Here is some news I have taken from Malaysiakini here, about some blind supporters who now realise they have been fooled.
The following is a selection of some comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers in the above article.
YOURSAY | ‘If you are willing to do this, why should we trust you to lead?’
- Coward: Anwar should not agree to cooperate with frogs
- he was wrong to even entertain them
- His argument becomes less convincing by the day.
- demonstrates that Anwar prepared to compromise principles to take power
- calls into question his judgement
(OSTB : Hello Coward - (what a handle) this also calls into question your own judgement. So just how many years did it take for you to realise this?)
voters will punish you by not voting for them
- Thirdforce: Harapan leaders place greater importance on their personal political ambitions, rather than their constituents and they also encourage party-hopping
- if you compromise on principles and integrity why should we trust you
Kuniyo: A frog is a frog; But PKR sees it differently. You are a traitor if you leave us but heroes if you join. What do you call that? Double standards, hypocrisy.
(OSTB :Thirdforce, Kuniyo it looks like its time for the both of you to wipe off that brown stuff on your nose. Better late than never.)
IndigoJaguar7545: “The fact is clear. There was a negotiation between Malacca Harapan and the said assemblypersons,” said Anwar.
(OSTB :This is Tanjong Rambutan Mental Hospital reasoning. To make you understand the hypocrisy, lets change the names (hypothetically).
Here goes : "There was a negotiation between Malacca UMNO and the PKR assembly persons". Certainly this will not be ok. They will scream this is 'melompat'. But when it is YOU who negotiated, then it is NOT melompat? Pi dah mabuk.
The real concern here is whether YOU have any brains at all?)
Apollos: Harapan should not have met and negotiated with them. It is hypocritical to want to have an anti-hopping law and at the same time accept frogs.
Quad: Anwar, bringing down a state government by such tactics is best left to parties devoid of principles, for example, PN and Umno.
I was an ardent supporter, but no more. You just reaffirm the growing view of your lack of true leadership values. It is best for Harapan component parties to distance themselves from you. PKR will do better without you.
OSTB : Quad, you sound like a 'putus cinta' fellow. Let me ask you a question : how many years has it taken for you to realise this?
Milshah: People would remember PKR/Harapan as a party/coalition without principles for accepting the four.
Is it worth it to fight your own supporters over the four? Obviously not, which is why I disagree with Anwar’s strategy.
OSTB : Milshah, here is the more relevant question for you. Do you think Anwar gives a sh_t about what you are saying?
IndigoTrout2522: If Anwar proceeds with accepting these frogs under Harapan, hope becomes hopeless. It is wiser for the Harapan leadership to separate from him.
Anwar shows a lack of leadership, a clear vision, a lack of principles, and a wrong direction. Harapan would not be any different from Umno. DAP leaders must make a strong stand or they too will be abandoned.
OSTB : IndigoTrout2522, the question is will they actually do anything about it? For example look at this picture here. To protest the FOUR kataks / frogs the DAP boycotted Pakatan Harapan's ceremony to announce their candidates. What an embarrassment for PH.
But is it all just a wayang? Because DAP is still with PH.
Lets see what the voters in Melaka will say.
The problem is ALL these parties who are in the fray in Melaka are just in the dumps:
BN (UMNO, MCA, MIC) or PN (Bersatu, Pas, Gerakan) or PH (PKR, Amanah)
This has now become the worst line-up of political parties to ever contest a State election in Melaka. These are really, really lousy choices being offered to the people in Melaka.
No matter which party the people vote for, it is going to be a mistake.
May I suggest to the voters in Melaka to split their votes.
If there are two or more voters in your household, vote for two or three different parties (either PN, PH or BN). If there are four voters in your household (for example) let the fourth person vote for an Independent Candidate.
- Do not give all your votes to one party (PN, PH or BN) in your area.
- Do not let any single party (PN, PH or BN) win too many seats.
- Lets weaken them and keep them on a short leash.
The political parties must realise that if they want to win big, they must look after OUR interests first - the voters' interests. Not just sign MoUs among themselves, make deals among themselves (I scratch your back you scratch mine) and dont give a sh_t about the people, the country and the economy.
Do pass the word around. Tell your friends in Melaka. Split your votes. Pecahkan undi anda.
The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.
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