
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 22, 2018

Yoursay: At best, Najib is guilty of gross incompetence

YOURSAY | His statements are so full of holes, which ones should we poke first?
Anonymous 2413471460628504: How does one even begin to comment on this? Former PM Najib Razak’s statements are so full of holes, which ones should we poke first?
A prime minister and finance minister who does not know what is going on in 1MDB. A man who signs anything put in front of him without knowing what it is all about.
A man who had insisted that he received a donation of RM2.6 billion from an Arab but who now says he does not know where the money came from. In fact, he returned the money to said Arab, but still doesn't really know what he was doing.
And him removing an attorney-general (AG) and ignoring the whole world telling him there is something wrong with 1MDB was… pure coincidence?
A man who receives more than RM100 million in cash, he does not know what to do but stash them in his house. A man who receives hundreds of million ringgit worth of "gifts" but questioned not the morality of the matter.
He is the innocent poor pathetic fellow whom the whole world just want to donate and give lots of money to.
Clearly, his "long" time in government has not taught him what is wrong or right.
Gosh! Is this why all his lawyers left him? Because they realise there is no way they can defend this man in court and walk away with their reputation intact?
Thank heavens BN lost in GE14. He would have signed the whole country away and claim "not to realise" it!
Salam Malaysia Baru: Good God! We have been having a mentally unstable man as our PM for almost a decade.
Najib, doesn't it sound preposterous even to you that you did not know what was going on in 1MDB even though you are the head of that department?
It is incumbent upon you to know what is going on. To deny that the 1MDB board did not apprise you of the goings-on in the very company you founded for the "betterment of the country" sounds very hollow and is insulting the intelligence of the country as a whole.
Donations are taxable. Did you declare tax for the amount found in your personal bank accounts?
As a foreign dignitary representing the Malaysian government, if you receive any gifts from countries abroad, you are to return it to the government, not keep it as your God-given right.
I cannot understand how a man who has been a PM could spout the nonsense you are now spouting.
Asitis: If it was not your fault, why did you hinder the investigation into 1MDB during your tenure as PM? Why sack the AG who was going to charge you, for example? And replace him with an AG that was friendly to you?
If you are indeed innocent, why the fishy business? And is not 1MDB under the Finance Ministry and you the finance minister then?
Was it not your signature of approval on all those documents? So how can you claim ignorance?
AnonfrmPerak: The only people who keep huge wads of cash lying around the house are drug lords, murderous kidnappers and crooked politicians who do not want their wealth traced. Take your pick of which category you belong to, Najib.
Unless you're some Hollywood celebrity or a supermodel, nobody simply gifts these ridiculously expensive Birkin bags to you.
Najib must still think the rakyat are fools who can be easily manipulated and lied to.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: So, he couldn’t even figure out where all the money in his bank account came from and he was the finance minister?
This play of utter ignorance is just so outrageous it makes one wonder if he is actually of sound mind.
Quigonbond: For a husband and presumably head of family, who also happens to be a sitting PM, Najib has certainly failed in his responsibility as a father, head of family, parent and husband, because he never asked where his wife and his children get their billions from.
Apparently, it's the same disease that afflicted former Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. No wonder they get along so well.
Susahkes: By jove, so he's innocent. Well, there you go. Why then are we wasting time investigating Najib's "alleged" link with all things 1MDB?
As the ex-PM puts it, this "ultimately is the responsibility of the management and board." Then again, this obviously begs the ...err... obvious question - why the heck did Najib not sue all the news agencies who associated him negatively with 1MDB?
In fact, why stop there? Go after the US Department of Justice (DOJ) too, bang tables at how unfair its findings were, ending up incriminating him as the ubiquitous influence behind 1MDB.
Apa Nama: Najib, are you expect us to believe what are saying? By the way, I will give you benefit of doubt and let the court decide whether you are guilty or not.
Since you mentioned about not going to be fugitive for the rest of your life, why not advise your good friend, Jho Low, the same and request him to come back, face the music and if possible, clear his name and yours.
Anyway, if the immigration did not blacklist you and Rosmah Mansor, will you say the same thing? I will let other readers comment about it.
Meanwhile, enjoy your retirement and make sure you and your beloved wife Rosmah are prepared mentally for the upcoming trial and subsequent possibility of going to jail.
MahuSeeLui: He signed all the documents but now pleads ignorance. Either he is an idiot or nincompoop, in which case how did he become PM and finance minister?
The board members should be pulled up one by one and interrogated about how instructions were received. They should also be charged if found to be part of the fraud and limited amnesty provided for credible information.
Wong Fei Hoong: Najib, why tell all now? You had a chance to tell it all in Parliament. You did not do that. Why did you run away in the ‘Nothing to Hide’ forum? It was a good opportunity for you to tell the people then.
And why did you sack all the top guns who went against you?
Anonymous 2456541485523213: "Relaxing in a black T-shirt and brown pants, Najib said he was enjoying golf, food, and time with his family."
We, the rakyat, suffer. -Mkini

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