
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 1, 2022


 1. Berita Dunggu No. 1

Middlemen among issues discussed at first inflation task force meeting, says Communications and Multimedia Minister 

chairman said cannot allow market forces to work, would conduct interventions

middlemen, cartel issues deliberated in first meeting of Jihad Against Inflation 

chairman said cannot allow market forces alone to work 

governmnt would conduct certain interventions

business model which maximises profits,” he told media conference 

(OSTB : What is the IQ level of this chairman? It looks like he believes in a business model which M I N I M I Z E S profits?? I say brader belajar bisnes bawah pokok mangga ke atau bawah pokok assam?) 

be studied at every level of existing laws, (action) taken to overcome the cartel 

(OSTB : Hello brader Chairman saya ada soalan sikit. The PM said there will be no more APs to import food. Then how come the import of rice still has APs? Not only that but the government has given the monopoly to import rice to one bumiputera businessman.  Soalan cepu mas : does an import monopoly cartel become halal according to the race and religion of the cartel boss?

Apa sudah jadi dengan cerita cartel impot daging? What happened to the cartel impot daging? How come no action has been taken to undo the cartel import daging? Is the halal or not halal of the cartel determined by the race and religion of the cartel boss?

Is the halal tak halal of the monopoli and the orang tengah determined by their political connections? For example, for over 20 years one company holds the monopoly over the annual certification of the weighing machines or mesin timbang. Brader Chairman, will you be discussing this monopoly cartel also? If you are not going to discuss them please explain why? 

Why are some monopoly cartels halal but other monopoly cartels not halal? Brader Chairmen, what is your IQ level? Did you study business and economics under a mango tree or under a pokok assam?)

“So we need to study...as an example the chickens produced at the farm are sold wholesale to distributors (middleman) who do not produce chickens and then sell them to retailers. Studies show the profit margin for distributors is bigger than the profit margin obtained by retailers or farmers themselves,” he said.

(OSTB :  Hello Brader Chairman, saya ada soalan sikit. Please explain the risks (risiko perniagaan) faced by the distributors? What are the risks that they take? The distributors invest a lot of money to buy lorries, to buy warehouse atau godown. They must buy large scale refrigeration and freezer to store the chicken. Who pays for all that cost of investment? If they have no profit margins then how are they going to pay for the lorries, the refrigerated warehouse, the freezer delivery trucks etc. Brader Chairman ada faham tak?

Hello Brader Chairman, why dont you give AP to import chicken to ALL the supermarkets in the country? Why you dont want to give AP to import chicken to Giant, TMC, Mydin, NSF Hypermarkets? If everyone can im port chicken then the price of chicken will drop. 

Brader Chairman, please explain - why you dont want to give AP to import chicken to everyone? 

Kau jaga kekayaan siapa sebenarnya?  

2. Berita Dunggu No. 2


PSD DG said working days and breaks will need to be examined

June 30 — JPA set up special team to study four-day working week

“A few countries in Europe have implemented four-day working week— Bernama

(OSTB : Absolutely NO countries in Europe have implemented a four day work week. The private sector in UK and Iceland have conducted "private sector' studies - NOT STUDIES BY CIVIL SERVICE OK - to study a four day week. Why does the JPA want to waste taxpayers money in Malaysia to become more lazy.)

In the video above the name of the grasshopper is "Malas Bodoh Nak Mampus". The name of the Ant is 'Gua Tak Dapat Sabsidi Maa'.

Conclusion: If this is how the politicians want to buy votes - by giving away for free what does not belong to them (like 90 day maternity, 30 day paternity, free public holidays because the great leader returned home, four day work weeks) then better prepare now - your children and grandchildren will end up sleeping in the streets. Your grandchildren will become shoe shine boys cleaning the shoes of the people who work "996" ie 9 am to 9pm, 6 days a week.
In China they have adopted the '996' system. This means they work 9am to 9pm, six days a week. Not every country in the world can follow this model. But some countries will. For example Vietnam, Taiwan, even our neighbour Singapore and Indonesia. Not the Civil Service but certainly the private sector.

What this means is that not very far from now, ALL YOUR UNDERWEARS will be made in China, Vietnam etc. Then the Americans and Europeans will realise that if they want to have jobs, good salaries and a high standard of living for their families they must work harder than the Chinese, the Vietnamese, Taiwanese etc.

They may not be able to adopt the "996" system but they certainly cannot depend on a FOUR day work week and expect to compete with China and the other rising Asian giants. They will become poor and end up sleeping by the roadside. 
The 21st century is not just going to be the Asian Century but it is going to be the Century of those who work '996'.

Finally I want to share my Teh Tarik Economic Theory withe the DG of the JPA and all other Malay Civil Servants. Read this carefully.


This is Malaysia's GDP - plus minus lah. It is between RM1,400 Billion  - RM1,500 Billion. 

A very large part of this GDP is generated by the non-Malays. If you ignore the oil and gas sector maybe close to 100% of the GDP is generated by the non Malays.

The Prime Minister said Malay corporate wealth is less than 17%. (This includes the GLCs, amanah saham etc). One Minister  said Malay share of the economic growth is less than 10%.  Someone else said the Malay share of the economy is less than 7%.

Tak kisahlah whether 17% ke, 10% ke, 7% ke just understand this - the Malay contribution to the GDP is very, very little. 

Here is a soalan cepu mas - is this very low level of contribution to the GDP because the Malays work very, very hard or because the Malays do not work very hard? Please answer honestly.

Now please look at that teh tarik GDP example again. The Governments tax collection is about RM160 Billion. That is all the tax the government collects. The rest of the governments revenue comes from oil earnings, dividends etc. The annual Budget was RM332 Billion for 2022 - a big portion of that comes from borrowing money.

But the tax collection remains around RM160 Billion. 

Now this is also the source of money to sustain the Malay economy. The Government spending for projects, paying the 1.7 million mostly Malay Civil Servants, paying the 1.3 million mostly Malay GLC workers, bailing out the failing bumiputra run GLCs, bailing out large bumiputera oil and gas companies, bailing out the pilgrims fund, bailing out the peneroka F_lda etc etc, paying for scholarships etc.

Now the people who generate that RM1,400 GDP are mostly the private sector people. Mostly non-Malays.  They work very hard and plenty of the SMEs work SIX DAYS a week.  

In my first job in Penang I worked for a company where we worked SIX days a week, until 6PM every day. 

These are the people (mostly non Malays) who contribute that RM160 Billion tax collection every year.

Now the Malay-run Civil Service wants to use this RM160 Billion tax money generated by hard working mostly non-Malay people so that you can enjoy a FOUR DAY work week?

Your days are certainly numbered.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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