
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Brader Ismail Sabri, Mungkin Ini Ujian Untuk Minggu Depan : Kontrak RM4 Bilion Beli Jet Pejuang, Untuk Makluman SPRM Dan Pengundi, Janganlah Nasi Jadi Bubur Sekali Lagi


Ok folks the following is going around. It is really sensitive stuff. 

It is obviously a 'whistleblowing' site because a lot of inside information has been made available.   

There is also some text -  and here I have erased all names. The links have also been erased. 

As I said the information is very sensitive and the veracity has to be determined by no less than the government. (I cannot vouch for any of the information here). Hence I am not providing any links to any of these sites. 

I do want to reproduce the last paragraph :

Authorities such as MACC, MINDEF, Armed Forces Chief (Panglima Angkatan Tentera) and the Honourable Defence Minister Datuk Sri Hishammuddin are needed to urgently investigate the information provided here.

I totally agree with this suggestion. The MACC, MINDEF, PAT, Defence Minister should look into all this information. Here is some text :

RMAF RM4 billion Aircraft Purchase Evaluation Process Hijacked in Midair

Various branches of the Malaysian military have had a history of bad buys over the years. “Not one sen should be wasted on arms purchases” published in FMT on December 10th 2021 highlighted the delays in procuring helicopters (arriving 5 years late) and littoral combat ships (costing arriving 6 years late). Earlier on two Scorpene submarines named KD Tun Razak and KD Tunku Abdul Rahman that arrived in 2009 and 2010 had to undergo extensive repairs for extended periods in 2015 and 2018 before being operable in early 2020.

The tender for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) light combat aircraft will be no different if what has been reported is true https://_ _ _ _ _ _ As in most military tenders The Treasury holds the ‘purse-strings’ but because neither the Treasury staff nor the auditors have, by their own admission, the necessary military or technical expertise they go by cost and what is on offer. It must be said it is also doubtful whether the military by itself could make informed choices with regard either to defence policy or to technology assessment.

This can lead to external interference in the budget review, push up costs and lead to questionable practices which could provide opportunities for corruption as has been the case with the helicopters, ships, submarines and soon planes.

We have been informed that the evaluation of this RM4 Billion international tender, that should have redefined Malaysia’s air defence superiority and national security, is said to be done on a “paper evaluation only” basis. The international tenderers, except K____, are baffled that they will not be called for a clarification session to exchange more information so that all parties are clear on the expectations from the RMAF and other government officials.

No one will buy a car or a house without face-to-face interaction with an agent or the owner, getting more information and being assured the product and price gives the best value. It is ridiculous that national security and taxpayers’ money are apparently not important enough for the RMAF selection committee to clarify the technical details in a face-to-face session.

It is now reported that the conduct of _ _ _ __, known by the Malay acronym of _ _ _ (), has raised strong objections and complaints of bias towards one particular bid. 

Fingers are pointing at the _ _ _, who is due to _ _ _ , is leaning heavily on the evaluation process to provide an advantage to the K_ _ _ _, to benefit - - -  “pension fund”.

According to sources with intimate knowledge of the tender process since the beginning of this year, the _ _ _ has stacked the technical evaluation panel with officers aligned to - - -  and actively influencing the evaluation process. It defies all logic and common sense that a RM4 Billion contract is only evaluated using a scoring system, by a panel that has been compromised on its integrity and independence. The scoring system seems to have been weighted heavily in favour of the K- - - - - , while the rest are deemed not have passed the minimum threshold.

Further, we are told that if this evaluation is allowed to continue on this basis, the very important commercial terms and palm oil countertrade offset bids of the other tenderers might not even be opened!  Quite disheartening to see money flowing out of the country at a time when the lives of palm oil smallholders and their families are coming under threat from the European palm oil embargo.

The internal sources revealed to us that the  - - - has commented openly that - -  wants the award of the tender to be made before January 2022, to hasten the evaluation without due process including the shortlisting, calling for clarification and independent review.

We were shocked with details that the - - -  visited K- - - -  recently – a clear conflict of interest. During the trip, - -  held high level talks to discuss - - -  role after - -  with the K- - - -  and - - - - . Further information was shared that the - - -  and - - -  served - - - - at the RMAF / TUDM!

This is RM4 Billion of the people’s money. It is not any one person’s pension fund.. Worse, to leave the defense of our airspace with a squadron of 18 planes that are less than the best is a crime against the rakyat and future generations. 

It is ridiculous that national security and taxpayers’ money are apparently not important enough for the RMAF selection committee to do their job diligently without fear or favour. It comes as no surprise that there have been bad choices with procuring aircraft in the past with many emergency landings and crashes occurring among the present fleet, the latest happening in November 2021 resulting in the death of our very own Malaysian pilot..

Corruption and greed has trumped lost lives, damaged property and defence being compromised. The recent crash and very unfortunate death of Malaysian pilots must never be repeated. The reliability of any combat aircrafts and safety of its pilots must be prioritised. 

Authorities such as MACC, MINDEF, Armed Forces Chief (Panglima Angkatan Tentera) and the Honourable Defence Minister Datuk Sri Hishammuddin are needed to urgently investigate the information provided here.

This tender should not be rushed to meet the - - - retirement plans.


The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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