
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 8, 2019

Zahid Hamidi to make a comeback to Umno

Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi hinted last night that he would make a comeback to lead the party after a "peristiwa besar" (big occurrence or event) that he expects to take place soon.
Zahid, who is currently on leave from party duties, refused to elaborate on the 'event' he was referring to.
"I am going to be away (from party duties) for a period of time to finish my leave because according to 'kasyaf' (advantage given by God to chosen people), the ulama have said that something big will happen in the country.
"When it happens, I will return to lead Umno, inshaAllah," Zahid said during a talk programme titled 'Umno & PAS Cooperation - How Far Will It Go?' held in Bagan Datuk, Perak, last night.
The programme, which was aired live on social media, featured Zahid, who is the Bagan Datuk MP, and Bagan Datuk PAS division chief Misbahul Munir Masbuki as panellists.
It was the first programme where the former deputy prime minister appeared officially on the political stage, after going on leave as Umno president last December.
On Dec 18 last year, Zahid announced his decision to hand over the party president's duties to his deputy, Mohamad Hasan, with immediate effect.
Speaking about the decision, Zahid explained that it was made to save Umno from the exodus of its leaders and people's representatives.
"If it is true that I was the main cause (for the exodus), then the decision I made was the best to give the trust to Mohamad to carry out the duties.
"This also fits the spirit of Umno's constitution, where if the president does not receive 'hidayah' (guidance from God), then the best method is to hand over the responsibility to the deputy president," Zahid said.
On the cooperation between Umno and PAS, he said there is "kemesraan" (intimacy) between the parties.
If he were to be given the trust to unite Umno and PAS again, he said, he would make sincerity the core of their cooperation.
"InshaAllah, if one day I am given the responsibility again to unite the two parties, sincerity will cover all political aims," he said.
Cooperation between Umno and PAS, Zahid added, should be translated into the true meaning of "tahaluf siyasi" (political cooperation), in line with what the members and grassroots of the two parties wanted. - Mkini

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