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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Security Update Middle East, Plus

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January 2, 2019

The Wall Street Journal: Powerful Antitank Missiles Put U.S. Forces In Middle East At Risk

“An upgraded class of high-powered weaponry has flooded the battlefields of the Middle East, threatening even the most sophisticated battle tanks and highlighting a gap in U.S. military preparedness. The weapons—antitank guided missiles, or ATGMs—were first developed decades ago, but recent years have brought advances in their technology, ease of use and availability on the battlefield, making them a fearsome and little-acknowledged threat to U.S. troops. The proliferation is largely the result of efforts of powers such as the U.S., Russia and Iran to arm and train proxy fighters, including by sending them antitank missiles along with other weaponry. 

OSTB : The crows are coming home to roost.

The New York Times: Taliban Attacks In Northern Afghanistan Kill 27 Security Officers

“At least 27 members of security forces in northern Afghanistan were killed by the Taliban in a series of coordinated attacks on Tuesday, officials said, and dozens of others were wounded. The deadliest violence took place in Sar-i-Pul Province, where the Taliban attacked Afghan security forces in three areas, killing a total of 21 people, officials said. 

OSTB : The problem is from inside Pakistan. 

The Washington Post: If We Ease Pressure On The Islamic State, We Could Be Attacked Again

“We were both deeply involved in our nation’s fight against al-Qaeda and its early fight against the Islamic State, and we both believe it is imperative that President Trump remember what we consider to be the most important lesson of counterterrorism — the ability of a terrorist group to quickly regenerate if the pressure on it is reduced. The pattern is clear: If we do not keep the pressure on the Islamic State and other groups, we believe we will again face a threat to our homeland. 

OSTB : The ISIS has been defeated in Syria by the Kurdish people, assisted by Russian air power.  In Iraq the ISIS has been kept in check by Iran - something which they can do at will. 

The Washington Post: British Police Treating Stabbing Attack At Manchester Train Station As Terrorism

“Police in the northwestern English city of Manchester said Tuesday that a stabbing attack at the train station overnight is being treated as terrorism. On New Year’s Eve shortly before 9 p.m., a man wielding a knife attacked a couple in their 50s and a police officer at Manchester’s Victoria Station. Officers tackled the suspect, a 25-year-old man, who was arrested at the scene. The couple sustained “serious” injuries and are recovering in a hospital, police said. The officer stabbed in the shoulder while subduing the suspect was released from hospital Tuesday. 

OSTB : The crows have come home to roost again. Home bred crows.

The Washington Post: Fake-Porn Videos Are Being Weaponized To Harass And Humiliate Women: ‘Everybody Is A Potential Target’

“Airbrushing and Photoshop long ago opened photos to easy manipulation. Now, videos are becoming just as vulnerable to fakes that look deceptively real. Supercharged by powerful and widely available artificial-intelligence software developed by Google, these lifelike “deepfake” videos have quickly multiplied across the Internet, blurring the line between truth and lie. But the videos have also been weaponized disproportionately against women, representing a new and degrading means of humiliation, harassment and abuse. The fakes are explicitly detailed, posted on popular porn sites and increasingly challenging to detect.

OSTB :  People can get extensively tattooed. Complex designs. Or wear medallions on their necks with personalised QPR codes. Then if they appear in 'fake' videos their tattoos and QPR codes can be 'scrutinised'.  Or their absence thereof.  Hey, I am outsyed the box :))

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