer Hela, the Goddess of Death.”
Then I laughed.
Then my aunt smacked me on the back of my head.
‘Engko ni banyak main-main lah,” she said, pretending to be angry.
After that I laughed some more and then went to work.
– http://lifeofaannie.blogspot.com/

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