
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, January 11, 2019

Yoursay: Back to square one on Sedition Act

YOURSAY | ‘It’s confirmed now, we are living in the New Old Malaysia.’
TCM: The serendipitous crash of the comments section in Malaysiakini came as a blessing in disguise.
Some who would otherwise have made negative comments on the sudden resignationof Sultan Muhammad V as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong could have gotten themselves in serious trouble.
Mockery is not constructive. What does one gain out of it?
Let's not resort to insults. At most, it gets a few laughs from your friends, but sometimes when things get tough, you may rough it out alone.
AnonyMas: Freedom of speech comes with responsibility. Especially in a multi-religious and multiracial country like Malaysia.
Speeches used to antagonise, incite or insult others should be avoided. Malaysians must use this freedom wisely.
Lovemalaysia2: Unless those who allegedly insulted the royal institution, incited violence or uttered a death threat, then the authorities should just let it be.
But even then, this is not sedition, but incitement, and should be treated as such.
Quigonbond: This is so silly. They have apologised. We should develop a more tolerant society. Catch and release them with a warning, please.
Authorities should instead go after repeat offenders, like Perkasa leader Ibrahim Ali and Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Md Yunos instead.
Touche: What is the definition of sedition? Are all remarks against the royal institution seditious? Is there any threat of violence arising from such insults?
What about threats from extremists like Jaringan Melayu Malaysia president Azwanddin Hamzah and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang? Aren't these threats seditious?
Anonymous_1534239867: I believe the three have already been sentenced for their indiscretions by being sacked from their jobs. That should be a hard lesson learned and punishment enough.
Being probed and most probably charged under the Sedition Act is too much.
Mechi: Indeed, the three alleged offenders have suffered enough, give them a break. Police need to prioritise reducing crime first and foremost, including those inciting racial hatred.
By my estimation, the police force has improved from the time of former inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar. But it is still below par.
Ubi-Wan Keledek: Sedition, sedition, sedition. When is Pakatan Harapan going to abolish those oppressive laws they once hated so much, as it promised to do in its election manifesto?
ChuenTick: It’s confirmed now, we are living in the New Old Malaysia. The Sedition Act is alive and thriving.
Harapan has let the rakyat down, at least those who voted for an agenda of change. The way I see it, if Umno and PAS were in power, things wouldn’t be much different from what they are now.
G-Sam: Yes, Malaysia hasn’t changed all that much since the last general election. Those in power are still so fragile. If they cannot take criticism, perhaps don't be a leader.
Every single Malaysian must be able to voice out against anyone without fear of being dragged to jail.
Kahlil Gibran: Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is slowly reverting to his old self. He needs laws like the Sedition Act to give him absolute control.
There is no reformist agenda in the Harapan government. We knew this would happen. Say goodbye to democracy.
Chokstone: This is a setback for the Harapan government. When you charge people for just making remarks on their own social media accounts, it certainly is an act of persecution in a civilised society.
This is proof that we remain in a backward and uncivilised country even after the change of government. What a shame.
NNFC: We should be moving towards creating a society where all are looking for betterment. We should subject ourselves to constructive criticism. That is the best way to see our own mistakes and improve ourselves.
Wee: And so, begins the reign of BN 2.0.
OMG: Medicine is justifiably regarded as one of the noblest professions. Today, practising doctors take up to 25 years through school, medical college, housemanship, required government service and professional specialist training before practising.
After all those arduous years of study and training, would this doctor with the Mediviron Group of Clinics easily throw away all that sacrifice and struggle and quit his job? No.
Tremendous pressure must have been brought to bear to force him to quit. They say it was due to his comments that smacked of lèse-majesté.
Let us be clear – none of the royals demanded this. Then who? What is this disease that, like a deadly virus, has infected so many of us, and that now requires this doctor – without any accusation or charges being levelled against him, without the presumption of innocence, without due process in a court of law and the opportunity and means to defend himself – to quit his job?
Yes, I know, after a breathing spell, after things have quietened down, the good doctor can use his connections and get another job.
The sedition law is the bedrock of Malaysia on which, alas, some still believe everything rests. If this bedrock shatters, they believe, we'll be finished. But will we really?
If you ask yourself these questions, then you wonder what New Malaysia is about.
Malaysian-United: How is it possible for a doctor, or anyone for that matter, to resign from his or her job over some comments made on social media? Who pressured this doctor to tender his resignation?
So, in this so-called New Malaysia, we are not allowed to express our opinion in our personal capacity? The issue seems to have been blown out of proportion.
The most the medical group should have done was to advise him against making comments that could be deemed sensitive to certain parties. What he does in his personal capacity is his business.
Quigonbond: Yes, I find it utterly shocking that companies whose employees have posted adverse comments on royalty have resorted to firing or pressuring their employees to quit, even after some tender their apologies.
Firstly, is this what the royals want? Secondly, is this what Harapan government wants for Malaysia's future?
The punishment is clearly out of proportion with the misdemeanour being committed. Why are these companies pandering to the radical racial and religious voices in this country when these parties have been defeated in a general election?
Right thinking members of the public should boycott these companies instead. And the employees should sue for wrongful/constructive dismissal.
If we are to give meaning to freedom of expression, we must believe that the public has the capacity to self-regulate.
For the comments made that are considered to be in poor taste, the reaction from the public has been swift. Doesn't that show Malaysians care not to have abhorrent comments?
And by so showing, isn't that enough to preserve public order? Why then the need for outsized punishment?
Take Australian politician Pauline Hanson. She was a radical voice ahead of her time to be anti-immigrant and outright racist. Her views were largely rejected by Australians. She was able to say whatever she cared to say, but her bile never found traction.
To me, that was democracy at work. - Mkini

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