
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Yoursay: Melayu Baru needed to help usher in M’sia Baru

YOURSAY | ‘Make sure Malays are not left out. And make sure non-Malays are also not left out.’
Vijay47: On his evaluation of Bersatu's role in dissipating the Najib Abdul Razak and Umno powerhouses, I agree with PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad all the way.
His fledgling party may not have been strong enough to take on and vanquish the full might of Umno, but Bersatu played its part well, and along with its comrades in Pakatan Harapan, it served by causing attrition within the enemy, drawing crucial support away from the incumbents and allowing the DAP Raptors and PKR Sukhois to swoop in to blast hostile forces off the map.
Who knows, maybe without Bersatu, DAP and PKR would still have fared better but even the most optimistic would not have expected Harapan to actually form the government.
The reality of politics is that after generations of being mollycoddled and spoon-fed, the Malays cannot recognise sweat and strive. It is only to be expected that they would continue to be dependent on their only source of the easy life, Umno.
It is in watering down this reliance for Najib that Mahathir wrought his greatest success.
Unfortunately and ironically, the very favoured treatment Malays have always enjoyed to our contempt has made them remain scared and feel threatened, an affliction that cannot be overcome overnight.
While acknowledging this, Mahathir has already started the revolution, with two once-unthinkables, Lim Guan Eng as finance minister and Tommy Thomas as attorney-general.
The Wakandan: Yes, what Mahathir says is true.
Two things - (1) the Bersatu factor won us the GE14, which swung some of the Malay votes to Harapan, just barely enough though. (2) The Malays desperately need to change their value system - be self-reliant, strive hard so that they can (boleh) be successful like anyone who does so.
No 2 is mind boggling though and can never be achieved, simply because there is no political will by Malay leaders to be the leaders to make it happens. Its negative effect leads to a divided Malays nation into the rich elites and the poor common Malays on the streets, kampungs and farms.
The formers are a selfish group looking at their own interest and privileges, while the latter are angry lots having an entitlement mentality and looking at the former, they think they have not been given enough.
Looking at all that, it is just a ridiculous policy. This is where Harapan must come in, take this opportunity to set thing right.
Thus, when Harapan seems to roll back to the easy well-trodden path of Umno/BN, it so disappoints the voters who wanted changes and reforms.
Mission Accomplished: The writing was already on the wall - the fall of Umno/BN kleptocracy. Tun (Mahathir), you only embossed the letters clearer for the ignorant and naive to see... maybe, that effort of yours made Harapan crossed the line more comfortably.
We salute your contribution to save Malaysia. Now justified your re-emergence as head of the nation your main responsibility is making Malaysia free of racism and bigotry - Malaysia for all Malaysians in a rainbow country without prejudice.
Cogito Ergo Sum: We can’t deny that Tun was the tipping factor that gave the people the confidence to vote out Harapan.
And there is merit in what he says that the Malays feel threatened by multiracial parties. This has been drummed into the Malay community by years of propaganda by Umno that the other races will usurp their power.
But now that the battle is over, it is time to correct this misconception. And Tun is in a pivotal position to change that perception. And the hope is that he starts it before he steps down.
And he must remember that he is the PM of all Malaysians. What he sows today will be reaped by generations to come.
Lionheart: We give credit to where credit is due. I kowtow to Tun for his great deed, but who is Tun without other Harapan component parties.
Your cabinet line-up is much to debate about. Just to debate for the sake of debate - why appoint Maszlee Malik and Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman as education minister and youth and sports minister respectively?
I am not disputing their potentials. What credentials have they on the table when you (Tun) appointed them? Let me hit you between the eyes – it was because Maszlee is a Bersatu and the latter knew how to respect/‘bodeh’ you.
Why Tun, you complained of underperformance when you have this class of inexperienced ministers? What else do you expect? A grade C student to score grade A marks?
Anonymous 2436471476414726: I agree. However, Tun M, Bersatu should not flex its muscle to the discomfort of its Harapan partners who won more seats in Parliament.
Bersatu has been well-rewarded in terms of cabinet posts even though it is a junior partner. Bersatu must be sincere and ensure the transfer of the premiership within the stipulated time frame as agreed by the Harapan presidential council.
1 Malaysian Dunggu Boy: The Malays are not racist. I have many Malay friends. Indeed, racism is in almost all of us.
The Malays, those who have been depended on government assistance, fear of losing that privilege.
If the education system was not messed up, no thanks to Mahathir and Anwar when they were education minister, the Malays would not feel inferior and afraid.
Mahathir should look at the mirror - the answer is right in front of him.
Drngsc: Tun’s argument is severely flawed, almost as badly flawed as his genetics in ‘Malay Dilemma’. Somehow, he likes to twist facts to suit his narrative.
Has he ever considered that without the solid non-Malay support, Bersatu alone would have gone nowhere? People with 13 seats should not talk big.
However, I apologise. We must not talk or think like that. Together, we achieve victory for a new Malaysia, Similarly, we wish that Harapan government will be a government for all Malaysians, and not divide us by race.
We all contributed and we all should therefore be treated equally. We only wish that since Bersatu wishes to take care of Malays, please change the Malay mindset and turn them into Melayu Baru, to help us usher in Malaysia Baru.
While you take care of Malays, please bring about need-based policies, and not race-based ones. Make sure that Malays are not left out. Similarly, make sure that non-Malays are also not left out.
No Fear Nor Favour: Tun, be modest in victory. Self-praise is no praise. It’s the rakyat, and not Bersatu, that brought about the downfall of Najib.
And they can bring about another change if Bersatu failed to perform.
Quo Vadis: All said and done, the tenacity, relentless perseverance, untiring commitment for regime change by Mahathir, the reconciliation wrought among hitherto bitter political adversaries, provided the drive, the impetus, the leadership for Harapan's success in bringing about radical regime change peacefully, decisively, without violence.
History will record this massive overwhelming achievement. - Mkini

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