
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 4, 2017

MP can challenge Pandikar's decision in court, lawyer tells minister

    A PKR MP, acting as a lawyer for Petaling Jaya Selatan MP Hee Loy Sian has rebutted minister in the prime minister’s department Azalina Othman Said’s claims that his client had undermined Parliament’s independence when he sued Dewan Rakyat speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia.
    Padang Serai MP N Surendran said that not only does Article 8 of the Federal Constitution protects a person’s right of access to the courts and justice, there has also been a precedent set by the Federal Court on a related matter.
    “Azalina accuses Hee of 'failing to comprehend' Article of 63(1) of the constitution, which states that the validity of proceedings in Parliament cannot be questioned.
    “However, Azalina herself appears to be ignorant of the decision of the Federal Court in Zambry Kadir v Sivakumar in 2009, which decided that the court can inquire into decisions of the legislative body that are grossly illegal or violate constitutional mandate,” Surendran said in a statement.
    Citing Article 8 of the Federal Constitution, which states that all persons are equal under the law, Surendran argued that any actions of the Dewan Rakyat speaker which is inconsistent with the constitution, can then be challenged in court.
    Hee had on Wednesday, filed an originating summons with the Kuala Lumpur High Court to challenge Pandikar's decision to reject his two questions related to the 1MDB scandal.
    At the time, Surendran said the rejection of the questions has prevented Hee and other lawmakers from carrying out their duties to ask questions on behalf of their constituents, rendering the Parliament not functioning properly.
    Contrary to Azalina’s claims, the PKR vice-president said Hee’s legal action was intended to uphold the dignity and role of Parliament, including to scrutinise the actions of the executive.
    “Bringing an action in court can never be a wrongful or disgraceful act.
    “A government minister has no business putting such pressure upon a litigant before the court such as Hee, by way of public statements,” he stressed.

    At the same time, he also said Azalina’s suggestion for Hee to bring a motion in the House against the decision was “laughable” as such motions are often left undebated on grounds that government business takes precedence.
    Last week, opposition MPs had criticised the speaker after he rejected more than 30 questions related to 1MDB for the current Dewan Rakyat session.
    Defending his decision, the speaker said there were rules and procedures which must be followed, including that the questions should not contain accusations, assumptions, be offensive, or made up.
    The speaker's rulings are final under House rules. - Mkini

    1 comment:

    1. Pertama saya ingin menyapa para pengunjung situs ini dengan kata assalamu alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatu, salam sejahtera, salam saudara saudaraku perkenalkan nama saya IBU HASTUTI seorang mantan BMI duluh kerja di HONGKONG kali ini saya akan menulis postingan tentang PESUGIHAN UANG GAIB. Jika kita membahas informasi tentang PESUGIHAN UANG GAIB sebenarnya sudah banyak iklan iklan ahli spesialis pakar pesugihan yang bisa menarik uang gaib dalam waktu singkat yang beredar di internet, namun perlu kami tegaskan kepada anda supaya lebih hati hati dalam memilih iklan pesugihan lewat internet termasuk media sosial jenis facebook dan twitter karna sya sudah di tipu oleh iklan tersebut. Saya juga tidak mengharapkan anda untuk lebih memilih melakukan pesugihan malalui orang yang sudah membantu saya akan tetapi anda bisa menilainya sendiri kira kira jasa pesugihan mana yang paling tepat untuk dijadikan solusi kaya raya. Saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada MBAH Giwangkara atas bantuannya selama ini dan saya tidak menyangka kalau saya sudah bisa sukses dan ini semua berkat bantuan beliau selama ini, Saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang2 dan alhamdulillah kini sekarang saya sudah punya usaha jual alat bangunan sendiri itu semua atas bantuan beliau.Saya sangat berterimakasih banyak kepada MBAH Gawangkara atas bantuan PESUGIHAN UANG GAIB nya, Saya yang dulunya pakum karna masalah faktor ekonomi dan kini kami sekeluarga sudah sangat serba berkecukupan,, Bagi anda yang punya masalah keuangan jangan ragu/maluh untuk menghubungi MBAH Giwangkara karna beliau akan membantu semua masalah anda dan baru kali ini juga saya mendaptkan para normal yang sangat hebat dan benar-benar terbukti nyata, Ini bukan hanya sekedar cerita atau rekayasa tapi inilah kisah nyata yang benar-benar nyata dari saya dan bagi anda yg butuh bantuan beliau silahkan hubungi di +62852 1966 8513 semoga dengan adaNya pesan singkat ini sodarah bisa sukses seperti saya...



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