
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 21, 2019

Is Kit Siang Trying To Kill Ngeh And Nga?

The Kelantan EXCO had rejected the logging concession application by the DAP cousins from Perak. Husam Musa, however, forged the EXCO papers and got Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz Nik Mat to sign the papers approving the logging concession to Ngeh and Nga. That was the reason why Husam was dropped as the MB-in-waiting and declared persona non grata in the Kelantan palace.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Will Hadi Awang advise Kelantan to take better care of the Orang Asli, asks Kit Siang

(The Star, 20 January 2019) – Lim Kit Siang wants to know if PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang will advise Kelantan to give better recognition to Orang Asli rights.
This was after the PAS president questioned the timing of Putrajaya’s civil suit against the Kelantan state government, seeking legal recognition of the native land rights of the Temiar tribe in Pos Simpor.
Abdul Hadi had asked why the suit was made during the Cameron Highlands by-election campaign period.

Is Kit Siang really concerned about the Orang Asli or is he trying to kill the DAP cousins from Perak?

Lim said the answers Hadi was looking for had already been provided by two notable figures.
“Will Hadi advise the PAS-led Kelantan government to carry out its constitutional and legal duty to protect the well-being of the rights and interests of the Orang Asli there?” asked the Iskandar Puteri MP.
Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh had said that Putrajaya’s decision to file a civil suit was a “last resort” to resolve the long-standing problem concerning Orang Asli land in Kelantan.
The 12-term MP claimed that the Temiar people in Pos Simpor had a long-standing claim over land, but were ignored by the state government.
Tengku Razaleigh said the Orang Asli were defending their land and should be accorded respect.

Kelantan land to DAP’s Ngeh and Nga to stay

(Berita Daily, 29 March 2018) – The PAS-led Kelantan government will not rescind the contract on the award of a 10,000-acre piece of land in Gua Musang to two Perak DAP leaders despite the fallout between the two political parties.
Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar Abdullah said the land deal involving the Kelantan Islamic Foundation was strictly a business transaction and had nothing to do with politics.
“Although PAS severed ties with DAP, it does not mean we will go for a tit-for- tat move to seize the land from the directors of Upayapadu Plantation Sdn Bhd. In this case it is revenue for the state and nothing will be done to rescind it.
“It is just good business despite speculation that it is appropriate for the land to be taken back as a move to punish the DAP leaders,” he said when contacted here today.

Husam Musa forged the EXCO papers and got the MB to sign the approval of the logging concession to the DAP cousins from Perak

He was asked to comment on the land deal between the foundation and Upayapadu Plantation, whose directors are Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham and his cousin and Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming.
News reports alleged that they were given the land as kickback from PAS for allowing PAS to take the Perak menteri besar’s post after the 12th general elections in 2008.
However, Ngeh denied news reports which claimed that Upayapadu Plantation has been logging for timber on the piece of land, which Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmakers alleged had been corruptly awarded to the firm.

DAP never showed concern for the Orang Asli in Gua Musang before this

The Beruas MP clarified in a statement that the firm was instead involved in a reforestation project that was previously encouraged and supported by both the Kelantan state and federal governments.
He said Upayapadu Plantation has not taken out any single log from the land it has undertaken to do reforestation since he and some investors took over the company.
Ngeh claimed that the news reports were a lie, saying the pictures published in the newspapers showing timber being carted out of the land had likely been taken from elsewhere.

This is Gua Musang and DAP leaders are also involved in logging there

He said that contrary to the reports, he and other investors in Upayapadu Plantation were merely carrying out reforestation to help ensure sufficient, sustainable timber supply for the future.
Ngeh also denied that the reforestation project would affect the livelihood of the Orang Asli, claiming that none of the indigenous tribes live on the said land.
Mohd Amar also denied that the contract award was part of a deal to let a PAS representative be sworn in as the Perak menteri besar then.

To the Chinese loggers, this translates to money

1 comment:

  1. Rpk is irrelevant and he us a fugutive. As simple as that.


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