
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 19, 2021

To All Chinese/Indians Who Supported PAS 'I Told You So' (Re: Dennis Ignatius' Article)

 Here is an interesting bit of awakening by Dennis Ignatius.  The readers of this blog will know that I have been saying this and more for over 20 years now. Way beyond 20 years. Do read the article first:

Recent actions by PAS politicians on the sale of alcohol and the prohibition of lotteries are a potent reminder that PAS has nothing to offer Malaysians other than an intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded sectarian state led by small-minded men with an even smaller vision for Malaysia. 

Make no mistake; it’s not about alcohol or gambling but about a grand strategy to impose upon the nation a dark and sectarian model where supercilious religious leaders police public morals, decide what we can and cannot do, how we dress, how we worship and what we read or watch. 

It goes beyond anything seen in other Muslim countries save for Iran where mullahs rule and basic human rights are trampled underfoot.

Now that it has finally acquired a measure of federal power, PAS is showing its true colours. Banning alcohol, needlessly inciting religious discord over the name of a brand of whiskey or banning lotteries are but low-hanging fruits. More drastic measures will surely follow. 

The trouble with playing the religious and racial card is you can’t stop; you have to keep upping the ante to grab attention, to stay relevant. It won’t end until they turn Malaysia into a state where bigotry, racism and discrimination become the new normal. 

And then they’ll turn on their fellow Muslims for not being Muslim enough. If they succeed, Malaysia is finished.

For this reason, I have always maintained that PAS – especially under its current leader, Abdul Hadi Awang – is the most dangerous political party in the country. 

Its ideology is completely incompatible with the Federal Constitution, its vision for Malaysia utterly contrary to that of our founding fathers. 

It has a long track record of denigrating other religions, discriminating against ethnic minorities and pushing hate and intolerance at every turn.

Furthermore, its leaders both at the federal and state level have neither the expertise nor even the inclination to properly govern. They don’t even have clean drinking water in Kelantan, a state where PAS has held sway for a good many years. A PAS government will quickly plunge Malaysia into the chasm of a failed state.

The Malacca state election is upon us. No Malaysian who truly cares about our future should ever give their vote to PAS or to any party or coalition that collaborates with PAS. To vote for PAS is to sanction the marginalization of ethnic minorities, to approve the destruction of their way of life, to consign our nation to backwardness, decay and decline. To collaborate with PAS is to betray everything that Malaysia stands for.

Political parties have to decide where they will now stand on the most critical issue of our time – the existential challenge from PAS. It is nothing but disingenuity to complain about religious and racial extremism and then continue to collaborate with PAS, the fountainhead of both racial intolerance and religious extremism in Malaysia.

(OSTB : Do not be too sure that they are the only ones. If you see one cockroach you can be certain that there are more hiding under the floor board. The problem is can you see the other cockroaches?) 

The voters of Malacca too have a decision to make. There is little point in grumbling about the antics of PAS leaders and then giving their vote to parties that are facilitating PAS’s rise to power.

My hope is that the good people of Malacca will send a decisive message to PAS that its brand of politics is not welcome in Malaysia. The same message should be sent to parties like PPBM, GERAKAN, STAR, GPS and SAPP who appear willing to shake hands with bigots in order to gain power. 

Just look at how these parties have bent over backwards to avoid criticising PAS over the lottery issue – Azmin Ali of PPBM calls for more discussions on the issue while GERAKAN proposes to send a delegation to discuss the matter with PAS (after the Malacca state election, of course). What about condemning these actions first and calling on PAS to stop all this nonsense?
  • Vote UMNO (especially now that it has broken away from PAS) if you don’t like Pakatan Harapan but keep PAS out at all cost. 

  • We might well be able to survive yet more years of corruption and misgovernment under UMNO, but we will not survive a few more years of PAS in Putrajaya. 

Besides, if UMNO-BN does well on its own – as pundits are forecasting – perhaps UMNO will be encouraged to stand on its own come GE15, and PAS will be consigned to the lunatic fringes of our politics where it belongs.

(OSTB :  Looks like Dennis Ignatius is "supporting" Umno here. Yes it is much easier to handle the UMNO boys - they want money, women and flashy cars.  It is more difficult to handle the religious guys - they also want money, women and flashy cars). 

