
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, November 22, 2019

Dr Mahathir, What Ails You Is You Are Not Following The Quran.

Dr M said: Many Muslim countries facing trouble 
Muslims in sorry state of affairs 
labelled as terrorists
their countries mired in war, conflict 
some are ungovernable
cauldron of woes engulfing community

Kuala Lumpur (KL) Summit next month
to find out why we’re in such a state 
to eliminate problems faced by Muslims
three countries have time to spare to attend 
he was referring to Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia

My comments :  

The great task for Dr Mahathir.

I would like to suggest a great task for Dr Mahathir to save the 'Islamic countries'. 
Do read on.

Dr Mahathir is going to solve 1000 years of chaos, confusion, murder and mayhem in one day's KL Summit next month ?  Fuiyyo !!  Well what can I say except  'Dr Mahathir better hurry up'. 

Many, many of you Muslims (especially Malays) do not understand anything about what is going on in the "Islamic countries" (Nauzubillah, may Allah forgive me for using the word 'islamic' so casually).

Pakistan, Turkey and Malaysia have time to spare to attend this summit? First of all Dr Mahathir better really hurry up because the Pushtun Imran Khan may get thrown out of office before end of next month.  In such event his most likely Punjabi replacement will  be 31 year old Bilawal Bhutto.  

Before I forget there are TWO important dates this November.

1. November 27th (five days away) is Maa-veerar Naal for Sri Lankan Tamils in Sri Lanka and among Sri Lankan Tamils all over the world, including in Malaysia. Maa-veerar (wira) Naal means Great Heroes Day - to commemorate the great heroes of Tamil Eelam.  Just lock that trivia away somewhere. I hope there are no "fireworks" anywhere.

2.  Then on 30th November 2019 (eight days away) the Pakistani Army Chief General Bajwa will have his contract extended (by himself so they say) for another THREE years.  It is just a rubber stamp formality because the decision was made months ago by the Army Deep State in Pakistan.  What does this mean? It means that  an exit by Imran Khan will not even rattle the Pakistani Army's Punjabi Republic. 

Ok back to the ailing "Islamic" countries.

Dr Mahathir is 94 + 4 years old now. 
  • When Dr Mahathir was 15 years old (1936) the Islamic countries were ailing.
  • When he was 30 years old, 45 years old, 60 years old, 75 years old, 90 years old etc the islamic countries never stopped ailing.

500 years ago in the 15th century  the Islamic countries were ailing.
1000 years ago the Islamic countries were ailing. 
They have never stopped ailing.  

When super duper analytical and physical chemist Al Geber (Abū Mūsā Jābir ibn Hayyān d. 721 AD, is the author of an enormous number of works called the Jabirian corpus. Popularly known as the father of chemistry, Jabir’s works contain the oldest known systematic classification of chemical substanceswas doing his chemical experiments, the OWR (ostard wal retards) were labelling people apostates (murtad) and jailing, torturing and killing them.  One of their victims was Jabir Ibn Hayyan the father of chemistry.  

Throughout history, state sanctioned ISIS type behaviour patterns have never left the Islamic societies.  Including in Malaysia where belonging to other Islamic sects are made criminal and punishable by jail terms and even extra-judicial killing. 

So going back to Dr Mahathir's quest to cure the Islamic ailment.
Here is the answer to what ails the Islamic countries.

They do not question their religion. 
Or rather the asking of questions is criminalised - by the State, by the OWRs, by village mobs, by the religious departments etc.

There is really something seriously wrong with their religion yet they are afraid to question their religion. 

Instead ALL leaders of Islamic countries blame the people, the ummah for :

1. not adhering to the "true teachings" of their religion
2. not being fully committed to Islam
3. not establishing "god's laws" in their countries
4. not following the earliest generations (the Salafis)
5. etc

Pi dah mabuk. There is nothing wrong with the people. 
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the ummah.

The Quran says Allah "created you and then perfected you".
The Quran says Allah "perfected the creation"
The Quran says Allah "created the heavens and the earth and set everything in order".

