
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 8, 2019

Yoursay: Still cautiously optimistic about New Malaysia

YOURSAY | ‘Sixty years versus nine months - it’s too short of a time to see change’.
Newday: Happiness is no easy thing. It is much easier to be complacent, be critical without solutions, to maintain bitterness, to hate, to be petty, and to revert to old stereotypes than to make the effort towards happiness.
Yet, for one fleeting moment after GE14, the majority of Malaysians were happy. Has Pakatan Harapan been the catalyst for people to revert back to the old ways? To some extent yes, especially in the cases writer Martin Vengadesan discussed in the article.
Are they mistakes of a new untested and untried government? Again, to some extent. Are they still acting like separate opposition parties still? Yes. It will take time for this ‘Coalition of the Willing’ with varying views and prejudices to be really coherent as a ruling coalition.
Time, according to most, is not what they are being allowed to have. Nine months into government and we are baying for blood of some and expressing severe dissatisfaction with many decisions and directions.
Education Minister Maszlee Malik comes to mind, and he has turned into a human punching bag. No time to breathe, Maszlee, as we are reverting to the old stereotypes.
We are impatient, we cannot go with the flow due to many years of emotional war against the old corrupt regime. We are so tired of the fight for a good and just society.
But we must give this government time to find themselves, to be a determined and firm government.
The concept of happiness almost needs to be taught in schools, but to a certain extent the concept of happiness in the now of life, goes against the narrow religious doctrine being taught in schools - you live now for the hereafter.
Happiness in this life does not have a role to play as then a person would be focusing on Happiness and not Allah. This is a fundamental issue that needs urgent addressing by the government.
Maszlee is correct in stating that education institutions need to be a place of fun and happy learning. All he has to do is get this through to the Taliban types that dominate many areas of education.
We are born happy - one of the earliest things us humans do is smile. Go to any gathering of the so-called faithful these days - any smiles? No. Malaysia, and especially the Islamic religious types, need refresher courses in the concept of happiness.
Meanwhile, we all must readjust our patience button and give Harapan some real breathing space, to get reforms and initiatives in place. Sixty-one years of the other side will not disappear overnight. But it can and must.
Happiness is not freely given - no handouts in this - it must be earned. Harapan needs to understand that happiness of the populace is paramount to them winning in GE15, still about four years away.
Start 2019 properly, keep us informed and engaged in what you do and happiness will grow. I look forward to the future of happiness as much as this weary super-liberal Muslim can!
Lipdah: I agree with this article by Vengadesan. There is a lot to be thankful for. Stopping the stealing was the intention. We have achieved that.
Harapan needs time to address the misdeeds of the thief. Let's give them two or three years and then vote accordingly in 2023. It is not fair to expect handouts as some are.
Anonymous 770241447347646: When Lee Kuan Yew took over the premiership of Singapore, there were huge mountains to climb. With hardly any resources and a mostly Chinese population with old-school mentality who brought their laws from their old homeland China.
Lee had a passion for Singapore. He was not willing to let anyone hinder what he had planned. He was not out to gain popularity. There would have been many who did not agree with his ways or ideas. Changing mindsets indoctrinated by years of rule is not easy.
His vision for Singapore saw him standing up to any detractors. They may call him a dictator, but his heart was in the right place. Today, he is respected as one of the greatest statespersons who had lived.
Malaysia also needs a leader like him. A man with a passion for the nation. With some dictator-like qualities that will not tolerate unnecessary opposition.
Until we raise the standard of our education system and make our citizens independent thinkers, not being easily manipulated by selfish politicians or religious zealots, this nation will not find the happiness it seeks.
Until then, it has to be the citizens who have to rise up. They have to put their best foot forward. They have come a long way to set themselves free. They have to continue that fight if they want the nation to move forward.
It will take some more time before we see real changes. Sixty years against nine months is too short a time. Change will come if we continue on this track. With it, the happiness we seek.
Not Convinced: Be careful what we wish for, especially after over 60 years Umno’s dictator-like leadership. Look where it has brought us.
Appum: I am still cautiously optimistic that Malaysia will change. And this change must be led by the Malays themselves.
If this majority group still cling to their religion and race and based policies on such criteria, then we will go back to square one where race and religious discrimination ala Umno regime will continue.
Drngsc: Happy? Yes. If we can change them once, we can always change them again. Satisfied with Harapan's performance? No. Approval rating C-.
After nine months, Harapan has failed to bring about the important reforms that they promised. They keep following the same BN mantra of trying to chase the elusive Malay votes at the risk of losing their important base of non-Malays.
After 60 years of "dedak", the Malays may take 20 years to change, but PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad still wants to try. He forgets that he is risking losing the non-Malay votes.
We keep asking him to promote all races and keep his solid base. The people of Cameron Highlands has shown him, yet he refused to see.
Well, let us give them a few more years. If they still persist with their failed Malay agenda, we will throw them out. Maybe a reformed BN will be less corrupt and better than a failed Harapan. - Mkini

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