
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 14, 2017

When chips are down, BN will resort to fear mongering

YOURSAY | ‘We will expect more of such nonsense in the run-up to GE14.’
Clever Voter: BN remains favourite to return to power if it goes to the country. But repeats of bad news from everywhere, except the national media, are making the establishment nervous.
Although the 1MDB scandal can be discounted, the establishment faces challenges of international debt repayment and US Department of Justice (DOJ) complaints, among others.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s return to the political fold is probably giving a few sleepless nights. Personal attacks on the former premier hasn't quite work as Mahathir continues to attract rural folk’s attention.
The chips are down. The Najib establishment has no other way but to throw more insults and use scare tactics.
Someone needs to remind him these did not work in the past. But we will nevertheless expect more of such nonsense in the run-up to GE14.
Trueglitter: The political health and dignity of a democracy in a country is generally evidenced via its unambiguous demonstration and proven democratic performance by the powers-that-be, particularly its commander-in-chief who is seen as both undeniably uncorrupted and unquestioningly patriotic, and certainly not via shamelessly resorting to the politics of fear to mercilessly cower and harass its citizenry into submission to perpetuate its authoritative and despicable tyranny.
The opportunistic emergence by the embattled Najib Razak to insensitively threaten and forewarn the populace of an impending civil disaster to the country in event of Umno-BN's apparent defeat in coming election, would invariably be considered extremely irresponsible and mischievous to say the least, as it is emphatically obvious to all that Najib's utterance is merely a thinly-veiled concealment to hide his own escalating fears and desperation at party's impending defeat at election.
Gerard Lourdesamy: The right to change a government is the essence of democracy. Voters are wise enough to make the right choice. Why scare the voters if you claim that BN is the best government ever for this country?
Incumbency often breeds arrogance and contempt. Umno and BN is a classic example of this. The country has become the personal fiefdom of a corrupt kleptocratic leadership.
Anonymous 2450121480909934: Here’s a dose of reality. Firstly, Pakatan Harapan will not eliminate poverty as long as we continue to have market economy.
Corruption could be reduced but political largesse still needs to be distributed, with a change in the crony faces. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) will likely continue.
State appropriation from ex-cronies may be necessary. Education will still suck because those things don't change overnight. Economy may or may not improve, depends on further economic policy changes, tied to reducing crony influence.
TheAxman: To all the Umno supporters in this Malaysiakini forum: are you suffering from the high cost of living? Yes or no? Why are you not earning more? Why are the countries around us doing better?
Why are Singaporeans able to afford nice foreign holidays and you can't? Why do you suffer traffic jams? Why are cars so expensive?
Why are our schools lousy? Why our universities not producing graduates who can build strong international companies and lead scientific research?
The fact is that you do not know what you are missing. Malaysia is a rich country but all the money has been stolen, misused, but you think we are doing great because Umno says so.
No, you are not doing great. Just look at our neighbouring countries who do not have half the natural resources and a much bigger population to feed. They are catching up.
The answer is simple. Umno and BN have failed. They must be voted out.
Roar For Truth: Indonesia had a change in government from Suharto. Each subsequent government has taken the nation progressively ahead of even Malaysia.
It all depends on the defeated political party whether they accept the results and let others rule or cling on to their lost power to create chaos.
A case in point – Penang and Selangor are doing much better under a new government in spite of the lack of support from Putrajaya.
Mushiro: As Najib is exhausting all his reasons not to change the government - and it is obviously not working - he is now resorting to fear mongering.
These are signs that Harapan is gaining ground. Najib said "changing an existing government does not guarantee better governance", but how will he explain the Pakatan government in Penang and Selangor which are doing very well and the people are happy.
Trueglitter: MCA chief Liow Tiong Lai, it exceeds the power of words to adequately put in print the despairing disappointments Chinese Malaysians are currently undergoing at the apparent mockery you have made at our expense via your atrocious attitude and demeaning utterances which are clearly disguised to grandiose your own self-worth by perpetually demonising the opposition, especially the DAP.
It is inevitable that you have incurred the wrath and escalating anger of the unforgiving Chinese populace given your presidential position with MCA you have been elected to serve the Chinese.
Many are disillusioned and disappointed at your lack of professionalism in face of the two MAS disaster issues and other infrastructure problems which you have failed to resolved with due care and diligence during your watch as transport minister and instead you had steadfastly chosen to shamelessly grandstand your political master, MO1, along with a litany of praises at the wonders that Umno-led BN has done for the nation.
CQ Muar: Liow, don't get carried away, stop dreaming and don't build castles in the air. Just because of one MRT launch, you reckon the Chinese will be "influenced" by giving their support to MCA?
You reckon the MRT project is something to shout about? But you have conveniently forgotten MH370 mysterious disappearance and many lives that went with it, which is still unaccounted for, and the MH17, which took many innocent lives.
These are two major issues since you became the transport minister, apart from the many transport problems, for example, high toll charges, damaged roads in most towns, etc.
You are only good and ready to please your MO1 boss, but too frightened to question him about 1MDB and Teoh Beng Hock's untimely end.

Chinese voters returning to MCA? You've got to be kidding. What will happen is the reverse... the Chinese will ensure MCA's demise come GE14. - Mkini

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