
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 4, 2024




  • M'sian semiconductor maker slapped with sanctions by US last month 
  • for shipping electronic parts and components to Russia
  • Al Jazeera reported KL based Jatronics among 300 entities on US sanctions list 
  • over their links to Russia's military suppliers
  • report quoting US State Dept spokesman
  • materials shipped by company to Russia Tier 1 items on US High-Priority list
  • Tier 1 "of highest concern due to critical role in precision-guided weapons"
  • supplied components to Russia's military-industrial complex
  • US did not confirm if Jatronics components used in Russia's military equipment

According to Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS), a Washington think tank, Jatronics made more than 50 deliveries to companies in Russia worth more than US$3 million between April 2022 and September last year.

The report stated that the materials included microchips, semiconductors, and silicon wafers, which are the raw materials for making semiconductors.

Jatronics, according to C4ADS data, made deliveries to eight different companies in Russia, including OOO Planar, which was sanctioned by the US in March 2022.

  • Al Jazeera said Jatronics declined to respond.
  • Dec 2023 US sanctioned four Msian-based companies  
  • for providing components for Iran weapons / drone program 

My Comments :

  • slapped with sanctions by US last month  ??
  • Dec 2023 US sanctioned four Msian-based companies ??

Sanctions in December 2023, sanctions last month (May 2024). Looks like these US sanctions against Malaysian based companies have been going on for some time.

And we are learning about it from Al Jazeera? 

Last month there was that "fake news" that the US WILL sanction Malaysian companies. The news was fake because it was attributed to Reuters who denied reporting such a story. 

But now according to NST and Al Jazeera the US sanctions against Malaysian companies have indeed kicked in - in December 2023 and May 2024.

This is now more than a 'shot across the bow'. This is naval parlance (bahasa Navy). It means shooting a cannon (tembak meriam) in front of a ship as a warning shot.

shot across the bow  -   a statement or gesture intended to frighten someone into changing their course of action.

"the council has fired a shot across the bows of home owners who rent their properties out short-term"

But what will happen is the supply chain will also get nervous. This is not fake news but simply using common sense. The supply chains in the semi-conductor industries are usually big money and international companies. If one company in the supply chain gets sanctioned other suppliers will get nervous. If the Americans get nasty they can target others in the supply chain.

The Ukraine war started in February 2022. How come no Malaysian company got sanctioned between February 2022 and December 2023? Is it because we kept our mouth shut over Ukraine?

But the Gaza War started on October 7th 2023. Two months later in December 2023 those four Malaysian based companies were hit with sanctions.Plus one more company in May 2024.

Maybe one day Malaysia will become a world power.
Until then we are still a kuchi rat.
Do keep this in mind.

The views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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