
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 24, 2021

YOURSAY | Govt must come clean on reports of 'underdosing'


YOURSAY | 'What about the hundreds who did not videotape their vaccination process?'

Another ‘underdosed’ AstraZeneca recipient gets top-up shot

Stay Safe: The Health Ministry must come out with a clear explanation of these underdosing incidents to avoid speculations.

If there is evidence of underdosing, then where did the excess vaccine go?

Frank: We should not be satisfied with easy answers to why this kind of thing is happening.

This is quite a serious matter (of life or death!) where the difficult or undesirable answers (your guesses are as good as mine!) could probably be true in just about every single case since in this land of ours, in one incomprehensible (at the beginning…) scandal or something of that sort (1MDB and related cases should be quite a good example!) has later turned out to be all true.

Needless to say, there must be a thorough investigation conducted by independent parties. This has to start right away - not two weeks from now, next month or whatever.

That is if you love Malaysia and all that is good that comes with it.

The Truth Is Out There: I wonder how many of those who have been vaccinated so far were given less than the recommended dosage.

From now on, everyone should ask the person giving the injection to show the syringe before injection. Alternatively, capture the experience with your mobile phone for verification later.

MalaysianMalaysian: Why are cases of the wrong dosage happening? Do we have to be on our toes to ensure that we get the right dosage?

What about the hundreds who did not videotape their vaccination process?

Samtan: I took my AstraZeneca jab at Universiti Malaya two weeks ago. At the vaccination centre there, we were not allowed to take photos or videos when in the vaccination booth.

So how to find out if we have the proper dosage?

Docsarna: Every incident reported is more often than not the “tip of the iceberg”. The three recipients who raised the alarm are most likely well-educated and well-informed.

The question now is, how many of those who had received the jab was actually underdosed? Was this really a human error or something more sinister? BP Healthcare’s involvement in many government projects has always raised questions.

It’s time to do an independent audit and investigation on this mess. If this was planned, it’s nothing less than treachery.

GrayCondor1956: No one ever takes responsibility. So, these three people are aware and got re-dosed. What happens to the many who did not even look at the syringe and trusted the person giving the jabs?

They are not protected, could be infected with Covid-19 later, and may even die. Is it a case of nothing can be trusted or relied upon if it has got to do with the government? This is really the pits.

Kim Quek: After looking at the video of complainant Anoogrehan Manoharan, where the dosage injected appeared to be only a tiny fraction of the designated dosage of 0.5 ml (AstraZeneca), I became convinced that this may not be negligence.

There could be a syndicate operating to reap huge profits as there are many wealthy buyers eager for early immunity willing to pay a high price for these goods which are not otherwise available in the free market.

The results would be thousands and thousands of senior citizens not receiving immunity as expected, as they would be lowering their guard, thinking that they are protected.

The government must move immediately to nail the culprits and punish them severely as deterrents.

Meanwhile, the government should publicise the designated dosage in pictorial forms and urge the public to check the dosage before injection.

And readers of these reports should also disseminate this information to create maximum public awareness. Doing nothing may result in unnecessary tragedies while prolonging and worsening the pandemic.

Roi Kleptocrate: My wife and I both got vaccinated on May 18 at the World Trade Centre at about 10am. Until today, we experienced zero side effects. We are very worried.

TTSH: Clinical trials for both Pfizer and Moderna show that younger adults tend to report more frequent and severe side effects than older people after their jabs.

In Pfizer's trials, those aged 18 to 55 reported experiencing side effects such as fever, fatigue, headaches and pain at the injection site more frequently than those aged 56 and above.

1. Theoretically, vaccines are somewhat less effective in older people, given the reduction in naive T cells available to respond to a vaccine as a person ages. T cells are a type of white blood cell that work together with antibodies to eradicate the Sars-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19.

2. Side effects tend to be more pronounced in those with more robust immune systems, such as young people and women.

3. There is no correlation between absence or presence of these reactogenic side effects and vaccine efficacy. So, those with no side effects are just as likely to be protected by the vaccine.

4. Other factors such as underlying medical conditions can also affect a person's response to the vaccine.

Apache: For transparency and to safeguard our national interest, the Health Ministry and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation should approve the following SOP (standard operating procedure) and ensure the doctors/nurses agree to:

  1. Show the recipient the type of vaccine he/she is taking and allow the recipient to take a photo of the vaccine;
  2. Use a clean syringe to draw the vaccine from the vial;
  3. Show the recipient how much of the vaccine has been drawn from the vial into the syringe;
  4. Inject the vaccine and show the emptied syringe to the recipient;
  5. Allow the recipient to record down the name of the nurse giving the injection; and
  6. Allow the entire processes to be recorded by the recipient or their family members.

Next, whoever administered "under-dosage" vaccines should be severely punished, as this action is against national interest.

The Fog of Life: The risk of underdosing probably ceased after reports on them over the past few days. Instructions were probably issued to double-check the dosage or to show people the syringe level prior to the shot.

But what about those who received their shots prior to May 19? They have no way of telling who may have received a lower dosage. This is inexcusable.

Coordinating Minister of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme Khairy Jamaluddin should not be waiting until next week to do something. - Mkini

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