So the creation of the human being has been perfected.

That is why the human race is so successful on this planet earth. 
62 years ago the human race reached into outer space (Sputnik). 
57 years ago the human race ventured into space (Yuri Gagarin).
50 years ago the human race set foot on the moon (Neil Armstrong).
Now the human race has made our presence felt on Mars.

But the Islamic countries (almost all) cannot even make a bicycle.
This is evidence enough that what ails the Islamic countries is their religion.
Whenever they are involved with their religion, they get into trouble. 
So the trouble is in the religion. 
There is nothing wrong with the ummah or the people.

And here is evidence WHY the religion does not work.

The Sunnis say the Shias are wrong. In Malaysia it is a crime to be a Shia.
The Shias say the Sunnis are wrong. 
The Salafis / Wahabis say everyone else is wrong except them.
The Sufis don't really care. They say they can communicate directly with  whatever.

Arguing logically :
1. All of them cannot be right.
2. All of them can be wrong - meaning none are correct. 
3. Only one is correct.

But if only one of them is indeed correct then how come ALL Islamic countries (sunni, shia, salafi etc) are still ailing?

The answer is therefore obvious.
Fix the religion.
No need to fix the ummah.  
Leave the ummah alone. 

So how to fix the religion? 
Or the many versions of religion?

Here is a clue.  Just stick to the Quran.
1.  When Dr Mahathir says Assalamu Alaikum at the KL Summit, it is not in the Quran. There is no Assalamu Alaikum in the Quran. The Quran says Salamun Alaikum (See 6:54).  A small yet very significant difference. 

Compounding the issue is the fact that the Quran represents the actual spoken words of the Rasul.  (Innahu la qaulu rasoolin kareem - surely it is the speech of an honorable Rasool). So the Rasul or messenger said the words 'Salamun Alaikum'.

The Jewish people say Shalom Alaykum.

2. The Allahu Akbar (god is great) is not in the Quran.  
The Quran does say Allahu Azeem which means Allah is the Mightiest. 
But there is no Allahu Akbar.
How come?

In the Bible (Book of Psalms) it says 'god is greater'.

3.  The word hijab appears seven times in the Quran.  
None of them refer to a head cover for women.  
The word ‘hijab’ is used in seven Quran verses. 
The verses are: 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 and 19:17.

None of these occurrences of the word ‘hijab’ mean a head cover for women.

How come?  Hijab is mentioned SEVEN times in the Quran and not ONCE does it refer to head cover for women?

The Bible (1st Corinthians Chp 11:5-6) speaks about head covers for women.

4. The word aurat appears FOUR times in THREE verses :  24:58, 33:13, 24:31.

Aurat simply means nakedness. 
Not once does the Arabic word aurat in the Quran refer to the women's hair or their heads. How come? 

5.  The religious people say chop off the hands of the thief. They refer Surah 5:38 faqata'uu aydiya humaa which they say means 'cut their hands'

But then in Sura 12:30 it says wa qatta'naa aydiyahunna which means "and they cut their hands". This is in the story of Nabi Yusuf or Joseph who mesmerised some women so much that they cut their hands with their fruit knives. Surely the women did not chop off their hands. 

So how did you get chop off their hands? 

6. The azan is not in the Quran. 

If you want to hear the jewish call to prayer click here  https://youtu.be/fUSdHB1R-W4

7. There is no ZAKAT as charity in the Quran. There is no mention of paying 2.5% zakat in the Quran. Or that zakat refers the payment of alms or charity. There is none.

There is a concept of religious tithes in the Bible.

8. There is no waqaf or concept of waqaf in the Quran. None.

There is a concept of church lands in the Bible.

The question is why aren't all these practises NOT in the Quran?

9.  So here is the great task for Dr Mahathir at the KL Summit.

Ask the KL Summit to identify just one thing which they practise in their daily religion that can be traced back exactly to the Quran. JUST ONE.


And here is the big question : 



And herein lies the solution to all the problems faced by the Islamic countries :   Nothing that you fight over can be found in the Quran. Nothing. 

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