
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 29, 2018

Yoursay: Najib’s cash haul – MACC should quiz Umno leaders

YOURSAY | They will have to prove it belongs to them. Who are the donors? When did they give?
Ipohcrite: Call all those who made statements claiming the money belong to Umno to MACC to record their statements and for them to submit their claims with supporting documents or other proof.
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi as acting head of Umno should also be called as, I believe, a statement has also been issued by their so-called Umno strategic communications team.
Let's call their bluff and see where they stand; they must still be thinking they can get away with everything they say or do, without having to bear responsibility, as was the case under the Najib administration.
Those lawless days are long gone - wake up and smell the fresh air of a transparent and responsible new administration.
MVK: The Umno grassroots are not to be blamed as like in any other political party, they cannot be faulted for believing their leaders.
But all the top leaders of Umno must answer as to why they could be led by the nose when so much evidence was clear as daylight. They were all highly educated including Ku Li (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) who I think exonerated his then boss.
If not for Dr Mahathir Mohamad's instinct to disbelieve Najib, we could not have dislodged him. The Umno leaders must answer to the nation for their stubborn support of Najib.
The same goes for other BN leaders. Having left BN does not absolve them. Most of us taxpayers and rakyat know how hard we struggled to make enough to lead a comfortable life - even those of us with wealth.
It is scandalous and obscene that all this was gobbled up so easily. The rakyat will also never forgive the top civil servants who looked askance or even abetted in the loot whatever their compulsion.
These elites of the civil service were already warned by the statements of G25. So to have forgotten their duty to king and country was an unpardonable betrayal.
It is sincerely hoped that there is justice without mercy (in this case) for all those involved.
Laksamana: Unbelievable... how could we have allowed this utter debauchery for so long?
Umno members allowed this - they could have removed or spoken up against such corrupt leaders but they chose not to, and this includes the very people who won the recent wing leadership elections and those vying for president, deputy president, vice-presidents and Supreme Council members.
No one in the upper echelons of Umno has any credibility or integrity whatsoever. Those that have, are now in Pribumi (Bersatu).
Clever Voter: The excuse that the ill-gotten wealth belongs to Umno is laughable and ludicrous. Photos cannot tell lies, let alone videos and police documentation can only mean one thing.
I don't know how these got into my house or they don't belong to me, I don't know who these belong to. Technically speaking, one can claim he was never caught red-handed, anyone could have put it there, perhaps DAP?
The latest episode of this drama only epitomises the depth of the corruption of the leader in the previous regime. This is just the beginning, we have yet to see the worst.
Phgoh: Umno can always file an application in the courts to have the money "returned" to them. Of course, they will have to prove it belongs to them.
Who are these donors? When did they give?
KarepuSamy: It doesn't make sense if Umno claims the cash belongs to the party as it was in 26 currencies. So does that mean Umno is funded by foreign elements?
By Umno's definition, receiving political fund from foreign countries is equivalent to being a traitor.
James_3392: Umno was never known to be in the business of money changer, so how can it have the 26 different currencies worth an equivalent of RM116.7 million?
Umno was not in the business of selling watches, jewellery and other luxurious goods too. Therefore, how could it be Umno property?
Can Umno prove how it first owned it before it was transferred to Najib?
Roger 5201: Umno leader Shahrir Samad said the whole election process requires cash, since transferring money via the bank or cheques would have presented a logistical challenge.
People ask, “Why do you need cash?” Now we know not all Umno constituencies, especially those around Kuala Lumpur, have bank accounts.
Anonymous 2478181499087834: Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) chief Amar Singh, perfect answer with regard to claims by Umno (that the word 'Umno' was not printed on the seized cash). I salute you, Sir.
Now no one would dare utter such claims in public for fear of being investigated. I recall the inspector-general of police (IGP) was wishy-washy earlier when asked the same question, that is why many people laid claim after that.
Amar Singh, I also recollect you personally responding to a complaint in The Starnewspaper, that for every police report an investigation file should be opened, and you promised to pull up the recalcitrant investigating officer.
I fully support and pray that you shall be the next IGP. Of course, people will scream race and religion.
As far as religion is concerned, Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) and its state-level apparatuses have their own enforcement and snooping teams, not to mention their own syariah courts.
As far as race is concerned, if the police can save me from a crime, I don't care if that person is a Malay, Chinese or Indian.
Fair Play: Amar Singh is very smart. Now, the onus is on Najib, Shahrir and Bung Moktar Radin to lodge their respective police report claiming the assets belong to Umno.
They dare not, because if they do, it's game over for each one of them.
SemangatbaruMsia: This is a ‘Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah’ - all the recovered items should be displayed in a Muzium Kleptrocrat as a reminder to all future leaders of Malaysia.

I’m pretty sure this will draw locals and tourists by the thousands. - Mkini

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