
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jews Don’t Forgive Hitler, Why Must Malays Forgive Chin Peng?

The bottom-line is the Chinese are politicising the issue of bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes to Malaysia. This has nothing to do with a dying man’s “last wish”. So now, as the Chinese want, this matter has become political — and a hot political potato on top of that. You want it so now you have got it. Live with it.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
In Germany, the law considers swastikas and SS sig runes the symbols of anti-constitutional organisations. Displaying them publicly or selling goods that sport them is illegal and displaying Nazi symbols in Germany can be punished by three years in jail. The Nazi salute and statements such as “Heil Hitler” are also banned in public.
In 2005, the European Union proposed the ban in all 25 member-countries. Luxembourg’s justice minister, Mr Luc Frieden, said, “We must conclude on this issue. The discussion has been going on for too long. We owe it also to the victims of Auschwitz and other concentration camps.”

Still a sensitive issue: Members of the Jewish Defense League fight neo-Nazis in the streets of America

The issue of Adolf Hitler and Nazi symbols in Europe is as sensitive as the issue of Chin Peng and Communist symbols in Malaysia. The Nazi Party of Germany is banned as is the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM).
There are those who argue that the “Peace Agreement of Hat Yai” was signed in 1989 whereby the CPM ends hostilities and the Communist Terrorists or CTs would be allowed to return to Malaysia. That is not entirely true and Capt John Seademon has explained the whole thing in this article “The Butcher of Bekor is Back” (READ HERE).
Hence it is not as simple as jumping on a bus and coming back to Malaysia to live and die, as some are suggesting. There was an amnesty period and terms and conditions had to be met before the CTs could return to Malaysia.
Will these “Muslim patriots” be allowed back to Malaysia?
Can those people who went to Syria to join Daesh or the Islamic State (or ISIS) simply buy a plane ticket and return to the country of their birth (whichever country that may be) just because they no longer want to fight for an Islamic State and are homesick? So why are “Muslim terrorists” treated differently from Chinese terrorists, who seem to be given special treatment?
The main issue here is: did the Pakatan Harapan government lift the ban on Chin Peng and/or his remains being brought back to Malaysia? If the ban has been lifted then no problem. Then those people who brought Chin Peng’s ashes home to Malaysia have not committed any crime.
But thus far the Pakatan Harapan government has not issued any official statement regarding the lifting of the ban. Why not? Takut apa? Was the ban lifted through a whisper? Were those people told (in whispers) that the government will “close one eye” and not say anything, but buat diam-diam saja?
They say this move is to honour the last wish or dying wish of Chin Peng. If so then buat diam-diam sajalah! After all you are illegally smuggling Chin Peng’s ashes into Malaysia. Why hold a press conference and raise a banner and so on?
Ini macam saja nak cari pasal dengan Melayu
Ini sudah macam you want to rub the Malays’ noses in shit. Why must you rub it in and say under the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government this cannot be done, only under the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan government can Chin Peng’s ashes be brought back to Malaysia?
The bottom-line is the Chinese are politicising the issue of bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes to Malaysia. This has nothing to do with a dying man’s “last wish”. So now, as the Chinese want, this matter has become political — and a hot political potato on top of that. You want it so now you have got it. Live with it.
If the intention of these Chinese is to provoke the Malays then they have succeeded. Kalau Cina jual maka Melayu beli, as Hang Tuah would say.


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