
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 8, 2022

How DAP Committed Treason And Lost Its Credibility


This is treason of the highest degree. There is nothing DAP can say that can justify what they have done, just like no Jew can explain why he or she wants Hitler as their prime minister. DAP has made many mistakes, but this is the mother of all mistakes. Mahathir goes against everything that DAP upholds. It is an unforgivable sin.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Malaysians of my generation split Malaysia into two: pre-May-13 Malaysia and post-May-13 Malaysia. Born in 1950, that makes me a pre-May-13 Malaysian — or pre-Merdeka Malaysian if you wish.

Malaysia was not always what it is like today. The Malaysia I grew up in was a different kettle of fish. I confess I did not assimilate into Malaysian or Malay society until I was 12. I spent the first six years of my life in England and my primary education was in an English school — the Alice Smith School. It was not until standard six that I was sent to a local school in Meru Road, Kelang.

But it really made no difference whether it was an English school or a Malaysian school. The environment was the same because we really did not identify ourselves by race and religion. The colour of your skin or which God you prayed to was not significant. In fact, I knew more about Jesus than Muhammad and I played one of the ‘three wise men from the East’ in the Christmas pageant.

By the time I was 18, all that changed. We were taught that we are Malays, and Malays are Muslims, and that makes us different from Malaysians who are not Malays or Muslims. And Malaysia belongs to the Malays while Islam is the only true religion of God, and more superior to the other idol-worshiping and pagan religions of the kafir.

It was like the duck finally waking up to the fact it is not ugly, it is just different from the rest of the flock because all the rest are swans and not ducks, and hence a duck cannot live amongst them.

And this effort to compartmentalise Malaysians into ‘us’ and ‘them’, Malays and non-Malays, Muslims and non-Muslims, owners of the land and pendatang, first-class Malaysians and second-class Malaysians, etc., was none other than Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s effort.

Mahathir started this just before the 1969 general election, and the Chinese voters punished him by voting PAS. Mahathir then ousted prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman the following year by blaming him for the Chinese kurang ajar in the general election.

A Pandora’s box had been opened, and once opened it can never be closed again. There are now two Malaysias. The Malay-Muslim Malaysia and the non-Malay-infidel Malaysia. As Rudyard Kipling said in ‘The Ballad of East and West’, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.

The seed to a divided Malaysia had been planted. And it was planted by Mahathir. And Tunku Abdul Rahman was ousted because he gave too much face to the Chinese. In fact, Mahathir himself was punished by the Chinese voters in the general election. So it is now us and them — and has remained so for 50 years since Mahathir divided Malaysia.

Then along came Anwar Ibrahim who campaigned on the ABIM platform to further divide the Malays into true Muslims and fasiq Muslims. So this was now more than just Malays versus non-Malays. It is also about true Muslim Malays versus Malays who are not true Muslims and lackeys of the non-Muslims.

The division of Malaysia which was started by Mahathir in the 1960s was made worse by Anwar in the 1970s. And that is the Malaysia which Malaysians are inheriting today, 50 years later after the planting of the seeds of a divided Malaysia.

Then, in 2018, DAP chose the architect of a divided Malaysia as their prime minister. DAP also wants Anwar Ibrahim as Mahathir’s successor, another architect of a divided Malaysia. That is like nominating Adolf Hitler as Israel’s prime minister.

This is treason of the highest degree. There is nothing DAP can say that can justify what they have done, just like no Jew can explain why he or she wants Hitler as their prime minister. DAP has made many mistakes, but this is the mother of all mistakes. Mahathir goes against everything that DAP upholds. It is an unforgivable sin.

And any non-Malay who supports what DAP has done deserves to be treated as second-class citizens. Chinese who support DAP’s action is a traitor not only to their own race but to Malaysia as well. And if DAP can still get 95% of the Chinese votes in GE15, it will prove what unprincipled people Chinese are.

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