
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 25, 2018

Yoursay: So what did MO1 know and didn’t know?

YOURSAY | 'The fact is that he is to be blamed, nobody else.'
Anonymous_1371465729: Former PM Najib Razak, in your own words, the 1MDB board and management have a fiduciary duty to inform you if something is not right.
Since you claimed you didn’t know, that means the board and management failed to inform you, hence this 1MDB mess.
Isn’t this blaming the board and management for the debacle? What about your fiduciary duty as the man on top of the 1MDB heap?
Anonymous_3e86: First, he tries to subtly put the blame on the 1MDB board. Then he says he denies it. The fact is that he is to be blamed, nobody else.
Clever Voter: Throughout his ministerial career Najib has never admitted to any single mistake or worst, take accountability for any financial scandals. From missing jet engine to financial losses, never did he once say he was wrong.
If he did not blame the management and the board for the mess he created in 1MDB, then who should the country hold accountable?
The media? Jho Low? Bankers? It is ludicrous that for someone to hold the most senior job, he is saying he was not aware and that he did not even know details of his personal bank accounts.
Asitis: That is as good as saying that it was their fault for not informing you that funds were being misappropriated.
That is blaming, Najib, even if you did not explicitly say so. You are just trying to wriggle your way out of a mistake after realising that Malaysians are much smarter to see through your lies than you have given them credit for.
It is time, Najib, that you remove your ostrich head out of the sand.
Chriskwan-sabah: Money went into your bank account, you signed the cheques to dispense part of this money, and now you say you didn’t know this huge sum of money came from and the source is unknown to you?
Any fool would call the bank at once even for a few thousand ringgit, let alone hundreds of millions of ringgit, appear in your bank account.
You didn’t call the bank to verify. That meant you had expected that large sum of money to be credited into your account. Right, Najib?
Lionking: The way statements are being made by Najib, it is quite obvious it is like a preamble to the upcoming legal action. Surely someone must be advising him on what to say - disclaiming responsibility.
True Malaysian: Don't blame. Najib. Don't blame the board. Don't blame Umno/BN. Then blame who - the rakyat? For allowing Umno/BN during his premiership to siphon the people and milk the country dry?
Someone has to take responsibility - and it's you, Najib, and your Umno cronies - for the financial troubles, massive corruption and abuse of power.
You and your wife, Rosmah Mansor, deserve to face justice. Only then there will be closure in this darkest chapter in the country's history.
Panorama123: It is better for 1MDB previous board members and other officials complicit in the purported scandal to come “clean” with the full details to the authorities now before it is too late.
Otherwise, all the previous board members who authorised the respective purported “scams” will be facing very heavy sentence.
They should be smart enough to know that Najib is no longer in a position to protect them now as all the required 1MDB information and documents are already in the possession of MACC and new AG.
Mighty Bear: So does Najib know or not know? Or does he not know but claim to know? Yet to be perceived as someone to be in the know, he says he knows but can't tell much about what he knows exactly.
He claims he didn't know anything about the fraud and then contradicts himself by knowing so much that what he knows will jeopardise some outside the country.
Whatever he says, the rakyat knows the truth.
RR: The AG is right for the Election Commission (EC) to appoint its own lawyers to defend the election petitioners of Pakatan Harapan.
If the AG should defend but advises the EC to accept guilt for the proven wrongdoings, then cronies in Umno would blast the AG saying he is openly siding with the Harapan government
Anonymous 2478181499087834: Please also make sure that EC does not use its funds from the government to hire the private lawyers. After all, the EC should be able to defend its own decisions if it is done bona fide.
If it is a genuine mistake and not mala fide, then the government can consider reimbursement.
This will send a clear message that politicians and civil servants have to follow the rule of law and not act with impunity thinking the government will defend and bail them out for their abuses.
Headhunterk: Prior to the 14th general election, every day was one bad news after another on the political front and it was both sad and frightening.
But the post-general election, it has been one good news after another. Everyone is so positive nowadays and we expect great things from the new government.
We have seen how one man can destroy a nation and good luck for us all, another man was able to stop him in his track just in the nick of time. -Mkini

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