
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, July 8, 2023


 Well the Russians said (quite accurately) that the British and Americans have targeted to cut down Europe. Indeed before the Ukraine conflict, Germany was the largest economy in Europe, followed by France. Now Germany is in recession and France is burning. The latest victim is Holland whose coalition government has collapsed. The whole of western Europe is suffering as a result of the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the UK, US and NATO.

Here is a quick video about the collapse of the Dutch government. What are the similarities and the differences between the collapse of the Dutch and our governments here? First the video.


The Dutch coalition collapsed because of differences in policy - over whether to allow more migrants into the country or to restrict them?

In Malaysia we have had FOUR changes (actually FIVE) of government in the past five years.

So far four have collapsed and the fifth will also collapse. 

But the strangest thing about all the governments that collapsed is that there was NOT A SINGLE CHANGE OR DIFFERENCE IN POLICY between any of the  FIVE governments.

Lets take education policy. 

The UMNO-BN gomen destroyed the education system since the 70s and early 1980s. This is among the reasons they were kicked out in 2018.

Then post 2018 Dr M 2.0 continued the same failed education policy. Until Dr M got kicked out in 2020. Then the Muhyiddin government continued the same policies. They got kicked out. Then Sabri. He got kocked out. Now X-man is continuing the same education policies. And they DONT EXPECT to get kicked out? Pasal apa pula?

The most common grade in the SPM (for SIX sijil subjects) was an A. 31% of students who took Mathematics secured an A. This was the most common grade achievement. In Malaysia the highest probability grade in the SPM examination results is getting an A.


Obviously there is something seriously wrong here. The examination system is corrupted. They are just giving false hopes to the parents and the kampong people that their children are geniuses. Smart enough to become food delivery professionals.

But ALL THE GOVERNMENTS : Umno-BN for 63 years, Dr M 2.0 for 22 months, TSMY for 17 months, Sabri, Madani have just continued these policies WITHOUT ANY CHANGES AT ALL.

And they expect to somehow magically get different results? Just one more time?

The Sedition Act has not been abolished from 1948 until now. That is 75 years. They promised to abolish it. It is still there.

They promised to abolish the tolls. The tolls are still there.

They promised to abolish the monopolies. Still there. The rice import monopoly is still there. 


You have not changed the failed policies which only lose the elections for you.

You have not changed the failed policies which have made life difficult for the people.

So how do you expect the people to keep voting for you?

Engkau orang ini bodoh tahap Fujita Scale 5 ke? Tahap 'incredibly stupid'?

                                                Fujita Windspeed Scale For Tornadoes

It took 63 years (well actually 48 years, beginning with the NEP in 1970) for the BN gomen to be kicked out by the people, all the people including the Malays. The BN's policies have failed the people.

Then Dr M 2.0 repeated the same failed policies. Expecting different results?
Muhyiddin repeated the same failed policies. Expecting different results?
Sabri repeated the same failed policies. Expecting different results?
Madani is repeating the same failed policies. Expecting different results?

Nauzubillah. How stupid can you get? FUJITA F5? Or maybe completely off the charts?

The latest earth shattering stupidity is the announcement that Felda will be given RM1.0 billion every year for the next 10 years !!

For what? Untuk tujuan apa? 

  • Felda is a business. Why will they need RM1.0 billion every year? Pi shopping?
  • Are they undertaking  an RM1.0 billion project every year? For 10 years?
  • Can their cashflow payback RM10 Billion over the 10 years?

From where did you get this magic number RM1.0 billion a year for 10 years? 

Did you pull it out of your @$$? Or maybe you pulled it out of someone else's @$$?

The Dutch government has failed because they cannot agree on policy.

But here in Bolehland we have the most unique situation where ALL FIVE FAILED governments are in complete agreement OVER ALL GOVERNMENT POLICIES. They expect that maybe this time, just this one time, the outcome will be different.  That the peoples' lives will magically begin to improve DESPITE NO CHANGE IN POLICIES.


The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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