The battle for Malaysia’s future could well begin in Malacca, the first statewide election in the peninsula since the infamous Sheraton Move gave PAS a foothold. Let’s hope that Malacca will be Waterloo for PAS. I’m ready with my bottle of Timah whiskey to celebrate. I might even go and place a small bet on the number 2011 (20th November) or some variation of it. – Dennis Ignatius

My Comments :  

Just before the 2018 Elections I met and spoke with Mr Lim Kit Siang at the home of Dato Zaid Ibrahim. I told Mr Lim to stay away from Pas. He disagreed. He said he could work with Pas. Only Hadi Awang was a problem he said. 

I totally disagreed. Hadi or no Hadi they are all the same.

To me they are all cut from the same cloth. As this article by Dennis Ignatius shows quite clearly.  As an example it was not Hadi who banned the betting shops in Kedah. It was the local variety of the hounds of Baskerville. (Jangan salah faham ok - I am not for gambling but I am for the rights and freedoms of all human beings.  You do not go and dictate to your neighbour that he must live his life the way you tell him to).

Sadly many Chinese and Indians really do not understand how the Malay Muslim politicians think.  You are of no consequence to them  (which is a terribly wrong assumption by them, but still that is how they think.

What does this mean? It means they can say anything to you, promise you anything, sing any number of Tamil songs by the road side just to get your votes. Once they are in power, then the fangs and glowing eyes appear again. 

As Dennis says:  Now that it has finally acquired a measure of federal power, PAS is showing its true colours


Indeed they are.  But here is the problem - there will always be the dullards and the wannabe smart beggars (among the Chinese and Indians) who will think it is profitable to support the PAS. Maybe for some short term personal gain.

For example recall that weird "Pas supporters club?"   The Indians in that club really got screwed royally by Pas more than once - especially in Kedah where the Indians are facing a rather loathsome PAS fellow who is in charge. Same for the Chinese supporters of Pas. Pas says that now the Chinese can go to Penang to buy their empat nombor ekor. Serves you right. So now you know. Betting and Timah are just the beginning. Give them more power and they will shove it even further up your kazoo.  

But let me share some info with Dennis Ignatius and your friends. The Pas are not the only demons haunting the cemetery. There are others besides them. But because those others may not be dressed in the same shrouds and because they are better at concealing their fangs you can get easily fooled by them. 

Hadi Awang is the  vice president of an outfit called the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS). This is a Muslim Brotherhood set up (or Ikhwanul Muslimeen). The president of the IUMS was / or is Yusuf Qardawi -  who is also the spiritual guide and mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood. Here is Yusuf Qardawi (in the white cap).

Above : Yusuf Qardawi (on the right)


Yusuf al-Qaradawi who was issued an arrest warrant by an Egyptian court in 2012.

Notable vice presidents

Abdullah Bin Bayyah, who resigned in 2014.
Ahmad Al-Raysouni (of Morocco)
Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Khalili (Grand Mufti of Oman),
Abdul Hadi Awang (President of PAS-Malaysian Islamic Party of Malaysia)

Here is a more recent picture of Hadi Awang with Yusuf Qardawi (holding the cane):

Here is another poster I found randomly on the Net, obviously put up by lovers and supporters of this mob. Note the faces circled in yellow. The fellow wearing the black 'songkok' is Hassan al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and also the grandfather of Tariq Ramadan. 

Yusuf Qardawi and Tariq Ramadan are no strangers to Malaysia. In the past both of them have been to Malaysia multiple times.  Tariq Ramadan is currently facing multiple rape and sexual assault charges in Switzerland. In his latest re-incarnation he has released a French rap-song !!   If you are interested you can listen to his first rap song here : https://youtu.be/jqgX5CZG2Ps

Yusuf Qardawi is also 'mentor' to one more person in Malaysia.  

Conclusion :

In conclusion I have a message for Dennis Ignatius and his friends. All these genies imbibe their spirits from the same bottle.  They smoke the same leaves and share the same pipe.  Their delusions are the same.

Sadly there are many confused Chinese and Indians in this country who feel that while one of these genies is bad the other one is good.  How mistaken you are.  Do not be fooled.  You will still be taken for a ride.  And I have been saying this for over 20 years now.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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