
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 2, 2019


 ‘Bersatu would be stillborn if not for the other coalition partners.’
Undecided: “If not for Bersatu in the 14th general election, (former prime minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) would have won,” PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad said in a recent interview.
Those who deny this are not being honest. That said, Bersatu would be stillborn if not for the other coalition partners.

Kim Quek: Yes, to be fair, Bersatu did indeed play an indispensable roll in the victory of Pakatan Harapan in that it filled the void vacated by PAS on the Malay votes.
But so did many others who had also played their indispensable roles that precipitated the fall of Umno/BN, like the indomitable PKR under the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim that grew in strength in adversity through 20 years of courageous struggles.
The principled DAP, who facilitated the near unanimous support of the Chinese electorate. And not forgetting, the shining knight Claire Rewcastle-Brown of Sarawak Report whose persistent and courageous exposures of the 1MDB scandal had ruined Najib (and by extension, Umno/BN), and enabled Mahathir to campaign on the single theme of the 1MDB kleptocracy.
So, there is no point dwelling on this subject. Let us tackle the present and the future.
I differ from Mahathir/Bersatu’s strategy of winning the Malay electorate by trying to outdo Umno and PAS in parochial championing of the Malay cause.
The next election is not now, but five years away; hence, we have sufficient time to adopt a more constructive strategy. We should now take the multiracial approach with a two-prong strategy.
While trying to win the ideological war to open up the Malay mind, we push the national economy ahead irrespective of race, but with an effective agenda to advance Malay entrepreneurship, for which Muhyiddin Yassin’s opening speech at the Bersatu AGM on Dec 28 would be a good starting point.
Needless to say, education plays a pre-eminent role in this strategy, for which a radical reform of our education system is a must. And that calls for a multiparty task force to brainstorm for a new education strategy that will fulfil the aspirations of the New Malaysia.
Umno has misled us far into the wilderness long enough. No more of the Umno stereotype of racial politics, please. Either we seize the moment to build a New Malaysia with multiracialism or continue the agony of struggling in the cesspool of racialism.
Fairplayer: Sorry, I disagree with Dr M here. Chances are DAP, PKR and Amanah would have another 52 seats to be split among themselves, and the great possibility of the three original Harapan parties collectively winning at least 13 or more seats was there at GE14.
You have disappointed us, who wanted to see a repented Mahathir, whom we thought would bring about great positive change to Malaysia, but instead you turned rogue and spoke with twisted tongue.
And I am super amazed by your iron grip on DAP, PKR and Amanah. May God break and shatter the shackles you put on them. And may hope and peace be returned to the people.
Spinnot: GE14 was in 2018. There were no 1MDB or GST in 2008 (GE12) or 2013 (GE13). No one can say for sure what would have been the outcome of GE14 if Bersatu didn’t join Harapan.
No one should dispute Bersatu’s contribution to Harapan’s GE14 victory either. But that should not give Bersatu the right to consider itself the boss of the coalition and claim the lion’s share of the cabinet posts.
Meow-Meow: We need to accept, without Tun (Mahathir) and Bersatu, Najib would have won the GE14 because the majority race’s fear of losing the “ketuanan” title.
Their fear was fertilised by BN rule for more than 60 years and it became worse during Tun’s previous 22 years rule. It’s not easy for the majority race to accept other races immediately after the GE14. It might take another 60 years or more or not at all.
The Chinese and Indians will never ever be treated equally although Indonesian and Bangladeshi Muslims will be “bumiputera” within a generation by getting married to local Malay.
The brain drain will continue, especially among the marginalised ones.
Jasmine: “Meanwhile, on how to make Malays less reliant on affirmative action, he (Mahathir) reiterated that this would require a change in the value system among those in the majority community to one that works hard and strives for success.”
Quite an admission by Mahathir and that is good. Most Malaysians who love this country know what are these values that Mahathir is speaking of. So let’s not go into it.
But could Mahathir be honest enough to tell us how and why did such values become a part of the Malay psyche? What was the catalyst?
Who was responsible for such policies that made the majority embrace values that in the long term has made them become weak, expecting and mainly dependent on government policies perceived as a right but in fact is discriminatory and damaging for the country and all of its people, in a world that has become so advanced, so globalised and competitive?
Can Dr M explain why and how did our country’s golden asset of a multiracial and multicultural population been allowed to become its albatross and the sword of Damocles? And finally, will Bersatu’s currently stated official mission accomplish this change of values?
Anonymous 9916: There he goes – race and religion again. The minorities were already fed up and now must be feeling the vote they gave Harapan was a huge mistake.
Malaysia will never get out of this rut. Bersatu will eventually become Umno. This time, the minorities will be worse off.
Mahathir’s reason for helping the bumis during his first term as PM was to bridge the disparity gap between them and the minorities. That policy created discrimination instead. Obviously, that policy also created the corrupt culture which ultimately led to kleptocracy.
Now, what will his reasons be? Gain the bumis’ support? Empowering them more? Towards what end?
Caripasal: A bankrupt nation would have saved Malaysia in the long run. If Mahathir continues with all these racial policies, it is better for kleptocrat to remain in power.
Only a bankrupt nation can change the mindset of the Malays, making them realise that privileges and ‘tongkat’ (crutches) are not the prerequisites for their development.
To the non-Malays, it does not really matter if the country is prosperous or otherwise, as they will not enjoy any benefit under a racist government anyway. It is therefore better for the kleptocrat to rule until the country is bankrupt for the Malays to open their eyes and change their mindset.
VP Biden: A thief will not raise his hand to acknowledge thievery. Nobody and no party in Harapan had raised their hands when they were chipping away support from BN. And here comes an egoistic party and its head crook trying to take credit for the victory.
The only victory you can claim is derailing the reform agenda needed and your inability to counter the fear-mongering of the opposition for your and your parties’ benefit.
Anonymous #83834503: I cannot fathom the degree of hate some people perpetuate. I have been aware of Malaysian politics since I learnt to read, been through good and tough times caused by good and bad politicians, been through governments helmed by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman to date.
I am a Christian, non-Malay, non-Muslim and non-bumiputera. I am in agreement that without Mahathir’s assistance the recent elections would have no doubt gone the other way.
Give credit to the man now that the opportunity for change has come. The voters gave incredible support when we needed him, we waited for him to be declared PM the night of the election, we gave thanks when he was finally sworn in.
What’s with you people and the poison that you spit out?
Roger 5201: Mahathir said part of the reason why Bersatu was able to secure Malay support was that it is a bumiputera party. Does bumiputera include East Malaysians Christians?
Is Bersatu going to perpetuate ‘ketuanan Melayu’ or champion ‘ketuanan Malaysia’?
Across the Straits: Mahathir, you certainly played your part. No doubt about it. But all the groundwork was done by many others over the past 20 years. Don’t forget that.
Still, you will be voted out if you can’t do the right thing.
– M’kini

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