
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 10, 2023



Twice before I mentioned RQUI - first time early this year and once again on May 15th, 2023. I said that the RQUI will remain. I said that there will be no change in policies from the days of UMNO and BN. I have been saying again and again and again NOTHING CHANGES.  

Then in May 2023 I said this again about the RQUI:


Well folks RQUI means Racial Quotas for University Intake. 

We are informed now that the RQUI remains. The racial quotas remain. This is what I already said twice before. What can I say : I TOLD YOU SO.

Here is a YouTube video (from The Star) of the guy cakap berbelit-belit. This lah, that lah, like this lah, like that lah, ippedi, appedi. Bottom line is there will be no change in the Racial Quota for the University Intakes.  The racial quotas remain.

Here is the short video from The Star. Please click on the link and do listen : 


The Star has cleverly cut the very last part of this video which I also have with me. An old friend from Hindraf / Malaysian Advancement Party  sent me another original clip asking me to pay attention to the last part of the video where the fellow says :      "Ada kadang kadang tuntutan macam setengah setengah dari masyarakat India dia ekstrim pula.."

Alamak ! Tuntutan setengah masyarakat India ekstrim apa pula

So Indian folks, especially those of you who supported the Pakatan Harapan let me tell you - you have just been screwed again.

Your great Pakatan Harapan thalaivar hero is simply continuing all the same racial policies that were put in place 53 years ago by Tun Razak (Najib's father). Nothing has changed.

This is July 10th. Most of the universities have already finalised their intakes for this year. There will be no change in the Matrikulasi program. The racial quotas are still there. 

The highly sought after faculties like medicine, engineering, law etc will observe the racial quotas yet again. No change.

So if you thought that your great PH thalaivar hero would suddenly open the gates  fairly, equally and ikut KEADILAN for everyone - well think again. Err...let me correct that - there is no need to think again. 

You might as well vote for that UMNO fellow who is in jail or for that other UMNO fellow who is facing 47 charges for corruption. It will make no difference.

Just like in Parti Keadilan where the majority of the members were Indians (they still make up a large number of its members) but there are few Indian office bearers at the top. 

They just keep screwing you over - again and again. Non stop.


No one disputes Affirmative Action. Let me repeat again - if we abolish Affirmative Action this country will burn. We must have the Affirmative Action programs in favour of the bumiputras.

Affirmative Action means positive discrimination in favour of the bumiputras. We must have this.

But positive discrimination in favour of the bumiputras DOES NOT MEAN negative discrimination against the Indians, Chinese and the other races.

Do allow the bumiputra candidates into university but denying the qualified Indians and Chinese  their entry is racism. That is what it is - simple racism.

In the worst case scenario the racial quotas for universities can reflect the country's population - 70% bumiputras and 30% non-bumis (according to the unreliable and innacurate Census). This would be the worst case scenario.

But my suggestion is let them all in - ALL bumiputras who qualify even with lower entry qualifications. Just let them in. 

Then also let in all qualifying non-bumis (at the higher entry qualifications required). Let them all in.

Then this will be Affirmative Action or positive discrimination in favour of the bumiputras with no negative discrimination against the non-bumiputras. This will be truly Malaysia.

If it means spending some extra money to expand the faculties at the universities and hiring more lecturers and professors go ahead and do it.  If you can spend RM9 billion buying sunken LCS ships or spending RM10 billion repaying settlers debts (where the money went to do stupid things like buying cigar clubs in London) why not spend a few tens of millions creating more doctors and engineers for the country? How bodoh can you get?

Why dont you try it?

It is only the bastard politicians, the anak harams, who have screwed up the system.

Listen to the video again - when that young (Indian?) boy asked that question none of the Malay students disagreed or booed him. In fact all of them clapped and applauded the question.

So the reality is the ordinary rakyat (Malays, Chinese, Indians) do not have any problems with allowing qualified Indians, Chinese and others being admitted to the universities.

It is only the politicians who are making a useless issue out of  this.

So tell these politicians positive discrimination in favour of bumiputras is fine. We all support it. But negative discrimination against non-bumiputras is not acceptable. It is racism.

But its too late for this year. Indian folks, you have been had again. Your PH hero has screwed you again.

Tuntutan setengah masyarakat India ekstrim apa pula !!

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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