
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Reason Why Malaysia Is Cursed

These Muslims have turned their backs on Allah. So, Allah will turn His back on them. Malaysia will no longer be a blessed land like it once was. Malaysia is going to be cursed. And the people living in Malaysia will also be cursed. And the curse will remain until all Muslims in Malaysia unite under Allah.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Malays pride themselves on being the best Muslims in the world. Yes, it may surprise you to know that many Malays feel they are better Muslims than even the Arabs themselves although Islam originally came from the Arabs.
If a Chinese converts to Islam, he or she would be called saudara baru (new brother or new sister) or mualaf(‘mualap’ in Bahasa). Arabs call me Brother Raja, meaning Saudara Raja. Yes, Muslims are all brothers and sisters while Malays are, kononnya, the better example of what a Muslim should be like.

When Muslims fight Muslims the country is cursed

The funny thing is, Malays do not realise that Islam went to China within 100 years of Prophet Muhammad propagating Islam while the Malays were still pagans, Hindus or Buddhists five or six centuries before they ‘met’ Islam. Hence it is the Malays who are the saudara baru or mualaf, not the Chinese.
Nevertheless, in spite of all that pride and arrogance, and the perception that Malays are very learned and better Muslims than any other Muslim anywhere in the world, Malays fail to understand the meaning of la ilaha illallah(there is no god but Allah) even though they utter this phrase every day of their life.
Malays believe there are such things as liberal Muslims, extremist Muslims, fundamentalist Muslims, Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Salafi Muslims, etc. Where in the Qur’an does it say all this? And was Prophet Muhammad a liberal, extremist, fundamentalist, Shia, Sunni, Salafi, or whatever?
Islam just says la ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah. There is only one God, Allah, one Prophet, Muhammad, and one Book, the Qur’an. Why are Muslims creating many Gods, many Prophets and many Books?
And this is what ails the Malays. They have forgotten the oneness of Islam. They have forgotten that all Muslims are saudara. They divide themselves into various categories of Muslims. And yet they claim they are true Muslims, better Muslims than even the Arabs, and claim they hold to the doctrine of la ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah.
The good deeds of a Muslim who breaks his or her siraturahim (brotherhood or friendship) with another Muslim is not accepted by Allah. Hence you can pray, fast, got to Mekah, or donate millions to orphanages and poor people, but as long as you treat a fellow Muslim as the enemy and embrace the kafir (non-believer) as your friend, your good deeds are all for nothing.

Malays fight Malays, but not for Allah or Islam

We see those Muslims from PAS, Amanah, Umno, PKR, PPBM, DAP, PPBB, Warisan, and many more fighting each other. Muslims versus Muslims. And for what? For Allah? No! For power and riches. You need power to get rich and you need to be rich to gain power. Allah has nothing to do with this.

These Muslims have turned their backs on Allah. So, Allah will turn His back on them. Malaysia will no longer be a blessed land like it once was. Malaysia is going to be cursed. And the people living in Malaysia will also be cursed. And the curse will remain until all Muslims in Malaysia unite under Allah.
If you want to live in a truly Islamic system, come live in the UK. Avoid all so-called Muslim countries at all cost, Malaysia included.

1 comment:

  1. What Ayatollah RPK has spoken carry some weight.... Muslims would unite if they are the minority....once they are in control, they would fight among themselves to exert power....


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