
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 3, 2018

Terengganu exco: Caning to educate public, not hurt the two women

The caning sentence meted out on two women in Terengganu for attempting sexual relations is to educate the public on Islamic law, said state exco member in charge of syariah implementation Satiful Bahri Mamat.
"Our intention is to educate the public on how the caning sentence is carried out (under) Islamic law.
"The purpose was not to hurt (the women) or be cruel. It is a process of educating (the public)," Satiful (photo, right) told reporters at the Kuala Terengganu Syariah High Court today after witnessing the sentence being carried out.
He said the punishment also served as a reminder to the public to not commit zina (illicit sex), likening the offence to a "cancer that can spread in society".
"From what we can see today, I believe (such sentences) will no longer shock the public," he said.
The two women were whipped six times on their back by a masked female officer from the Kajang prison.
It took place at the Kuala Terengganu Syariah High Court. The two accused had their backs facing the public gallery.
Meanwhile, Terengganu Bar Committee chairperson Sallehudin Harun said the carrying out of the sentence gave the public clarity on the process.
"I was (initially) confused and thought that this was a heavy punishment. From what we saw today, the public would have a more positive picture," he said. - Mkini

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