
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 25, 2019

Don't pander to the killjoys' sense of offence

No one expected Malaysia Baru to be formed overnight, but at times it appears that to take two steps forwards, one must take ten steps backwards.
Racism is still around. Politicians pander to the bigots, because their votes are still needed. Those who make the most noise and threaten violence get immediate attention. As before, the moderates appear to be consumed by apathy and stay silent.
Both mainstream and alternative media are acutely aware that to attract the wrong sort of attention from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) risks severe penalties.
The saddest loss is, naturally, to our freedom of expression, but this right is one you must staunchly protect and uphold. Below is my A-to-Z list of political sensitivities gone mad. You probably have more to add to my list.
Altantuya Shaariibuu. The Mongolian model and translator was murdered in 2006. The current trial means that my lips are sealed. I have enough unpublished opinion pieces about her, and the people linked to her, to fill a few folders.
Blood. Who would work for a party or company, when the boss's wife, or husband, or son, or daughter, is on the payroll? The creative and most talented applicants will shy away, because they know they do not stand a chance against "family". Remember the axiom, "blood is thicker than water"?
Crosses: The phobia of the cross has been manufactured by certain politicians, who are desperate to play the religious card, to tug at the heartstrings of the Malays. Easter is approaching, and hot cross buns have been taken off the menu.
Datuks. Every week, one Datuk or another, has been exposed for corruption. Is there no screening of potential award recipients? Fallen datuks speak volumes about the selection process.
Extremists. Before the 14th general election (GE14), extremists in prison were deradicalised by the controversial and conservative preacher, Zamihan Mat Zin. Is he still in charge of the deradicalisation process, after GE14?
Fallacy: Pakatan Harapan is a disappointment! There is the fallacy of tainted Umno-Baru leaders being reformed, just because they have joined Harapan.
Government workers. When will Harapan trim the number of people who work in the civil service and send the rest on refresher courses? Less is more. Quality is preferable to quantity.
Hypocrisy. Some Malay leaders organised a rally against the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd). They claimed that Malay rights, which are enshrined in the constitution, would be eroded, if the Malaysian government ratified the Icerd treaty. The hypocrisy speaks volumes about them. They were silent about the Malays in top positions, in Tabung Haji, Mara and Felda, who stole from other Malays, the majority of whom are poor.
Integrity. Many Malaysians have lost the art of doing things with integrity in their personal, public, professional and political lives. The values which we once held dear need to be restored. Integrity starts at home. Do you have integrity?
Jakim. The Department Of Islamic Development (Jakim) should be disbanded, but few politicians would call for it to be shut down, because it would be like committing political suicide. Few Malaysians dare to speak out against an organisation which is like a hydra. Jakim controls the lives of Malaysians, in more ways than one, but things probably need to get worse, before Jakim can be brought to its knees.
Ku Nan. Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor once said that to declare his assets would encourage kidnappers to target his family. He claimed that his wealth was derived from his business acumen. We now know that this was not the case.
Lock-up uniforms. Those who have been arrested by the MACC must wear the standard-issue orange lock-up uniforms. So why have people like former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and wife Rosmah Mansor not been issued with these standard-issue uniforms? The smell of hypocrisy stinks.
Malays. They are both the problem and the solution to many self-manufactured Malaysian woes. Their sense of feudalism and fatalism are strong. The Malays, with their crab mentality, cannot bear to see another Malay succeed. Many would rather watch a film than read the book on which the film was based. Umno-Baru found the perfect formula to hang onto power. Cripple the Malay mind, make him dependent on government handouts, and they will have a loyal slave for life.
National Unity. It can happen in Malaysia, but only if our politicians and civil servants act with integrity. Stop doing things for money or prestige. Listen to your electorate and communicate properly. Serve the public, and not yourselves. Fear God, and not fear a loss of your status and wealth. Practise humility, not arrogance. Be accountable for your actions and take responsibility, instead of shifting the blame.
Orang Asli. The original people of Malaysia, are treated as if they have to be grateful to be allowed to live in squalor and without any dignity. Shameful!
Prime-Minister-in-Waiting. The minute someone has ambition to be a prime-minister-in-waiting, he presents himself as a target for ridicule. A lame duck.
Quislings. Najib and the people who stole from the rakyat acted against the country when they allegedly enriched themselves. They are traitors, and their punishment should be expedited quickly and firmly, as a lesson to others.
Rhetoric. Do not be mesmerised by the sweet talk, fancy jargon and name-dropping of the politicians. Quiz them. Demand answers. Demand accountability. Demand that they act, and not just talk.
Sex Education. For decades, we have talked endlessly about having sex education in schools. This Harapan government is no different. By the time a decision is made, several thousand babies will have been dumped in drains, rubbish tips, outside mosques, down the potty, or incinerated. A condom would help, but some people think this would encourage free sex.
Tabung Haji. It is not the Chinese, or the Christians, or the communists, who tricked and stole from the Malays. The ones who took the poor Malays’ money and then used it to enrich themselves, are Malay. Where are the Malay protest groups rallying against Malays who steal from other Malays?
Ulama. A battle is being waged for the control of the Malay mind. The usual manipulators are the ulama, the royals and politicians. Of these three groups, the ulama has the upper hand, because they claim to represent God's interests. They can read the Quran from cover to cover, and warn the peasants that to ignore them will mean a fast track to hell. Least said about the royals, the better. The politicians' best tactic is to sway public opinion, by using religion and the royals. 
Vacuum. Malaysians (both Malays and non-Malays) have been brainwashed and hence fail to grasp the fact that there are already some capable Malaysians who can lead Malaysia as prime minister. They may not be of the right religion, race, or even sex. It is time to think out of the box.
Wannabes. They cause more harm with their wannabe tendencies, like the wannabe former MP of Port Dickson, who was more loyal to his party leader, than to the electorate who elected him. Or the wannabe prime minister-in-waiting who cannot discipline his own party and has ambitions to lead Malaysia.
Yes men. They are like boils. They pop up where they are not wanted, whether in Umno-Baru/BN or Harapan. They isolate the politician from the public. They guard all access to their boss. They scrutinise his mail and calls. They tell him what he wants to hear. Get rid of them.
Zakir Naik is wanted for extradition to India. Our authorities do not think the preacher is a danger to our society. The rakyat does not agree.

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). BlogTwitter. - Mkini

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